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How often you sec a man jaflSÑíA eeply eugrossed in his -T&Sfc ■wort. full of satisfaction at fó&'VfiJ ■what he has accoinphshed - Jj jS! In business, ready to go Smt ahead and carry out # M. less ehemes of iPAlf"'.-'' ■ment, and using up all bis igaS strength and nervous force, M $M oever paueing to think what M JEjU unseen danger may threaten B&W '. V5j hirn frorn behind. V3WY 'Ir! Mighty few --& SkV' working men ever " !aVEr&i:- stop to realize that NÜ ,MIBP the headaches and . -aL'rjifjE' dizzy sensations and LjffflmiËprSr Li ness and - S!&jagB?r ness and ? 'gf " that overeóme them at times are the forerunners of senous disease. . More men would succeed in earrying out their life purposes if they would put their constitutions in strong, forceful, high condition, without waiting until disease has tlunged its axe into their vital organs II a man who is using up his working vitality faster than his uutritive powers supply ït, íeill ue Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discoverv as an adjunct to his daily mia.s, ït ■will ive the digestive organs power to take hold of the food and extract fromit the elements which strengthen the vital oreanism and build up healthy blood. It revitalizes every organ and tissue of the bod-r ; purges bilious poisons out ot the circülation ; invigorates the nirve centers and the muscular system and makes a man altogether a man- full of ambition, nergy and pluck. Mr Tos. Henderson Dirblun, of 544 Josephiue Street New Orlcans, La., writes to Dr. Pierce : " I wis ailing for sorue years, suffenng from ñvspep'ia, a t'ircd feeling and loss of energj nd appetfte I tried one bottle of Dr. Pierce'á Golden Medical Discovery and found great reííef I took two more bottles. three in all, and Le or iwo bottles of the ' Pellets,' when I found rovself in good healtli again. I recommeüd Dr'. Pierce'S Golden Medical D.scovery to do all that it is claitned to do." In tnany cases where constipation is one of the aggravating causes of disease, Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be used in -coniunction with the " Discovery." They are the simplest and most perfectly natural laxative ever invented. It i' a dealer's business to sell you what you ask for- not what he prefers for selfish proBt's sake to sell. h2rVSJtj T. lwk. MiCB.Jji' . wm. hbrz Painting and Decorating, Palnts, Olls, Glaás, Bru3heB and al) Painters Supplies. 112 WESSfT WASHINGTON STKEET E9tablished 1869. New State Telephone: Office, 80-2 rings. House, 80-3 rings. CEO. P. HENRY J. SCHLEMMEP. SCHLEMMER. : : : THE : : : Ion Arbor Fluff Rug Factory ; : : AND : : : Steam Carpet Cleaners Manufacturera of strictly first-class Fluff Rugs ...FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS... All Orders Promptly Atteoded to. "For Circulars or any other Information cali en or address Office and Factory- 409-11 lW. HurBtreet, Eoth Phones, 176. Ann Arbor, Mich. Rinsey&Seibolt NO'S. 6 AND 8 WASHINGTON ST, Have on hand a Complete Stock of Everything in the Cnitn Line ! Teas, Coffees, Sugars, in Large Amounts and at Cash Prices and can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell is good proof that In Quality and Price They Give BARGAINS. They roast their own Coflees every ■week, as none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread.'lCakes and Crakers. Cali and see them. Music Store J. F. Schaeberle No. 8 W. Liberty St. Heada uarters for Harneas, Trunks Valises Telescopes and Dress Buit Cases at LOw PEICE8 A. Teufel, s. „,


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Ann Arbor Democrat