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Manila Said To Be Taken

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Washington, June 21.- There was a rumor around the capítol this afí.ernoon that Manila had fallen and that Uie Bpanish governor-general of the P'nilippines had surrendered to Admiral Dewey. By many members the rumor was considered as reasonable and they accepted it, although inquiry of the navy department by telephone failed to confirm it. Some important news from Admiral Dewey is daily expected by fflcials of the navy department. Hongkong, June 21. - Gen. Filipino offlcially proclaimed a provisional government in oíd Cavite .Tune 12. Thprp. were great ceremonies and a declaration of indopendence was read renoun'"ing Spanish authoritv. Gen. Aguinaldo was elected president, and Daniel Pirondo vice president. The insurgents' government will not oppose an Ainevican protectorate or occupation. The rebels have capUired the Spanish governor and the garrison oi :?00 men at Bulucan. The governor and garrison at Pampanga are surrounded anti the governor and garrison oí 450 mcD have been captured at Baiangas. June 9 the family of Gov.-Gen. Augusti Jied to the interior for safety. The Spaniards in Manila arp -eportsd as having shot thirty earbineros for tempting to desert to the rebels. Aguinaldo sent an ultimatum to the Rovernor that if more were executed he would retalíate on Spanish prisoners. The Baltimore sailed today to mee. the Charleston and troopships. The Frenoh warship Pascal arriv?J June 15. The warship Kaiser ia epected daily. Illinninans at Omaha. Omaha, June 21. - Governor Tanner and full staff, with ladies, from Illinois, arrived in the city this morning to particípate in the Illinois day festival at the exposition tomorrow. They were met at the hotel by the exposition entertainment committee. In anticipation of the occasion the Omaha Illinois club has made preparations to entertain many of the visitors in an elabórate manner. The Illinois building was to: day given its attire of flags. bunting and flowers for the dedicatory ceremonies. The decorations are being made under the direction of the secretary of the Illinois exhibition commission, Major C. E. Hambleton. New Nicaragua Canal Bill. Washington, June 21.- The senate committee on the Nicaraguan canal has agreed to report a bilí providing for the construction of the Nicaraguan canal, but on lines very different from those of bilis previously reported. The bill authorized today 'practically provides for the construction of the canal by the United States. The Maritime Canal Company is to be continued in existence, but all the stock is to be held Vy the governments of the United States, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The bilí provides for the payment of ?5,000,000 to the present stockholders for the work already performed. Terriflc Wlndstorni. Middleport, N. Y., June 21.- A terriac windstorm struck Niágara and Orleans counties early yesterday. The storm traveled in a belt three miles wide and seventy miles long. In Orleans couny hundreds of orchards were entirely Cestroyed. The damage will reach many thousands of dollars. A woman living, near Gaines is said to have reeeived fatal injuries from a fallinjr building. Many large barns were destroyed and the wreckage carried from sixty to one hundred feet. The wind started in the western part of Niágara :ounty and traveled east. Powder Mili Set on Fire. Cincinnati, June 21.- The finishing departmet of the King Powder company, located at Kings Mills, in Warren county, was destroyed last night in a manner leading to the belief that It was the work of enemies of the government. The building, in which was stored a quantity of smokeless powder, had evidently been fired near midnight by two men, one of whom was badly burned and had been apparently dragged away from the burning building Jiy his companion, who Uien run away ia tha directiop. of South Lebaao1:. Cnbans Klll Traltor, Port Antonio. Jamaica, June 21. - Rear Admiral S&mpson has been informed that Gen. Perez, commanding the insurgents in the Guantanamo district, has executed a traitor who sent to the Spaniards descriptions of the dofenses of Camp McCalla. Madrid Hrar of a Landing. Madrid, June 20.- A private ö'patch received here from New York says Gen. Shafter's expedition has landed near Santiago de Cuba and will attack the tOTn iíninediately. Fire at F.lllg, Kan. FIíis, Kan., June 21.- A fire that étorted here at 3:15 this morning destroyed buildings and stocks of goods amounting to fully $25,000; partly insured. The fire originated in the baseflient of the opera house, consumming y and three frame buildings adjoining on the nortb. In the buildings were two drug 3tores, one general merchanöfee tfid one general grocery store, one ment market and the Review-Headïight. The good work of the Union Pacific flre department and citizens preveated much heavier loss. Tae origin ot the flre is not known. Muy Cali for More Volimf eer Washington, June 21. - A prominent southern republican member who sa the president this morning announced 'that another cali for volunteers wili shortly be issued. It will be remembered that several weeks ago Senator Wolcott, in his speech on the revenue bilí, intimated in strong terms that there would be a third cali and perhaps afourth cali for volunteers before the war would end. Senator Wolcott stands very close to the president, and he would not have made this statement, it is said, unless he had good reasons for it. Sltuatioa at Manila. Manila, June 17, via Hongkong, June 21.- The situation here s unehanged. The insurgents are unable to take Manila, owing to their lack of field gun?. They coiild not take it even if Admiral Dcwoy permitted, which he will not. The reports that the Unite.l States transports fi-om San Francisco haibeen sighted is not correct. They are expected en June 20.- All the foreistters are leaving in neutral ships. Anxiety at San Juan. New York, June 21.- The Herald publishes the fol!cv,'ir.g special co.-respcndence, daterl San Juan, Porto Rico, June 9: Since the bombardment of the city, May 12, there has been a general feeling of, uneasiness and uncertainty as to what is to come next, as it is cleaiïy evident that matters wil! not rest Jong as they are. Where and when the next blo wmay fall is the allabsorbing question. Ncwark and Yorktown Sail. Norfolk, Va., June 21.- The cruiser Vewark and the torpedo boat destróyer "ankton left Hampton roads yesterday "n a mysterious and important voyage. Lt was at first conjectured that they had gone on a short praetice cruise, but as they failed to return in proper time, it soon became known the warike career of the vessels had reaTlj begun and that the Illinois naval resei ves were to see active service at last. Strengthenlng Hurana's Defenses. Key West, Fia., June 21.- Work o the defenses of Havana is proceedin steadily. Two lines of torpadoes ex tend across the naouth of the harbor which is said to be further protectec by two automobile torpedoes, one a each side, discharged by pressing a but ton. The only war vessels in the har bor of Havana are small gun boats an the Alfonso XIII. Quiet ou Havana Bloeiende. Key West, Fia., June 21.- A vesse arrived here from the blockade thi morning and reported all quiet alonp the line. She brought an officer of th Cuban army and a pilot, who are carry Ing important dispatches to Eenor Es irada Palma of the Cuban juna froc Gen. Alexandro Rodriquez, the insur gent commander of Havana province. Missouri Recruits reave. St. Louis, June 21.- One hundred ie eruits for the Fourth Missouri regime;-, passed through St. Louis today en rouU to Camp Alger, Falls Church, Va. Thsj carne in over the Missouri Pacific from St. Joseph, Marysville and Mound City After breakfasting here they proceedai east over the Raltimore and Ohio Southwestern. Affairs In the Cuban Capital. Toronto, Ont., June 21.- A cable dispatch has reached here from Havana aíter having been more than three days on the way. It is from a merchant and deals with private affairs, but has three ominous words, "affairs growing worse," referring to the condition of the ilty. Some letters from Havana have siso arrived. They were three weeks on the way. They state that the ontlook is desperate, and that there is no possibility of keeping the insurgents out of the best part of the Drovince. They constantly harass the city, cut off the supplies and destroy the roids. Spain Frepares for the Worst. Paris, June 21.- A dispatch to the Temps from Madrid says that the captulation of Manila is imminent. Senor ïiron, minister of the colonies, believes hat Capt.-Gen. Augusti has probably esigned. He expects that Gen. Jauenos will make a sortie against the nemy. If Manila falls the capital of iie islands will be transferred to Iloilo. 'he Spanish consuls at Hongkong, hanghai and Singapore have been orered to organize at all costs rapid ommunication with the parts of the rchipelago remaining uuder Spanish uthority.


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