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oh. those large-heartcd. noble-mlnded Juniors, with minds so far above phillings and pence! How they re'leet the proverbial American abhorrenoe of the almighty dollar! At a recent meeting they ve'ry generously resolví 1 to forget past differences and to invite the Seniors to the reception they are to hold soon. After the matter had been settied and the meeting dissolved, some of them began to reflect upon what an absurd thing they had done after all. By aáking the Seniors they had actually obliged themselves io pay out almost twk-e as much money as would fvrnish an entertainment themselves alone. to think of their reckles-sness and slnful waste of the funds earned by the woat of the class brow they called a special meeting at the very earüest opportutiity and voted to reconsider the question of inviiation. To th.' lasttng sorrow and regrret of the older and muiv prudent members, the reckless sters, who by some plan in the generalij- wlse plan of Providence are in the majorlty, resolved to stand by tht original motion, be the cost what it misht. The l?.test scheme of the flnancial board of the class is to takc up a silver collectlon some morning in chapel among Sophomores, faeultv and Preps. The reception at. the gymnasium Monday evening was very well attended. Besides the students representativos, of the different classes for several years back were present. Dr. Smith was called upon to make a few remarks and he took that occasion to say goodbye to the Normal and the friends he has made while connéeted with it. ExPrincipal Sill and Miss Ruth Hoppin, former preceptress. were present and made short addresses. After the program was concluded severa! of the young people starUd to dance, although from experience in the past they .had reason to believe it would not I lowed. To their great joy Dr. Boone was seen to stoop down and move one of the rugs on the floor, and rightly eoncluding that the powers were propitious, those young nen who had hitherto held back now stsrted on ;i search for partners and in a short time the floor was erowded. Tt is to be hoped that at the receptions which follow, the students may be allowed the same privilege. As a general thin; receptions are not partieularly thrillin given a crowd of young people, music, i good fioór and permisskm to enjoy the goods the gods have provided, and there are very few who do not enjoy themselves. The question which is interesting the student body at present is the oratorical contest tomorrow evening. The contest is always a close one, but this year it promises to be particularly . xciting. Kelly, Videto and Nichols are all strong, forceful speakers and Wilson has developed reeently with the proverbial ' rapidity of a d.irk horse. Among the ladies the honors are hardly iess equally divided. Those who go in for sentiment and the eternal fitness of things are looking forward with great enthusiasm to the appearance of Miss Downing, a sister of the Miss Downing who won last year's contest. Those who are acquainted with the abilities of Miss Mason, Miss Tcdd and Miss McGillis promise, ho.vever, that whoever wins from either of these will have to do unusually brilliant work. The opening exercises of the week held in Normal hall Monday afternoon were both interesting and instructlve. Dr. Putnam read a paper on "Societies" in which he gave a brief account if the rise and fall of the different literary, social and fraternal organizations the school has srpported since its opening. Captain Allen's "Remlnisced brought up before more than one former student scènes which in an instant carried him back ten. twenty and thirty years and made nis college life seem the event of but a few days back. The talk had the effect of filling the minds of the undergraduates with the scarcely comprehendable thought that for all thelr dignity and a.= evidence to the contrary, even the faeulty have had their "salad day." when they were "green in judgement." Last Friday morning early a paper signed by a lai-ge number of students, petitioning the faculty to excuse classes on this Monday morning, was handed to Dr. Boone. To the joy and, i f the truth must be known, the astonishment of the students, in the course of hi.s remarks at chapel exercise Dr. Boone acknowledged the receipt of the petition and In behalf of the faculty granted the request therein contained. The Normal News Oratorical cont ■.-; Friday night resulted as fóllows: rirst gent's prize. D. V. Kelley, $40 n and $10; second gent's prlze, W. E Videto, $10; flrst lady's prize. Miss Estella Downing. $40 medal and ?10; second prize. Miss Edith Todd, $1". Mr. Kelley goes to Albion May 4 to represent the Normal in the inter-collegiate ccntest. Messrs. WUson and Powers, of the state board of education, wen present at chapel Friday morning. Mr. Powers made i few remarks to the students in whk-h he spoke of his recent vialt to Mexico to investígate the workings Of free silver. Vietims of poster-mania saw nn exhibition yesterday and today in room 14 some partieularly active specimens of the microbe which is so surely destroying their power to appreciate art, and is so frightfully disfiguriugr tfceir apartments. Room 20 has been appropriated to the use of the Normal News. There wil] be found on file the news exchanges, the editor, the paste pot, the shears and the various other joys and sorrowa of journalism. W. Alexander. wiio has been seriouPly ill for the past month, is al laat able to resume his school duties. Uiss Ruth Hoppin, former preceptresa ot the Normal, was present ar chapel exercises Friday morning. Prof. Garelssen is detaineil from school by that implacable foe of mankind, la grippe. Miss Fanny Stewnrt has resumed her duties in the office after a severe attack of the grip. Miss Ada Sunderland Jias ben called home by the illness of her sisuv. The Athletic board held a meeting Thursday afterhoon.


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