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Property for Sale ! l'artles Havlnü Farm Property or Sale or Excbange Can Ulivo the Same Advertlsed In Thene Columns Free of Charge by Plaolng lt Witt the UnderBlnened. Two-story house In test of repair in good resident district, to exchange for farm. 302. Good farm of 160 aerea in Clare ccunty to exchaage for a 40-acre far.u in Washtenaw county. 500. Fine residence with all modern conveniences in one of the best residencj streets in Ann Arbor to exchange for a good farm. 301. $1,500. 25 acres; farm house cost $1,100. Only three miles from Ann Arbor. 517 30-acre farm, fair buildings, to trade for Ann Arbor property. 516 22-acre farm. Two-story frame house, cost $2,200, barn 16x24, water piped through the house and to barn. Some fruit. ' 515 To trade for Ann Arbor property 40 acres. Brick house. Barn 30x40. Good fences. Five acres to fruit. 514 To trade for Ann Arbor property or smaller farm 225 acres, 60 timber, 4". to grass, 120 plow land. Nine-room house, good barn. 512 Exchange for Ann Arbor property, 40 acres, 5 timber. Fair buildings. Three acres to fruit. Two miles tu postoffice. 511 $1,900. 61 acres, 30 timber. Living water. Will trade for Detroit property of eciual value. 510 To trade for smaller farm. or Ann Arbor city property, 160-acre farm, 10 of timber. Good 13-room house. Tenant house, 36x38 horse barn, 36x40 gram barn, cow barn, creamery, icehouse. Water forced by hydraulic ram to house and barns; also small Btream which waters every field on place. Good sugar orchard 10 rods from house Sugar house well supplied with apparatus. Some fruit on place. 004 $22 per acre. Choice farm. Large 12-room h'ouse, ihree barns and othe;outbuildings. Four miles from railroad station and market. 510 W.H. BUTLER, SZ(Suceessor to Bach & Buttler's, Eeal Estáte and Insurance.) 202 East Huron Street PROBATE ORDER. UTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtek75 naw, SB.- At il session of the Probate Gourtfortne Oounty of Washtenaw, holden in the Probate Office In the City of Arm Arbor, 011 Tuesday, the 22nd day of Mareh in the yeat one thöusand elght hundrcd and nlnety eighi . Present. II. Wlrt Newkirk. ,7u1rc of Probate. Jn the muiter of the estáte of Helen . Reynolds, incompetent. On reading and filinK the petition dulv veritk-d, of Sohn K. Miner, guardián, praylng that he may lic authorlzed to bring an actiou unon the bonds of A. W. Hamilton's former guardián. Thereupon it is ordered, That Monday. the 2öth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. be assipned for the hearing of said petition, and the heirs at law of said Incompetent, and all other persons interested tn sala estáte, John Moorr. Wra. J. Herdman, K'ate M Hale and VV. R. Hamilton as sureties upon said bond arerequired to acpear at a session of said Court,then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the Ann Arbor, and show cause, if iiny there be, why the prayer of the. petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petikionor glve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and -the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and drcalated in said rounty three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. I'. .1. Lehman, II. Wiht Nkwkikk, Probate Register. Judi;e of Probate. (A truc copy). SHERIFF SALE. Notice lö hereby glven that bv virtue of a wrlt of fleri f acias issued out of the circuit Uourt, for the (,'ounty of Washtenaw, in favor of Kred Brown agalnst the goods, shattle and real estáte of ('lay Green, in said ('ounty tome directed and delivered. I did on the lilst day of March, instant, lew upon and talie all the rij;ht, title and interest of lhe said Clay (reen in and to the following described real estáte, that is to say, all of that eertain piece or parcol of land situated and belng In the City of Ann Arbor. Washtenaw ('ounty, Michigan, and described as follows. to-wit: The north torty-eight and two-thirds feet in wldth of lot numuer two in bloch iiinuliiT two north of IhiroQ street, range number flve east according to the rocorded p'atof the village (oow city) of Ann Arbor. all of which 1 shall exposé for sale at 'public auctlon to the highest bidder at the east front door of the Court House, in said (üty of Ann Arbor (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said County i.s held) on Tuesday. the 24th day of May. 1888, ai ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dayLE8TEE CAIÍFIEÍD, AitTiu-H Hrows, .Deputy Sheriff. Attorney for Plaintlff.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat