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John W. Mann and Marie E. Hoeftzel, of this city, have taken out a marriage lioense. The new cars on the D., Y. & A. A. r ad will be painted a light green color instead of a royal blue. Dr. LeSure served a diner tu the senior class and the faculty of the Homeopathie college at his beautiful home in Detroit, Saturday evening last. In the matter of being "torn up" there seems to be little difference betveen Main st. and the Republican party of Washtenaw county. Drs. C. B. Kinyon and W. A. Dewey have gone to Omaha to attend the Natu: nal Convention of Homeopathie Physicians. Idie, the six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson, af W. Huron se. died Saturday of spinal meningitis. Miss Genevieve Allen, of No. 1213 Willard i-t., left Sunday for Newport and other points to spend the summer with relatives. iliss Violet Vallce has gone to Chelsea to attend the commencement exer. and will remain for about ten days. Carrao's Portland Cafe noTf eloses at 9 p. m. instead of keeping open all nights, the "hawks" gradually getting out of tovvn for the vacation. A wheel was stolen fro-m Paul Meyer Saturday. Mr. Meyer immediately went to Detroit, where he learned that it was there. Prof. Pattengill aio had a bicycle stolen recently. [f the present rate oí fatalities keeps lip there will be as much hustling for the nomination for coroner next fall as if the office was a's remunerative as that of sheriff or county clerk. Piof. E. N. Bilbie was a ealler at the Ann Arbor Music Co.'s store Saturday. He announces that he is now at the head of a conservatory in Pittsburg and that during the vacation here he will lake a limited number of violin pupils. Sergt. C. L. Petrie writes that he puts in his spare time at Chickamauga working at his baPber's trade. his receipts averaging $3 or $4 per day. Sergt. Petrie left Ann Arbor with Co. A, Firsl regiment, M. X. G. Armand Miller, lit. ")7, at prctent teacher of Gorman and c-hemisrry i;i the manual training school in City, Mo., is to be married .íune 2(th t i Miss Earl Colby, lit. '95, teacher of mathematica and chemistry in the high school in Chicago. 111. The sacrafl concert at the English Lutheran church iáunday was very enjoyable, and the pastor's tribute to the faithful and efficiënt service of the choir for the past year, that one being the last of the season, was just to the point and well received. Charles Henry Gray, for the past three years instructor in English in the University, has accepted a position at Oberlin college. Miss Anna Louise. Bacon, instructor in English for the past two years, will take up the ame line of work at Vassar in the fall. Major Soule has received a letter from Col. Irish stating that there is no po33ibility of gettin.s the U. of K. Rifles into the Thirty-Fifth regiment as a coinpany. Capt. Magrley, of the Rifles, left college thls week to try for a commission at his home in Ohio. Elizabeth H. Bell, 606 Cross st.. Ypsilanti, was granted a decree of divorce Saturday from her husoand, Absolum B. Bell, on the grounds of Jrunkonness and non-support. The compUinam was given the care and custody -f the i.wo children and was allowed $2 per week alimony. The death of George F. Rash occurred at his home in Lodi last night. The deceased was 77 years of age and lived for many years at Geddes. The cause of the demise was dropsy. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon and the interment will take place at Geddes. Georgia Florence Olp, 8 years oíd, and daughter of Minnie Olp, of this city, is appearing at Wonderland in Detroit this week in a specialty made up of songs and dances. She has been continuousjy on the stage for the past five years, but has just recently entered the vaudeville. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. 