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HOW'S THlfr Wu offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Cafarrh thai eau not bc cured by Hali's Oatarrii i ,' 1 1 re. F. J. CHEXEY & CO., Prope., Toledo. Ohio. We, the undersigned, have knovvn ff. F Oheney for the last 15 years, and believe liini perfectly in all busiuess trocsactions and fmancially a ble to '■■irry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Waolesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. VValding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O'hio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern - iliy, aeting directly upon the blood :md nmcous surfaces of the system. Price, 75e. per bottle. Sold by aü Druggists. Testimoniáis free. The time has again occurred when the illustrated weekly newspaper is the most popular perlodical with the public. The daily papers are unable to print photographs in such aw ay as to make scènes seem real, and the monthly has to be prepared so Lar in advance that it is not ' uble to print timely photographs. The illustrated weekiy, however, suffers fronr. neither dlfflcuity, but "ii the other hand prints the very pio.tures that the people want. Leslie's Weekly has grasped the situation, and sent an ártist and photographer to every eneampment. Leslie's Weekly has a special representative en every ship of Impórtanos in our Navy. Leslie's Weekly published the flrst complete extra nf the Mair.e disaster, and has followed up that hit with more and better war pictures than any other illustrated weekly. We carry ,a selected stock of carpets in Ingrain, Brussels, Moquettes, Axminster, Wilton, Velyet, in all of the latest designs. Just arrived a new sh'ipment of Smyrna Rugs in all sizes from the small sofa to the large parlor size. In Llgiit and Heavy Draperies we know we can please you. MARTlk HALLER'S Caret. Drapery and Furnitire Store. 112, 114 and 116 E. Liberty s,treet, Ann Arbor, Mich. If you are going away for the summer you can have The Democrat sent ter your address three months for 25 cents. FOR SALE- New residence in best part of the city. Hardwood finish and all modern improvements. Price low Terms easy. CHAS. A. WARD, Democrat office. Veranda, Lawn Goods and Camping Purniture in great variety at Martin Haller's Furniture and Carpet Store 112, 114 and 116 E. Liberty strest Anñ Arbor, Mich. Camp Stools at 25 cents; Porch gtraw seats at 10 cents; Reclining chair f rom SI up, at the Furnlture and Carpet Store of MARTIN HALLER, 112 114 and 116 E. Libeity street, Ann Arbor, Mich. If you want to save your Rose Bushes, use the Rose Bush Spray prepared by the druggists, Schumacher & Miller. This spray destroys the insects and leaves the plant in healthy condition. 45


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Ann Arbor Democrat