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iïïAi care anc Pre a Í3b N woman takes in íaiS A ; - her w e d d ín g fi _ trousseau. How &_I fine and fit every dainty gown and filmy bit of lingerie must be. But how about herself, her owii fine and delicate physical organism ? Has this most important of all considerations been negleeted ? Has she any weakness or ailment whïch is going to unfit and incapacítate her for happy marriage? No woman is fit to marry who has any uuhealthy condition of the special structure most intimately concerned in wifehood and motherhood. No modest reluctance should prevent her seekingaiumediate relief from such troubles. There is no need of the mortifying exaniinations so detestable to sensitive-minded women. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription is daily curing thousands of women of these troubles in the privacy of their homes. The " Favorite Prescription " is the only proprietary remedy of its kind prepared by an educated, authorized physician. There is hardly a case so obstinate that it will not completely and permanently cure. Mrs. Hraraa G. Clover, of Redkey, Jay Co;, Indiana, in a letter to Dr. Pierce. says : "I can recoinmend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to auyoiie who suffers wjth any female disease. When I was in my leens I was always sick. I took your medicines bcfore I was married, and now I am a well persou. I im uow twentythree. I have also taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pleasant Pellets,' and can reconimend them all " It is a druggist's business to sell you, not to teil you, what you want. DíiTíltrMVlí m'r' LOH9, ICH.ItlS'A VtlK. i+ií 't' RBir'' COL ES ES RMAL.JfOMMERnW_F.XGLISH. liHlllLLf ■ il fl reNL;5HtlJ.fUSiaTrYIJEWR]TlB?YSICAL hit IflUHblfl 11 IU CBLTU.ilKRMjiRENCH.LATntiiyjtiREKK. jcir ft hai more Iban doublcti o) ihaüSf 1sl Not oneof outnlolSfAia of lesltimiie tigeTJS-t lïïïtrtït TVBcf' Examiïïïtioïïi Tor ilirefl vcarstorlBlf(Jn 1.189.). Our BoAk KEHINÜ AndSHORTMANolüR D VATES hclpèd logood jv)íi!Ioii'ai oihcr ic&ool can student so soos qvinilfy for ird,nd. Int or ATK ÍUilF1 CATES. Wj are unabl.e U ■upplvajl calla for om i raimy teacher. t will uke vouni mtu [ia uomeit wdo cÜoncliESr ruMnfior ivriie.Tkfld (eiWJtthem prlvatefy Trom tb .be?inuing i'OR QSIni & wi iludetit geijfted room nd board, by clubblDf tope t ter Sanmer Nar mal 6 werKt, K3. Send yuur adSreu on posul nd we wlll aend (jitloffue. Plourlffaed Penmnabip WmHiRZ Painting and Decorating, Paints. Oils. Glass, Brushea an] all . Pa Invers Supplles. 112 WliST WASHINGTON STKEIÍT. Bstabl'.stied 1WW. 'Telephone K8. ÜÏATE OF MICHIGAN. C'ountv of WashC? tenaw. ss-At i session of the Probate Conrtfor the County of Wash tenaw. holden in the Probate Office in the City of Aira Arbor, on Wndnpsday, the lth day of May, in tlieyear "ie thousaud elght hundred and nloetypight. Present. II. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James Richa'-rls, deceased, (Jharlotie Alptn and Sarah Sarle, prayli that tbe administratioh of said estáte nihy b granted to William Dansuigbui'K or some oiher suitable persou Thereupon it is ordered. That Monday. the 20thiday of .linie next. at ten o'clock in the foreuoon. be asslgned for the hearing of said petltion, and that the heirs at law of sai'l deceased, and all other persons Interested in said estáte, are recjuired to appear al a session of said Court. t.hea to '■(■ holden at the Probate Oflice in the City of Ann Arbör. and show cause, if any there be. why the prayeiof the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered. that said peti tioiuT irive notice to the persons interested in s:iid estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and The hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Democrat, a newspaper printed and circnlated ín said county three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. P. J. Lehman. H. Wirt Newkirk. Probate Register. Judge of Probate. (A truc copy). 415 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County uf Washtenaw ss.- In the matter of the estáte of Lhza North, dei-eased. Notice is hereby given that in puisuance of an order grantea to the undersigned Adminminl-trator with wtll annexed of ihi estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Proba te for the County of Wahtenaw, on the 2d rtay of April, A. U., 1I8, there will be sold at Public Ver.clue, to the hlghest bidder, at tlii! Court House, In the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Wednesday, the jUt day of June, A. D.. 1898, at 2 o'ciock In the aiternoon of thay day (subject toa!) encumbances by mertgage or otherwlse existinc at the 'ime of the death of said deceased) the following deecribed Real Estato. t.o-wit: E : í of s w 1-4 of sectlon No. 8, also 30 acres off tbe nortb end of the e % of the n e '4 of section 17 all in T. I. S. E. 7 east, Township of Salem, Washtenaw County, Mich. Gilbert S. Bowb. 37 Admioistrator with a will annexed. Business Directory. LEHMAN BROS. & ST1VEIÏP. Attoi-neys at aw, Room 4. Savlng's Bank Kloek. Ann Arbor. Mich, Señera] Law Practice; also loans, colloctions and conveyanciiiR. WAN'TED- Trustworthy and active gentiniifii or iadiesto travel for responsible established house in Michigan. Slonthly SO'.OO and expenses. Position steady. Refereuces. Enclose self-addressed eiiveiope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago, THOMAS D.KEARNEY, Attorney at Law. Ann Arbor, Mich. Office, Huron Street, opqosite court. house. ENOCI1 DIETERLE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calis attended day or nlght. OHice No. 8 E. Liberty. Phone 129, Kesi deuce 75 S. Fourth ave. WM. H. MUBRA.Y, Attorney at Law, Ann Arbor Mich. Oflicie in Courfc House. M.T. CAVANAUGH, Lawyer, Ann Arbor, Mich. Room 1, Savings bank block. ARTHÜR BROWN, Attorney at Law. Office, corner of Fourth Ave and Ann st. JOHN F. LAWRKNCE, Attorney'-at-Law. Office, corner Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. OM. MARTIN, Funeral Director and ün dertaker. Cloth, metalic and common cofflns. Storeroom, 17 S. Fourth ave. Residence, corner Liberty and Fifth. 'Phone 61 WW. NIOHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, opposite Court House square. VITALIZED AIR admioistered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostratiug effects lollow. while teeth are extracted without pain. HIGHEST cash price pald for rags, rubber, Iron and all kinds of metal. If you have anythlng on hanl to dispose of drop a card to W. LANSKY, 22 and 24 Braodway Ann Arbor, Mich. ADVERTISE IN The - Democrat, And Get Value Eeceived.


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Ann Arbor Democrat