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GOOD TIMES NAVE COME. You can afford to indulge yourself or ycmr family in the luaury ot a goodweekly newspaper and a quarterly magazine of fiction. You can get both of these pubhcations with almostalibraryof good novéis for$s per year. Hmewyobr B iHimaar world-famed for its brigtitness and the most complete General Weekly- covering a wider range ot subjects suited to thetastesof men acd woraen of culture and refinement than any jcurnal- ever published. Subscription price, $4 per aonum. TALES FROiH TOWN TOPICS, a 256 paga Quarterly Magazine of fiction, appearing the first dayof ïlarch, June, September and December, and publishing original Dovels by the test writera of the day and a mass oL short stories, poems, burlesques, ■witticisnis, etc. Subscription price. $ per annum. Club price for both, $5 per annum. You can have both of these if you subscribe NOW and a lonus of 10 novéis selected frona the list below. Regular price for each, SC cents. AU sent postpaid. Remit $5 in New York exchange, express or postal money crder, or by registered letter, tcgether with a list of the 10 novéis selected, by nuaibers, to TOW.Y TOPICS, 908 Pirtli Avenue, sw York,', urr. 6-THE SALE Op A SOUL. T!y C M S. MiLelljn. 7-THE COUSIN Op THE K1NG Py A S VanWeltrjm. 8-5IX MONTHS 1M HAOE5 By Clailce 1 Cllnsnain 9-THE SKIRTS OF CHANCE.. By Capiua A.lied Thompion io-ANTHONY KENT By Charlts SlcVs Wlyne. ii-AN ECLIPSE OP VIRTUE. By Cnamplon Bliscll. lï-AN UN5PEAKABLE SIREN. By John Gllllat. ij- THAT DREADFUL WOMAN By Haiold R Vynne. ■ 4-A DEAL IN DENVER By MtKcndtee iS-WHYl SA VS GLADYS By David Chtlltls Murray. a6-A VERY REMARKABLE C1RL By L H Bltklotd. U-A MARRIAGE FOR HATE. By Haiold R Vyunc. 18-OUT OF THE SULPHUR By T C Dt Leoo. iSr-THE WRONG MAN 8v Champion Biiiell ao-THE UNT FOK 1IAPP1NESS. By Aniia Vivantl ChsrliH .l-HERSTRANGE EXPERIMENT ByHarcldR Vynoe. a- ON THE ALTAK l)F l'ASSJON. By loin GllliiL 3- A MAKTYK 3 ■ 1VE. Bv lotnn E. Wood. Lutz and Son Snccessor to Rauschenber ■ & Co. MANUFACTUKKRS FINIÖHED FURNITURE AM. KINDS KOK Libraries Barber Shops Stores Millinery Saloons Bmporiums Etc. Design Work a Specialy. Repalrlng of Furnllure of Every Uescrlption, Lutz and Bon, Office and Factory on Vine St., Near W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, - Mich. CEO. P. HENRY J. SCHLEMMEP. SGHLEMMER. : : : THE : : : Ann Arbor Fluff Rug Factory : : : AND : : : Steam Carpet Cleaners Manufacturers of strictly flist-cl&ss Fluff Hugs ...FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS.., All Orders l'romptlv Attended to. For Circulars or auy other Information cali en or address Office and Factory- 409-411 W. HurStreet, Both Phones, 176. Ann Arbor, Mich. Rinsey&SeJDolt NO'S, 6 AND 8 WASHINGTON ST, Have on hand a Complete Stock of Everything in the Gnssrï Li ! CTeas, Coffees, Sugars, in Large Amounts and at Cash Prices and can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell is good proof that In Quality and Price They Give BARGAINS. They roast their own Coflees every week, as none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cakes and Crakers. Cali and see them. Music Store J. F. Schaeberle No. 8 W. Liberty St. Headq uarters for Harness, Trunks Valises Telescopes and Dress Kuit Cases at LOw PRICES A.. Teufel, s. l st.


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