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Tlu-re are tliree periods in all life - the time of the bud, of the flower and of the perfect fruit. lt is thus that girlhood enn rges into womanhood and womanhood into motherhood. Almost all of the illa froni which women suffer have their inception in weakuess and disease of the femininc organism, which bears the burdens of wifehood and motherhood. These disorders usually begin with puberty, childbirth or with the " turn of life:" Thousands of women suffer silently for years in this way, rather thau undergo the examinations and local treatment insisted upon by the majority of physiciaus. This is unnecessary. An eminent and skillful specialist, Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physiciau to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. at Buffalo, N. Y., long sinee discovered .1 wonderfnl medicine that will cure all troubles of this nature in the privacy of the home. This medicine is known as Dr. Pierce's Kavorite Prescription. It acts directly 011 the delicate and imporant orgaus that malee wifehood and motherhood possible. It makes thera strong, healthy and vigorous. It allays inllammatioii, hêals ulceration, soothes pain and iones up the nerves. It banishes the indispositious of the period of impendingmaternity. and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It transforms weak, sickly, nervous invalids into happy, healthy wives and mothers. All good medicine dealers sell it, and 110 honest dealer will a substitute upon you. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. iMSCALLfctk f fimERHSV f ♦" THESTYLISHPATTERN." A tistic. Fashionable. Origina!. f Fitting. Prices lOantt 15 cents, r I None hig her. None better at any price. y J Some reüablc merchant selis them ín ? nearly every city or towr. Ask; for T I them, or they can be had by mail from 3 J us ín eíther New Yotfc or CWcíso. Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet 7 I sent upon cece'ipt of onc cent to pa.y U J postage. i MSCALÏS I MAGAZ1NEW BrighteDt ladies' magazine publisñcd. ? I Invaluable for the home. Fasfcions of n the day Home Literature, Household ) Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, 7 Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, 3 . cludinga i'ree pattern, your own " ? tion any time. Send tyo 2ent ctamjs 'Í I for sample copy. Address R : ---■ THE McCALL COMPANY, z 142-146 West I4th Street, New Yu:k. A l ' 139 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. 2 Business Directory. LEHMAN BEOS. & ST1VERS. Attorneys at aw, Boom 4. Savine's Bank Block, Aun Arbor, Miel). General Law Practico; also loans, collectious and eonveyanclng. WANTED- Trustwortliy and active seutlcmenor ladiesto travel for responsible established house in Michigan. Monthly $8í.OO and expenses. I'osition steady. Eeferences. Endose self-addressed enveiope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago, rpilOMAS D. KEAENEY. Attorney at Law. -L Ann Arbor, Mirh. Office, Hurón Street, opqosRe court house. ENOCH METERLE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calis attended day or ni"iit. Office No. 8 E. Liberty. Phone 129. Kesi denee-75 S. Fourth ave. WM. H. MIIRRAV. Attorney at Law, Aon Arbor Midi. Officie in Uourt House. M.T. CAVANAüGH, Lawyer, Ann Arbor, Míen. Room 1. Savinss bank block. AETHUR BKOWN. Attorney at Law. Office, corner of Fourth Ave and Ann st. JOHN F. LAWRTCNCE, Attorney-at-Law M Oflife. co-nor Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. O M. MARTIN. Funeral Director and lín dertaker. Cloth, metalic and common fofflns. Store! oom, 17 S. Fourth ave. Résidence, córner Liberty and Fifih. 'Phone SI TST W. NICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over T . Ann Arbor Savintís Bank, ODpOsile Üou't House square. VITALIZED AIR admlnistered. It . s agreeable and easvto take and no prostratlng effeets follow. whlle teeth a:rf extractad witliuut pain. HIG ilEST cash price paid for ratre, rubber, Iron and all kiuds of metal. ]f you have inythinjr on hnn ' to disuAse of drop a card to W. LANSKY, 22 and 24 Braodway Ann Arbor, Mich.


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