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ARLINGTON HOTEL! C. A. M1LLA1ÍD, Proprletor. RATES. S2.OO PER DAY. Wasbtenaw County trade especially solicited. Opposlte Court House, ANN ARBOR, . . . MCH. ■ - - - - - - i - i - _____ ____ AGENTS WANTEDTOTSES Plants and Small Fruits PI AU. KINDS. BEST STOCK. BARGAIN PRICES. Vlck's Forest HUI Nurseries, r.nJ llairot DniJ ' Newark, New Jersey. bOOfl WageS raid . August Koch HAS A COMPLETE LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries Good Goods at low prices. Cali and be convinced. Don't forget the uutnber 206 East Washington Street. GO TO MANLEYS CONFECTIONERY AND CAFE FOR Foreign and Domestc Fruits, Fine Confectionaries, Ice Cream, Cigars and Tobaccoes. Fine Meals, - 25 Cents. OPEN DAY AXD XIGHT, MANLEY BROS, PROF. 104 E. Huron St. Telephone, NewState 346. r THIS IS A CHANCE For sorae one wanting: a 11 „ruern house to live in. I will build for anyone wishing: to rent a modern house- will build to suit tenant- ín a grood locality, no better in the city, between ü.of M.and Main st Any one wishing this opportunity cali and see me. Chas. A. Sawer, The Architect and Builder. OFFICE- 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Shop- 512 Packard Street. New State Phone, res., 281; Office. 50. HOW'S THlar We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not bc cured by Hali's Catarrii Cure. F. .1. OHEXEY & OO., rrops., Toledo, Oliio. We, the undersigned. have known K. j I Cheney for the last 15 years, aud believe hlm perfectly in all business tri_setions and iinancially able to carry out any'obligations made by tlu-ir iirm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drngglsts, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Ilali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dlreetly upou the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimoniáis free. D.FOI! SALE- Eggs from EnKlish Ringneck Phoasants. :! ,,,,- s,tti ng of thirteen. When several settings are taken at one time a special rafe Ú 1 ':' Es dellvered alter April J5. Will also exohange Pheasaat eBgs for ood Duck nests. For further int n-mation address A. S. Cooper, Howell MIch., or (ieorge R. Cooper, Ann Pl '■ ■ JuIv 1 I must sell my home, as well as the ïvsr. I own. [nvestlgate ana raak,, an offer tor any part of it. n wil 6e sold tor less than it is worth. ff A. M. CI.ARK. 1 " r.'tí S. División.


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Ann Arbor Democrat