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August Koch HAS A COMPLETE UNE o F Staple and Fattcy Groceries -Good Goods at low prices. Cali and ho convinoed. JDon't Xurget the uumber 206 East Washington Street. JF. Gr. Öchrepper, Veterinary Surgeon, Office and Residence No. 509 Spring Street, Ann Arbor. TEEMS. One mile out of city, $1.00: two miles samasatisfactlon under proper rondkïons CharKe the same day or nleht Your nit roñase is respectfully solicited. GO TO- I MANLY'S CONFEGTIONERY AND CAFE FOR Foreign and Domestc Fruits, Fine Confectioneries, Ice Cream, Cigars and Tobáceos. Fine Meáis, - 25 Cents. OPEN DAY ANDKIGHT, MANLY BROS. PROF. 04 E. Hurón St. Telephoue, New State 346. " ' ' - - - -■ - The Celebrated Coebel Beer Eottled by Erail Goiz, The Bank, No. i 314 S. Main street, Ann Arbr, Mich Delivered in cases to all parts of the city. Give me a cali now. State telephonè 353. EMIL GOIZ, Prop. HOW'S THisr We oLfer One Hunared Dollars Reard for any case of Catarrh that Cure110' b CUr6d by Hall's Cata"-á J. OHENEY & CO., Props., w .u Toledo, Ohio. We, the uadersigned, bave known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and beheve Mm perfectly in all business tmnsactions and financially abie t0 ZrZ aÜy OWiSati0M made b wLLdVroZ! Wbolcsale Dniggists' Walding, Kinnan & Mar, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio Hall's Catarro Cure is taken internaüy, actiag direetlj upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Pnce, 75c. per bottle. Sold y a! Uruggists. Testimoniáis free, TO CHICAGO-ItÖ ST. LOUIS ■11 ' ____________ 200 PROBATE COüflT WLEHDAR. SATURDAY, JULY 2- MONDA Y, JULY 4- Legal holiday TUESDAY, JULY 5S of JRIcJK &ï WEDNBSDAY, JULY 6THURSDAY. JULY 7Citation In matter of Howe minors. DYSPEPTÍCSREJOICE. Hesults of the Xew Cure Jor IndiKC8. on and Dypcpsia ftorer ST,f.PepS,i,a Cure and Ne?ve R tnat all that ís required is a little i , r TO CHICAGO-TO ST. LOUIS Leaye Ann Arbor at 7:30 a. ra Arnve at Chicago at 2:40 p. m Arnve at St. Louis 6:52 p. m ' Same day. MICHIGAN CENTRA!, WAR TI 4S Only 25 cents for 15 I a rae pa-es of tries of the world, wlth marginal Ínssj-uitsssH at the ilL SPECIAL RATES FOK FOURTH OP JULT. hn?V"!y 2l?d' 3rd and 4th the Ann Arto aif wl'í sel1 excursión ticktts h, o5e thf stfte (except Canada) EXCURSIÓN TO TOLEDO LAKE ERIE PARK AND CASINO The Arm Arbor railroad will run an liSi KBPOEE AM AiFTHR Eattog your ainner use none hm tte Ana Arbor Btewing eompany-s PuBeer and yOu w always be mer ou cSCflS?r th? sum"


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