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A oíd son' of John Welch, of Plpestone, BeiTien county. from the effeets of swallowin of glas. Business men and othcr residents of Colonia have. organized a com cial club to work for the interests i f the village. The Charlotte Republican says that petitions for divorce are coming to the county clerk fastej: in that county than are applieations for lic aarry. A niuiiber of Borneo tnen have fonned .■!!! agricultura) will puTehase land for a í and fair grounds with the ide holding a fair tais fall. Ai; i i ] aviil Lovelí Vlaple Ridge, Delta county, struck by a n lin while w i the track near Lathrop an mangled. Death resulted in lílillii A committee of the co at Fenton is investígate oí municipal ownership of eli lights, with the dea of the vülage acquiring control of the pi i now supplies light for tlie su The Ottawa Cm:; ciation is doing & good woii in fhat county 'of a kind wliich it wóuld be well for other counties all over the state lo copy. It has aroused public interest in tree planting and tree saving to the extent of organized effori in each of the townships. The associatlon will hold its annual meeting al Grand Haven on Tuesday next. The quoistion of whether or not Fenton is io have a fair this year resta with the business men of the town. In former years.they have not saown much interest in the annual fairs, with the result that the agricultura] society has fallen behind, and at the annual meeting of the society recently the following ultimatum was issued: "If the 'business firms of B'enton are not suffieiently interested in the fair to lend their encouragement by making exhibits the offlers will throw up the sponge at once." In former years Iron Mountain has : leen greatly bothered by hordes of trampa seeking shelter at the expense of the putolic treasury. The shelter was given in the form of a short term in the city lockup on a charge of vagraney, and the word was passed along i to others of the fraterniiy, and tnus the city became knoi'n as a "good : thing." This year, however, trampa ] are very soarce there lecause of the fact that now all such gentry are ! given one hour to get out of town, ' with the alternativo of living en bread and water in jail, instead of being fed ■ on substantial fare, as was the case ' befare. _ i


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Ann Arbor Democrat