'Salyer, who enteied the work of the Salvation Army and were stationed in Lansingf Mich., have been forced to return to Ann Arbor on account of the continued ill health of Mrs. Salyer. She will be compelled to undergo a serious operation withln a few days. Five students were among the men who have applied to Recruiting OtTicer Lieut. Belser for examination the past week. Many of the students who have enlisted' did not notify the University authorities of their intention and it is estimated that more than 200 have left the University to go into the army. C. D. Lovejoy, of Otsego, and Roy Hill, of Eden, Mich,, will be ready to enter the army this week, when they are discharged from the homeopathie hospital. They were rejected by the army examiners and had operations performed in order to get a seeond chance. The following men have been promoted to corporalships in Co. A. Thirty-firsl. Michigan U. S. V.: Richard Flynn, Arthur C. Warren, C. F. Juttner. Oscar E. Eurkhardt, C. F. Stevens and Ralph V. D. Magoffin. transfer of Ernest Hinz and Harry Danforth to Co. A has alse taken place, Hinz from Co. H, Jackson, and Danforth from Co. I, Dotroit. Several others are trying to be transferred to Co. A, this going to show that the company is popular. A large meeting ! was held in St. Thomas school Sunday to make arranaements for a patriotic viicnio at Whitmore Lake on July Ith. Mrs. John Baum'gardner and Mrs. Geo. Cropsey wlll have charg-e of the tables, Lawreilce O'Toole of the refreshment stand, and the Sodality of the ice i ream booth. Special rates on the Ann Arbor Ry. 25 cents and a good dinner for 25 cents. The picnic will be for the 'benefit of Ht. Thomas church. .Monday about 4:30 a. m. lire broke out in some waste paper in the csliar of Aeting-President Hutchins' home, corner of Monroe and Packard sts., and crcpt up in beween the partitions of the house. The fire department made a quick run to the scène and did some more of its effective work in putting out the blaze before it had too much of a headway. The carpets and furnlture were damaged by water somewhat. The loss is about $200 on the house and $150 on the personal property. Covered by insurance. Dundee Reporter: Dr. Darling came over from Ann Arbor, Saturday, and assisted Dr. Unger in performing a surgical operation, removing two cancers from the face of John A. Poeklington. The patiënt endured the operation without the use of opiates, was conflned to his 'bed for a few days af terwards, but is now about again feeling quite comfortable in condition. James Olds, of Azalia, accompanied by Dr. A. A. Aiston, went to Ann Arbor, yesterday, (June 9) to have a cáncer removed from his lip. The operation was performed by Dr. Darling at the University hospita'! beTofe' the" ñVedieal class. Dr. George E. Prothingham, of Detroit, -was in the city yesterchiy. Henry A. Conlah &- Bros, have guue to Fargo, Dakota, to practice law. Mts. Robert Mann and .Miss Mann, of Lansiflg, are guests "f Ann Arbor iriends. Miss Helen Balcom, Of Cïlicagi visiting at the resifléiiöe Óf . H. Rhodes, Broadway. S. W. Beakes has been re-elected treasurer of the Democratie Editora' Association of Michigan. James Donnelly and Frank O'Toole have gone to Chicago to spend their school vacation with relatives. Marriage licenses were taken out Wednesday by Louis C. Mosher. Ypsilanti, and May We'bb, of Saline; Wm. H. Weed, of Geddes, and (iertrude Schlee, of Ann Arbor. Ware Howlett attended a banquet at Ann Arbor Saturday evening given by Alpha Chapter, Delta Sigma Delta fraternity of the University dental department. - Jackson Press. Marriage licenses issued Monday: Oharles White, of Buffalo, and Isabella K. Marshall, of Ypsilanti; Geo. F. Durr, of Lansing, and Amanda Schneider, of Ann Arbor. Detroit Tribune: After Thursday's convención It isn't likely that Editor Moran of Ann Arbor will waste good space referring to the Hon. Bilí Judson as "our esteemed townsman." ■Miss Stella Buhl is home on a. two weeks' visit to her parents in Ann Arbor. . Mrs. Chas. K. McGee, of Ann Arbor, is visiting at the home of Judge McGee. Mr. McGee spent Sunday in city, re home today. - Jackson Pi Lieut. Belser wants eight good men for service in the Thirty-first Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Men nrust be températe, single and between the age of Is and 45. He also wants two good cooks. Apply to Lieut. Belser or Sergt. Seabolt at Armory. This is the time of year when the boarding house keepers show great attachment for the students. At least six writs of "affection" were taken out in Justice Duffy's eourt yosterday and will be levied on the trunks of students who are sby on their board bilí ante. The marriage of Fred Besimer and Virginia B. Stabler took place at the home of the