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PROBATE ORDER. UTATE OF MIOHIGA N, Oounty of Washte C5 naw, ss. Ai a sessión of th" i'rolrifñ Conrtforthe Connty of Wisi t, , . i ï'6 Present, H. Wlrt Newldrk, Jutlge of Pro bAte. In the matter of the estafe o? rh W Elsledeceased M. J. Cava „a h t ,ad mtn Isl rator of sata estáte, comes intoJnS, In the torenoOD.beiiLlgnêd tol , h ''..v.m'fn hjgand H-Howinsscch account and the fit atlaw ..f sald deceased, and al otber tcpso Interested n saJd estatè, are iv, ,,,',(! tó pear af asesslon of said Cot" then to S holden at tbe Probate Office n tin (iu, n Ann Arbor and sbow canse If anv tnerevL feaSKdVuTtnbreeP1uáS3í! weeks previous to said dv of helrine ,, T T H. WibtNéwkihk ;JfReg,ster. JUteUo%r CJTATE OF MICHIGAN. Countv ofWwl, In the matier of the estáte r.f Fran-ns a McMabon, deceased. On readi!, fV ' the petition. du.v verted of ("„"" ' ,h v'1!í liiilliili of said [].,,i .._jelrs ,,"lt law pllili IfMi f. J. LEHMAN, Probate Register, illliii MïëMmi mmÊma Dated, May 21. 1888. T. D. Karney, MlCWAM, SeBRV. Commissioners. NOTICETOCREDITORS, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of Wnsb sumas Dated, Ann Arbor, April 30. A D "m " H. WJRTNKWKJRK1,' Judge of Probate. Br. H. K. LXTm, PHYSICIAN and SURQEON. OFFICE-Hoon,, 4 and 6 Hrnnlne Bulldine, Ann Arbor, Mich. Couuty calis promptly atteuded to Business Directory. loans, collections and conveyancins ' THOMAS 1). KEARNEY, Attorney at Law Vi' AiNTh-U-Trustworthy and active eentY lemen or ladiesto travel for respns1bl ?tlished house in Michigan. SSSfthlv Sb ..00 and expenses. Tosition steady Referenc-es. Endose self-addressed enveione The Dominion Company, Dept. V. Chlcllo P ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmer and Funeral MÜREAY, Attorney at Law Ann YV ArborMlch. Officie in Court Hoiise. M 'LCLVANAUGH Lawyer, Ann Arbor -LU.. Mlch. Boom 1. Savlngsybnk bloVk ' A ETHÜR BEOWN, Attorney at Law Of ■- öce, corner of Fourth Ave and Ann st dence, corner Liberty and Fifth. TPhone 61 W W;NICHOLS Dentlst. Rooms over rtl ! a n Arbor Savings Bank. opposlte XTIGHEST cash prjee paid for rags, rubber -l-X Iron and all kinds of metal. If you have anythlng on hand to dl9po8e of drop a AnrrSKY' aad 24 BrwPay,


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