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HOW'S THlSr We offer One Hunared Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' I P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney for tlie last 15 years, and believe him perfectly in all business tronsaetion? ana fluanciaily qble to carry out any obligations made by their firin. West & Truax, Wholesale Drnggists. Toledo, Ohio. Waia)ng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure 'is taken iuternaily, acting direetly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Trice, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drnggists. Testimoniáis free. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. Notiee is hereby given that Bert E Holmes has sold his interest in the Hurd-Holmes company to J. H. Boyle of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and that the members of the new firm will be known as Earnest Hurd and J. H. Boyle the busmess of the new firm to be carried on at 27 Detroit street, where the HurdHolmes company is now located All accounts due the Hurd-Holmes company are to be paid at the office of the new firm. EARNEST W. HURD, BERT 13. HOLMES. Fiae Coaches and Coupes for Wei üings, Funerals, ete. Both 'phones 10(5HOLMES' LIVERY, ' 2Gtf . 515 E. Liberty st. WE WANT TO KE&IIND YOU Tliat the Ann Arbor Brewing Co.'s Beers are pure and wholesome flrinks. Cali up Phone 101 and order a sample case. DON'T SYV'EAR OFF But malse up your mimi to buy your i-ieats from L. C. Weinmann's unexcelled stock. "A MAN'S WHAT HE EATS " The better the food the better the man who eats it. But only what you know is good and wholesome; that which contains the best nutritive qual'i )Tv:c IOUÓ" i1"," the goüds handled by Davis & Seabolt, Grocers and Bakers up to the standard. ' ' Save Trading Stamps and secure válX Co remÍUmS at Ule Merchants' ?i;PPabst Beer on draft at the Arlingtcn ïï%jsrs? wines and Li JOHN BUENS, Prop. AVANTED-A mi'ddle-aged woman to house for a íamily of flve persons. J. W. Wing, Ann Arbor. Mich. The Trading Stamp business ia still booming. New goods received nearly everj at the Merchants' Supply Co. Diphtheria relievecT in twenty minutes. Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas1 li.clectric Oil. At any drug store THE NEW MILEAGE TICKET. The Michigan Central, "The Niágara Falls Route," will have ou sale at lts ;. principal ticket ofRces on and after' February Ist, the new interchangeable - thousand-mlle ticket issued by tiie Northern Mileage Ticket Bureau. The ticket will be sold for ?30, subject to a rebato of $10, upon eompïl;ince with the conditions under whieh the ticket is issued, and will be good for passage upon any regular. passender train (except lirulted trains) of the Michigan Central. Auu Arbor, C. & V. M., D. G. II. & W., D. & M., V. & P. M., O. R. & I.. Grand Tnuik, h. S. & M. S., M. B. II. & ('., yi. & N. E.. N. Y. C. & St. L., and P. & L. E. rallroad, the Crosby Transfer ('■. and D. & C. Narigatjon Co., upon )'resentatiou to conductor without the exchange ticket now requirod witli the Central Passenger Association intercliangeable mileage ticket. The Michigan Central will continue to accept thousand-mile iuterchau.uvable tickets issued by the Mileage Ticket Bureau of the Central Passengei- Association, sold prior to February Ist, upon compliance by the liolder with the conditions under which said tickets were issued. O. W. RÜG3LBS, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. 28-32. FOR REXT- The farm known as the Eber White farm. Inquire at the M. P. Vogel's meat market on Vf. Huron street gives tsading stamps. Baltimore Oysters in can or bulk received frash every day at Weinmaan's m Special rates on meats for boarding houses at the Northside Meat Market, Special price on 50 pound caDS of pure 'ard at the Northside Meat MaTket. Telepbone 42 - 3 rings. Subscribe for The Democrat. THE IMPRQVED DOnËSTIC ï tho most. perfect Sewinr Machine ever producid. Correct mechanical construction. Elegant and artlstic cabinet work. Latest and best improvcments. Rapid Noiseless Easy Running Handsome Durable Mctchless and incomparable in every detail. Highest Award World's Fair, Chicago. ♦■■' T r i !■.■. 1 Tested for 30 years. I l Nearly 2,000,000 in use. T ♦ .■.♦■■♦■..... .,4 Experience has slionn that the Domestic is the cheapest to buy. It always gives satisfaction, and wül last a lifetime. No other ever equallcd it. No other ever will. The name is a guarantee of superiority. S-Handsome Illustrated Catalogae Free. ■Exclusiva Territory to Active Agents. DOMESTIC S. M. CO. 29 í Wabash Ave., M'CALL'S MAGAZINE and M'CALL BAZAR PATTERNS, These celetirated paper ijattcrns have been favorites with thé. ladies for twenty-eight years; they are illustrated iñ McCall's Magazine. Tiiis magazine also explains and deyicts the la test styles, gives household hints, pietures and stories, and contains tue haudsomest eolored plates that it is possible to produce. All of these features are of intfrest to woraen everywhere. Thousands of pretty gowns and garments are shown, and patterns for the same, furnlslied for 10 or 15 oeuts- none hisher. To every lady who will cut out this advertisement and sond it with $1.30 to this office, this paper and JlcCall's Magazine will eaeh be mailed for one yt-ar, and in addition to this thcre will be sent to ench subscriber a coupon entitling her to one JIcCall Bazar ï'atteru, which she may selecü at any time. Address The Deraocrat. Subscribe for The Deaioctat.


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Ann Arbor Democrat