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Mayor's Annual Message

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At its meeting Moiiday night newly elected Aldermen Richards, Dieterle, Exinger, Brown, Weeks, Howell and Stevens were in their places. The visitors' benehes were crowded with such prominent citizens as Frederick Schmld, J. W. Bennett, Dr. Kapp, M. J. Cavanaugh, George Clarken, George L. Moore, Dr. Georg, Herman Hutzel. W. J. Clancy, Titus F. Hutzel, Chrlstian Mack, S. A. Moran, Leonhard Gruner, Dr. W. B. Smith and Judge N, W. . Cheever, Aid, Vandawarker and Cady Wêre absent. The must important business of the new council was the hearing of the mayor's annual message and action upon the paving bids. Mayor Hiscock was present in person and read his communication when it was called for. He gave in detail the expenditures of the city during the past year, a total of $56,760.91. Taere was paid upon the city's bonded indebtedness during the same period $17,145.11, leaving a balance of $45,768.67 remaining unpaid He spoke of the proposed Main street paving with bnck and urged its early completion, favoring also the future paving of Fourlh avenue and portions of Ann, Hurón, Washington and Liberty streets. He reeom-' mended the construction of a mile of macadam every year. favored purchase of 30 acres of land between the boulevard and the island for a city park and wished all night lighting in the business part of the city. He reviewed the enforcement of law and challer.ged any one to name a city where the laws are better enforced. The mayor's message was referred to Aid. Coon, Brown and Koch. President Luick then named the following standing committees for the ensuing year: Finance- Aid. Brown, Hamilton, Coon Ordinance- Aid. Cady, Brown, Spathelf. Sewers- Aid. Sweet, Richards, Diettrie, Vandawarker, Weeks, Howell, Stevens. Streets- Aid. Koch, Hamilton, Sweet Vandawarker, Spathelf, Coon, Cady Sidewalks- Aid. Hamilton, Dieterle Exinger, Brown, Weeks, Howeil, Stevens. Fire department- Aid. Spathelf, Richards, Dieterle. Water- Aid. Coon, Brow-i, Koch. Pólice- Aid. Dieterle, Cady, Howell. Lighting- Aid. Stevens, Richards Spathelf. Bonds- Aid. Vandawarker Koch Exinser. Licenses- Aid. Richards, Cady, Coon Park- Aid. Exinger, Weeks, Vandawarker. Poor- Aid. Howell, Hamilton, Koch. Cemetery- Aid. Weeks, Sweet, Stevens. The board of works then presented the paving bids received by it in response to advertisement. The lowest bids for brick and asphalt follow: Wm. J. Clancy offers to put down brick pavement and the proposed storm sewer for $20,414.70, or the storm sewer alone at $4,005.70; the Alcatraz company offers to put down asphalt pavement and sewer for $22,700 or the sewer alone at $6,077. The B. P. W. recommended the acceptance of the bid of Wm. J. Clancy. Remarks were made by his honor, the mayor, who approved delay and Messrs F. Schmid, L. Gruner and N. W. Cheever, who wished the property owners to be consulted as to which pavement shall be laid. It was flnally voted to lay the matter over for sideration at a special meeting to be held Thursday nigrht of this week. Petitions for a Mdewalk on the east side of Third street between Jeffersor and Madison streets, and for paving on Main street between Liberty and William streets were read and referred City Attomey Ksarney presented a long opinión in the Wetherbee damage oase, holding that the city is not responsible for injuries caused by the defective Detroit street bridge The opinión also held that the city has the power to order the bridge removed. Acting on this suggestion the council voted to begin arrangements for extending Bealces, Detroit and State streets across the Michigan Central railway on a level with the tracks. The board of public works was authorized to purchase 10,000 feet of oak plank for crossings. The liquor borids were placed at $3,000, the same as last year. Adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Democrat