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- _Lf_ S"--"Women nowa,, J. " days do not have - --- - -t to ase a streara of water for a - srlass. They have modern mirrors that will teil them yery proniptly whether their beauty is fadinor. A woraan's beauty fades very rapidly if she is troubled with some deranjement of the aistinctly femrame orgamsm. Ignorance or carelessncss in this respect frequently causes grcat snfieñng and irregularity in after life. Little irrcjularities and weaknesses in rirlhood .should be looked upon promptly and properly treated at once. Mothers canuot ba too conscientious in this respect, and cannot throw aside tlie prudery that is so prevalent upon this point too soon. IJvery young wóman should know somethiriif aboot her own physical make-up, and the importance to her future of her local .;i well as general health. A wotnan who salTers from weaknesses peculiar to her i,ex will rapidly lose her beauty, her general health, her aiuiability and her nscfulncsf. and capability as a wife and housekecpar. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptkm pro motea regularity of all feraïnine ftmctiom, gives sturdy health to the distinctly femiuhic üranism and Drepares I ït to meet the tnals of wifehood and motlierhood. The "Favorite Prescription " is not a cnre-all. It is iiitended for but one class of disorders and is g-ood for no other. Taken durin r the period of gestation, it makes partuHtion easy, and banishes the discomforts of the expectant months. All good medici::.' deilers :;ell it. "I wish to expresa raytUanka for the good I have receivetl fiora Mr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription," writea Mrs. K. Scovill, of Bolton Stcphcnson Co Hls. " I have used it at different times for tlie last eiplit years. It is the best medicine for expectant mothers. I never tried lt for that nntit my last !nby. I liad been very bad, almost heipless. I could uot get out of bed alone, or even turn over. Last December I menced takini; ihe ' Favorite Prescription,' and I ■could saon et m and out of bed as wcll as at any time. On Mareh ?gth I gave birth to an eleven rpound boy -.vülioiU pain. and have siuce been as well and heatUry as I ever was." f "miiilliM Hi llj"?"'"'""'f'i:y'"T' FaintiJig and Deeorating, Paiiits. OUb, ojjj.. linisiies and ai Pafnttfis Supplies. 112 u:ít WVSKTXGTON STKKE'l Established TS59. New State Telephone: Office, 80- 2rfns3. House, 80-3 ring:;. SCHLEMMER. SCHLEMMER. : -- " THK : : : Ann Arbor Fluff Rug Factory : : : AND : : : Steam Carpet Cleaners Manufactutejrs of strictly Uist-class Fluff Rugs ...FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS.., Mi Orders Promptly Attended to. -- , Kor OtrcalaiRor any other Information x);l ntsraddress Office and Factory- 409-41 1 W. HurjSrreet, Both Phoue?. 176. Ann Arbor, Mfch. Rinsey & Sebolt O's. s m b -WA-snnssToii st, Bave on hand a 'Complete Stock of Everything iu the GlWf Uu ! Teas, CofFees, Sugars, in Largo Atnouuts and at Cash Prices and cau se at Low Figures. The largre invoice of Teas they buy and sell i3 good proof that In Quality and Price They Give BARGAINS. w . Music Store a - J. F. Schaeberle No. 8 W. Liberty St. Heada uarters for HarncSS, Trunks Valises Telescopes and Dress Buit Cases at LOw PRJCE8 - Teufel, s. M3 ST,


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