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In And About The City

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If youwant to buy, sell or trade use the local columusof the Democrat. Mrs. Daniel Seyler, of Lodi, is on the sick list. Mina B. Jacobs has removed lier art studio to rcoms over 12] S. Main street Tlie Michigan Fumiture eompany lias reduced tlie wages of its employés 10 per cent. William Schoeneraan, of the ATgo Mills, is assisting at the Central Mills for a short time. Miss Blanch Doan, oí Densvllle, Micli., is vislting lier brotlier, James W. Doan, the Northside barber. Mrs. Anna Dreyer has been conilned to the house for severa! weeks througn siekness. She is slightly better now. 'Miss M. l.oi.'ke, who has been tin guest of Miss Adda Sboens fOT the past week, lift for Detroit Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Nedthammer, of 1549 Broadw.-iy. leaves Saturday ', spead a few weeks with Her sister :: En dalr, Mieh. Olover Ceal englnes 38 and 2'.i froni Toledo were sent over the Aun Albor road Wednesday t help out iii-u road in a. temporary rush. Hoctoein & Krause, plumbers, :',V.) S. Main, lia ve dissolved pai'tuersWp. Win. Hocbrein, the senior partner, will continué the busini Lansing Kepubliean: - Flora Kichárdson entertained very pleasantly Wednesday evening in honor of liolici't Ijion ol' Aun A; Tlie Michigan erop report issued "Wodnesday says that the prevailing opinión of correspondents is that Mheat has not been damaged. Mrs. Simderland is arrangiug at au e.'rly date to give an euteTtaiinnent in liigh school hall for the benefit of the V. S. Perry memorial fund. Miss Clara Jacobs will give a recital at high school hall Thursday evening, February 24, for tlv benefit of tlie high school oratorical tion. The High School Students' ('iiristian association has pvesented tüe high school library wlth a large framed photograph of the late Supt. W. S. Terry. The estimated carnings cC Uu Aim Arbor for the ürst week of February wera $25,492.43. Thts statement would indícate au inerease of $2,42.V G3 over the corresponding period of 1897. Married, Wednesday mornlng at the M, E. parsonage, Mr. Daniel L. Kaymond, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Lucy L. Shadford, of Aun Arbor, were ■united in marrlage by Ber. B. L. McElroy. ■Captain Contelius (Jardener, of the 19th Regiment U. S. Infantry, kas accepted the invitation to be present lli Ann Afbor April 11 to attend tiie grand inspection and military bo given by Company A, M. N. G. C. T. Parshall, tree trimmer, brought :i plum tree, measuriug seven feet an;l four luches, one year old, taken from the orchard of John Schneider, jr., on S. Main street. This is evidence that Mr. Schueider takes good care of hls fruit trees. It is worthy of note that the raonkeyback rider is becomlng less and less prevalent on the public roads. For the racing man the extreme stoopert position ia probably necessary, bot for him that rides for pleasure it is not only injurious, but foolish. George Spathelf had a fine grey eagle sent him from the northern part -f the state. He has it in the show wmdow of his store and gaya it can eat apound of meat at a meal. (ieorge bas anothcr curiosity- a largo cat with a pink coat. The cat is lazy and spends most of the day asle.?n. The Woodmen gave .1 nother very pleasant dance at their rooms Wwlnts3ay night. A good-slzed crwwd was present and to the perfect music of the Chequamegons dancing wus kept up until 1 a. m. Tlie Royal Nelghbors Pi-ovided supper in an adjolning room. Our enterprising business men continue improving the appeararice of their store fronts. The new front and tile floor in the t-nt ranee of George GoodTicb's millinery store, No. 113 s. Mala street, is yery attracrive, aad should induce vother business men to S aad do ttkejwise. The entertainment, wiiicli was (o have been glven by the HIgli School Athlotic asaociatiou next Saturday evening, has beeu postponed uutil February 25. Mts. E. C. Goddard, w'o luis had charge of the elas? in irgil at the high school f:r the past few nioutlis, wlll continue to teach the class antil the end of the year. E. J. Helber, of this city, ene of tho commlssioners appolnted by Gov. Pingree to receive coinribuuons for the Cufoans, has wrltten the foliowmg letter to Ctoairman Alian Sheldor.: "Inclosed please iind check for $50, being the flrst contribution from the generous, philanthropic and christjaTQ people of this city. The contributions caime very argely froni the poor and middle classes, from politieians, business men and farmers. One young glrl contributed 5Ü cents whleh she had saved by denying herself the attendance of a theatre. I have also soine clothing 011 hand which I will send later. Out niillcr.s, Allnicndinger & Schnelder, and Mr. Keyer, have gencious'iy promised to forward quauiities of flour. There is a strong Cuban sentiment here, and the action of our govemment in withholding aid from Cuba is very severely condemned even by conservative business men." The following persons leave for Jackson this afternoon to altend the State Y. M. C. A. convention: K. L. Flymn, F. L. Davis, E. Field, Win. Goodyear, H. B. Godfrey, 10. C. Krapf, 10. B. Stewart, C. C. Kerr, E. B. Caldwell, C. W. WagneT, E. S. Gilmore, G. !. Stimson and V. H. Lane. Freddie Daly, who is to sing at the conv i' t ion, goes tonight. Mts. Goodyear, Mrs. Wetinii-e, Mrs. llowiett and Mrs. Obert are also in the party as membeTS of the local Women's Auxiliary. The Amerlean Intercollegiau will appear next week. It is a magazine of 140 pages of good crisp reading matter. Among those who have coiuril;uted are: Goveriior Ptngree, Vaughan, Prof. ;r. C. Knowlton and Mrs. Eliza R. Sunderland. The magazine will be published QuaTterly and is Intended to exprese the actual life and thought of l'niveisity life. The magazine is under tlie supervisión of uu advisary board ui' five senior professors and several graduales of tlie University.


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Ann Arbor Democrat