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A Diplomat's Resistless Logic

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(From the New Vork World.) The atudy of the Spanish crisis from the standpoint of the Maine disaster which appeared in The World yesterday was no less reraarkable for its cntents than for the fact that the Ambassador at Washington of une of the greatest powers of Continental Europe had carefully dictatéd and revised! it for The World. it represented real diplom;icy and real government. The Ambassadur flrst discussed what we ought to have done as soon as thtí Maine was blown up: "If one of my country's warships liad met her fate in a European harbor in similar circumstances my govornment would have pursued m entirely different course. The commánder r the port would have been requirèd to show clean hands. Every engine struetion that was liis supervisión would have to be áocounted for." then discussed what Spain ought to have done: "If ;i warship were so destroyed in one of our ports the master of the port would be disgraced. The perpe-trator of the crime woul'J be execnted. and my g-overnment. great and powerful :is it is. would have assured the affllcted nation not only of its sorrovv but would have courageously humbled ittell" for the fault of its recreant subject. This apology would be just as ampio as that made by a pura and upright g-entleman for the dishonorable fonduet of one of hls disloyal sons or servan ts." He next showed what Spain has áctually done: "Captain Sigsbee and his ship were attacked, whether that nttaek carne from Spain or a mere malefactor. Admitting the latter álternátiye, Spain has stootl mute, and like a wolf takes the eonsequences of the villainy of her cub." Finaily, from the standpoint of real dlplomaey and real government he pointed out what" we must. we will do in the ircumslance3: "It is now too late to mjake reparation. And I have advlsed my government that war between the l'nited States and .Spain Is inevitable," Krom btginning ti. end thiís document of the eminent ambais'sáili r and diplomatist was faultless in its logic. lt swepl fri m polnt to point with clearness and irresistible power to the olear and irresistible conclusión. Thi-i ambassador has expressed the public opinión of the whole civllized ■wurld. including the American people, ;very man and every woman of them ■vii.) loves the flag and makes the nacional self-respect aai Inseparable i.irt %t his own self-respect. "The wolf has dellberatély chosen ti take "the consequences of the villainy of her cub!" The Deti-oit papers this momilig publlsh a letter written by Hon. A. J. Sawyer to Governor Pingree in December. 1897, in which Mr. Sawyer eommended Mr. Pingree on his tax reform UU. The letter concludes with the ! articles of belief. "The unexpected grewth and derelbpïnent of corporatlors, the man y flevices and newly discovered ways b which the individual stoi -kholderj are liabled to rob the people and esoape all perosna! liability. th? multiplied methods by whieh the maoagrlng holders are enabled to wreek the corporation and rob, not only tlie public, but the individua1 stockholders; and the eompleie ease and safety with whlch a combinatiai! of corpora tior.s control all the avenues of business, end thereby ruin all oppcsition and set at deiiance both the courts and the government, were undiscovered dangers when the people gr&nted to the legislature the power to créate corporations. "Every patriotic. Hberty-lövlng eitizen; of ordinary inteUlgence, has long seen this approaching danger; but Michigan, like oíd Israel, never hatï but one Moses to lead them up out of boadage. Keep up the flght and rniluona unborn will rlse up and cali your memory blessed."


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