bride, Re-.. John Neumann offlciating. Only a few 'riends of the contracting parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. Besimer went :o housekeeping immediately at 217 S. Fourth ave. H. P. Glover was in the city Tuesday and remarked that he had no idea whatever last Thursday that his name was going to be presented for a deleg-ate-at-large to the state convention and it was not until some Ypsilanti delégate carne home and told him that he even suspected such a thing was thought of. Mr. Glover is a man that never mixes up in county pohtical fights. Foxy John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, prosecuting attorney of Washtenaw conuty and major of the Third battalion, Thirty-first Michigan, was quietly married yesterday, and no one knew about it but a few intímate friends. Chaplain White performed the ceremony at a neighboring farm house. Today the secret came out when the major gave a reception to the offlcers of the regiment. But Fred G Green presented Maj. Kirk with a handsome saber on behalf of the offlcers of his battalion; as Maj. Kirk is very popular, the congratulations offered were heartfelt. - Dispatch in today's Tribune Trom Chickamauga. The board of review is háving some very warm times with people who wish to get out of paying their share of the support of the government. ' One well known professor in the University, who is credited with having a large share of the world's goods, was assessed on some mortgages. He appeared before the board and said that they were held on properties belonging to widows and if the assessment was kept on the books he would foreclose the properties and put his money in government bpnds. Inside of three hours one of the widows came before the board and begged theni to save her property from being ioreclosed by taking off the professur's assessment The board has not yet acted on the case. Saturday morning the fire department was call-ed to the residence of Frank Bigalke, 715 ïwelfih streej, te put out a blaze that had started in sojne , mysterious way in the cellar steps and had crept up into the hallway. The department made a quick run and with the chemical extinguishers did such effective work that but little damage was done. The loss is eovered by Insurance. By the way, there is just one thing needed to perfect our already very model lire departmen't and that is, a ohemical engine. And The Times thinks the department would have been suppliëd with one long before this if the pull of the Ann Arbor Water oompany was not so strong. The Mozart club held its final meeting of the year last evening'at theh ome of M Isa Axtell. The club rejoiced in the pre?ence of their membei1. 11 r. Frank Smith, who has been the year studying in Chicago. The following program from American composers was rendered: Wilson Smith, Goldbeck, Pease, W. Hewitt, J. H. Hahn, Weidlintrer. Hawlev. "R. A. MrDinvíll W T, York, Nevin, Clayton Jones, Heberlein, Chadwick and Ters.chak. Piano solos were rendered by Miss Smith and Miss Caldwell; vocal solos by Miss Oberst, Mr. Warren, Miss Campbell, Miss Volland and Miss Axtell; violin solos by Miss Smith and Mr. Saunders; flute solo by Mr. Hadzits, and a trio composed of Mr. Smith, violin, Miss Davis, piano, and Mr. Samson, 'cello. Hon. A. J. Sawyer addressed the senior laws Monday night upon the subject of "Jury Trials," a. subject which he is most competent to handle. He defended vigorously the institution of the jury and proved by conclusive argument th fallacies of those who would abolish or alter the time-honored system which places every man's rights in the handí? of twelve good men and true. He shirwed that. not only juries but courts and jurists sojnetimes malte mistakes and oftimes disagree. Speaking from the standpoint of a successful practitioner he outlined the preparation of a case for trial by jury, its presentador., the examínation and eross-examinati'on of the witnesses and the closing arguments in a masterly manner. It was without a doubt the best' and most pertinent lecture to which the class has listened this year. "Word was received here Saturday that four machinists were wanted by the United States hospital ship Relief, at New York, to run the ice machine. This ship will sail for Santiago on June 27. Prof. Allen, of the