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Miss Katherlne Xeiss has returned to Jackson. John Reynold? has gone to Howell for a brief visit. Judge E. D. Kinne is holding court in Monroe this week. Messrs. A. W. Lawton and L. 8. Norton, of Jackson, are in the city. Prof. F. N. Scctt has returned from several days spent ir. Chicago. Mis. B. St. James returned home lat night from a week's tay in Detroit at the bedside of her father. Hi.-s Hfe Is still despaired of. At its meeting Wednesday the Politieal Equality club chose Mrs. J. C. Avery as its delégate to the coming state convention at Bay City early in May. Ann Arbor Chapter. O. E. S., elected twelve nenr ir.embets at its meetins test night. Thé ct-apter wlll have initiation at a special meeting Wed day night, April 13. ilext Sunday, Easter day. holy communlon will be celebrated at St. Andrew's Episcopal church, at V, 9 and 10:30 a. m. The ihiblren's fe.-Uval of song takes place at 4 p. m. The common couneil meets tonight in adjourned session. It will be the lasi meeting of the old couneil, slnee the newly elected aldërmen take their seats al the next meeting. Xcirman A. Wood. taxtdermist at the University museum, has a. boautifil group of egret on exhibition in Cutting, Reyer & Co.'s show window. It is worth going a considerable distance to see. The brick dwelling at the corner ftf X. University avanue and Sta'.e street has been torn down ■ind wnrk upon Prof. Thompson's new busiie-H block, to be erected on the site, already berun. Jackson Citizen: Spain must be almost sorry today that she ever gave Columbus money to discover the United States. If she ever declares war against us she will raake another discovery that will dwarf that of 149:2. E. F. Hutzel and Miss Julia . mer, of Pittsfield, was married last night at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chalmers. on the middle Ypsilanti road. Severa! Ann Arbor friends will attend the wedding. The annual meeting of the lAdies' Lfbrary assoAation wlll be held Monday. April 11, iit 2:öO p. m., for the election of offlcers and of mtmbers of the board &t dírectors. Kvery member oL the is requested to be present. Captain Granger ha? recelved another etter from Gov. Plngree's private secretary assuring him that the gov and staff will certainly be present at Monday night's reception and ball In Company A's arranry. Arraneements for this event are rapidly neai'-ly roeipietion. The friends of Mi.w Batie Cory, who ai-e anxious for her recovery, will regret to know she is stil! seriously ill wtUl concussion of the brain, the result bï a fall on an lcy sldewalk ten weeks ago. The nucleus of the pathological museum in the Homeopathie department of the University carne from Prof. J. N. Bckel, of San Francisco. "Eckel museum" is the name on the labels of the specimens. Prof. Eckel is living in San Francisco and is always deeply interested in the fortunes of the department. Michigan continued her winning streak Tuesday by . defeating the Bay City team for the fourth time in succession. The game was the most interesting of the series, the score standing 6 to 2 at the end of the game. While the weather was still pretty cold for baseball, the full nine innings were played out. F. H. Belser received a letter yesterday from John R. . Miner announcing that Mrs. Miner died on Uie evening of April 2 at Pasadena, CiU. The interment took place at Fresno, Cal., where Mr. and Mis. Miner's scn. Clarence, resides. Mr. Miner has the heartfelt sympathy of his host of Ann Arbor friends in his sudden bereavement. The regular meeting of the E. K. :. club was held yesterday afernoon, at the residence of Mrs. Stoll, Paekard street. After the business meeting covers were laid for the members and an elabórate menu was served by the hostess. Emma E. Boiver. M. D.. was there and all had an enjoyable time. The next regular moeting will bc held at the home of Mrs. Scott, 38 Fountain street. The Political Equality club, at its last meeting, was visited by Mrs. Pettenger of Providence, R. I., who told of the club work in Providence. also something of the manufactures, and existing relations between employers and employés. The next meeting oí the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Finney, 849 Tappan Street, April lSth. Meetings will hereafter be held on the first and third Mondays of each month. ' i , , 'g At the usual meeting of the Whist Club last Thursday evening, the club voted not to send representatives to the state tournament at Grand Rapids April 20th. It was proposed to hold a banquet in the near future, to which representatives from Jackson, Ypsilanti and Detroit should be invlted, and a committee was appointed to investígate the matter. The evening's play was quite close. Ellsworth and Russell making the highest score North and South. and Billón and Church highest East and West.- U. of M. Daily. Attention is again called to the annual Caledonian entertainment, t be given at University hall next Saturday evening. Harold Jarvis in song, Farquher Beatón with the bagpipes, Wm. Johnston in Scotch dances, all are noted in their line. Dr. Wrenley, on Scotch humor, Dr. Craig, incident. Prof. Stanley, medley upon the grand organ, quartet by Mozart club. and other features. This is to be one of the best entertainirt3nts ever given by the society and for the benefit of one of the best objects, the S. C. A. at popular prices, 25 cents. To begin promptly at 8 o'clock. The University Gun Club has at last materialized. A number of students who are interested in shooting met at the grounds of the Faculty Gun Club on South State street last Saturday afternoon for their first shoot. About twenty students were present and all joined the club. A .practice -'hcot was held and fair scores were made. Atkinson, Parker and Upham made thf highest averages. After the snoot a business meeting was held and officers were elected. Lloyd Shepard was chosen captain and George Chandler m. made secretary. Much enthusiasm was shown and the success of the club is assured. ' I _,


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