engineering department, who lias the enlistmont in charge, has received applloations from the following senior engineers: Edward Marsh, M. K., of Oak Park, 111.; Perey M. Holdsworth, M. E., of Traverse City, Claude C. Newton, C. E.. Ann Arbor; J. W. Byers, E., Grand Rapids; Frank A. Fucik. M. E., Chicago; Herbert A. Moody, E., Biddeford, Me., and Ambrose J. Tower, M. E., Greenville. Theodore C. Lyster, of Detroit, will join the medical corps. The boys will have to enjist as priya.tes. in the regular ármy, either for three years or until the war closes. Larry Grosch, the old-tirne footlull p] i.yer, is in thé city. Sheriff Judson Monday revoked his appolntment of P. W. Koss as deputy sheriff at Ypsilanti. No reason is assigned. Thee ase of the People vs. John Bergar has been adjourned till July 11. Cirriis m town and the attornéys had to a tiend. Hutzel & Ca. have moved into thelr r.ewly ritted up quarters. The interior Of the store presen ts a handsome appearance. Daniel Ailsworth. died at his home in Milan ïuesday at the age of ' years. He settled in Michigan in 1836 at the piace where he has since lived. The permanent survey of the Lan. Dexter & Arm Arbor KleL-tric Railroad was eo-mmenced Tiu The projectors of the road are confldent t will be built. Additional marriage licenses issued Tuesday: Waker C. Bqynto-n, Detroit; and iüss Irene Goddard, of Denver, Col.; Warren W. Fiorer and Miss Jeanecte Smith, both of Ann Arbor. llciiry Mathews, who is having lots of trouble both in the civil and criminal courts with Andrew McHenry, Of York, has .been released f rum jail on $100 bonds to appear to answer to a charge of larceny. M.íx Witthnger and Kd Hoelzle having joined the new recruits leaves a vacancy for a driver and a minuta man in the fire department, and already the commi.s.-iioners are over crowdod with applications. Real estáte seems to be moving. Tuesday Dr. J. L. Rose piirchased tlie Margare t Clancy prop&r y, corner of Maynard and Wllü im st., and Wm. F. Rehfuss the Mary Mann prcperty on Huron st. C i-. Clanin, an experieneea eléctrica! engineer of New York City, rode over the Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor Eleotric road yesterday and 'said he actually believed that the new road was the finest in the United States. The Humane society at its last meeting decided to institute societies in Ypsilanti, Chelsea, Dexter, Saline and Manchester. There is a good field for such a society in Ypsilanti at least, and it is to be hoped that some of t'he brutes there will be made to suffer. A young lad named 1-ionugan living on N. Main st. suffered a brjkín wrist at the circus grounds yesterJay neon. He was fooling on tne :iot inro which a performer makes .1 liih ilive, vhen a circus hand ame along and ordered him off. His foot ept tangled up in t.'je net ar.d he struck on a tent. stake, fracturing tlje wrist bones. Detroit Journal: The vaudevilla ó.'ll is exceptionálly pleasing mis week. A wonderful study of preeojiau.s childnood is that versatile :ot, Georgia i"iuPHfe Olp. Though only eiïht years ,?id, she seems to have mast er ed all of the jt uliarities of the ne;;i-o cha,c'er, ar.d hei1 imitations of negro songs, dan ces and sayings would turn many a popular minstrel green with envy. The following pupils of the Third Ward school have not been absenl or tardy: For two years, Amanda Beek, Florence önyder; for one year, Krnest Allmenclinger, Elizabeth Balfanz, Eertha Beek, Gertrude Beek, Clara Bock, L&verne Drake. Davis Fields, Nellie Fields, Reginald Fields, Albert Gokenbach, George Kaercher, Flora Schlanderer, Charles Scott, Olive Smifh, Howarct Snyder, Jean Snyder, Hazel Warren, Henriette Wurster. The following are the headlines in this week's Register over its principie article: Deputy Sheriff's Day. - Xlepablicans not in it last Thursday. - Frte Siiver Men Assist. - Effect 'of Packtd Caucuses. - Ring Rule in the Saddle- Afraid of Secret Ballot - Captain Ailon, ar, Avowed Free Silverite, Judüün's Chief Lieutenant- If Judson Had Majority Why Were His Men Afraid of Secret Ballot?- It Would Not Have Taken More Than Thirty Minutes Longer and All Criticism Would Hae Been Disarmed - But This Would Have Prevented Whipping People Into Line - ■ It Was a Cowardly Act.


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