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Ann Arbor Locals

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Warren B. Stickney has been granted an original pensión of $6 per raonth. The Httje Algonac girl is novv in the care of the "Homeopathie Hospital Guild." Mrs. H. H. Larned, Rubtrt Larned, Stanley Montgomery and Frank ii. Bc-ment have returned to I.ansing. Miss Florence Tyler, of Adrián, Is attending the summer insütute in this city. She is accompanied by her motnGus Abram, formerly proprietor of thB Fentan house at Fenton, Mich., has leased the Freeman house at manchester, Mich. Prof A J Volland, of Grand Rapids, and Miss Lillian M. Volland, teacher in the Ferry school of this city, are m Washington, D. C. A ladies' chorus has been organizeá Miss Kathreen Oberst has been chosen música.) director and Miss Mir.nie Davis pianist of the club. The funeral of Maud Myron Bailey, the young boy drowned at Whitmore Lake en Monday, took place at L,apham's church Wednesday afternoon. County Agent Peter Lehman reports that during the year ending June 30 there were fourteen children arrested for criminal offences in Washtena.v county. Dr Kapp reports that Mrs. Pike, who was severely burned last week by gasoline at the Walker house. Is improving rapidly and will be tree Irom any baa scars about the face. Mrs James Cosgrove died at herhome three miles south of Ypsitónti at 1:30 Wednesday. She was we 'known in thls city. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock on Fnday. gang of three pickpockets started on their graft at Whitmore Lake Monday but were discovered before they h„A iu-pomnlished anything. They were notified to fly their kites and their kites flew. The Unitarian Sunday school will hold its annual picnic at Campbell s grove on Saturday next. The trolley car will leave the eourt nous? at 1:20 p. m. All friends of the society are ïnvited to attend. Contractor Clancy has served a notice upon City Clerk Mills that the surface water systern has been comple'ted and that he is now ready to start at paving and awaits the orders oL the board of public works. Tuesclay Marshal Sweet swore out a warrant agrainst Jennie Mason for keeping a bawdy house on Broadway and against Kliza vveaver ïor ucmis au inmate. They were released on their own recognizance and the trials set Lor July 11, they pleading not guilty. As will be noüced by reference to the common council proceedings, paving ought to be ready to start immediately The electric railway company has signed an obligation to pay for paving between the tracks. Xow let the work proceed and get rid of the fortifloations on the sidewalks. A small part of the mechanism of the city clock broke Monday morning. B. F. Watts, who is repairing it, says that it will be in worklng order today. In the meahtime the cloek has had the advan tage of nearly every other clock in the city in that ft was mathematically correct twice a day anyway. Dr. Bradshaw's family is at Ironton, Mich., and he intends joining them later. Mr. and Mrs. ï. C. Phillips, of Milwaukee, are the guests of Ann Arbor friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogel, of Chelsea, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kim, of N. Main st. Monday. The taxed bill of costs in the case of Virgie Comiske vs. the City of Ypsilanti has been filed and amounts to $152.65. According to the latest orders of the postmaster-general, all second-class mail matter must be prepaid before it is delivered. The Germán societies turned out in a patriotio parade Monday. They marched to Relief Park and picniced during the afternoon. The Wabash road has requested the raüroad commissioner to order interlocking switches placed at their crossings with the Ann Arbor road at Milan. Geo. B. Masón, a registered macist and a well known druggist of j this city, has accepted a position in i Dr. Salisbury's drug store on E. Huron st. Michael Fleminir.g died in Chicago of heart disease Saturday. He was sheriff of Washtenaw county se eral years ago. The remains will probably be mterred in Dexter. Sophie Lyons, the notorious, vell known here since her famous ti-ial in this Circuit court, was arrested in New York while attending the funeral of rnl Hrueer in Trinity church last week. Mr and Mrs. D. 3. O'Hara and family have' returned from Ann Arbor. -where they attended commencement exerci&es, and are now entertainins Mr. O'Hara's sister, whose home is in the South.- Toledo Blade. Karl Burg, telegrapn messenger in the Western Union office, suffered a slight accident Monday. While firing off a cannon a small quantily of powder was blown up throufch the fire hole and lodged in his face. Tuesday was the date set tor the matter in the James Richards case lo be settled in the Probate court. It was as t„ whether the Ilegitímale daughter or a nephew was to have the estáte, ine case was adjourned for two week.-;. Rabbi Hausmann, oL Temple Eraanuel, will leave today for Ann Arbor. where he will spend the summer in the study of Knglish and Ame.-ican literature and will also take a lock at some of the sciences.- Grand Rapids Herald. A party of friends comprising "The Jolly Twelve left Monday over the Ann Arbor railroad for Whitmore l where they are to be guests at Mr. J. C Carland's cottage over Sunday and Monday, and the ladies of the club ni.iy remain at the lake all next week.- Toledo Blade. The assessed valuation of the city oí Ann Artsor is now $7,116,000. The inover last year is nearly $200,000, which includes about $90,00' ■ proper ty. The rate oí laxes last was $6.65 on Sl.COO of valuation. y&ar ft is $5.92, which is a decrea! 73 centa f rom last year. Ida Kahn, the Chinese girl who graduated in the medical departmenc last year, has hung out her shingle (north and south by the map) in her native town of Kin Kiang on the banks of the Yangtse Kiang river. She is the first native woman of China to become a physician, and is consequen tly the original "new woman" of the Celestial Empire. I The Seventh Day Adventists have closed their chapel, córner Liberty and División sts., indefinitely. Ed McCarthy, of Ypsilanti. has taken James Murnan's place as clerk at the Cook house. Mr. Murnan, retires voluntarily. Postmaster Pond has issued Order No 1 to the effect that mail carriers are permitted to go without coate during the warm weather- ïf they will always wear clean shirts. Miss Nellie Bach, who has been in Switzerland and other eountries of Europe during the last twelve months, has sailed for home and is axpected to arrive in Ann Arbor this month. There is an epidemie of measles in the city Marshal Sweet reports that there about 25 cases and orders come so fast to tack up sig-ns that he carnes the cards around with him in his buggy so as to "be ready. John R. Purdy and Garry Osborn, of Saline, have judgments against eacn other Yesterday Osborn took out rui I ovifutl, and levied on some growmg wheat to Purdy. Purdy came to town. and got out an injunction piohibiting the sale under the levy. Orders have been received at the car shops at Owosso that all men connectec with the transportaüon department of the Ann Arbor railroad must wear uniforms This includes employés from the general passenger agent's office down to the section men. The suits vrtll be of blue material. Marriage licenses: Monrce Xendall, Fcsters; Mavy Xeft, Scio. Guy Alvord, Manchester; Mary Glatz, Manchester Mathan W. Wooster, Xorthfield; .elbe Leiand Northfleld. Morris Vedder, Augusta; Lillie Lamkins, London. Jas. H. Hays, Ann Arbor; Franc Louiso Barnard. Litchfield, Mich. George F. Bailey, the original propnetor of Bailey 's Quadruple Combination Shows, is visiting George Haviland, who was his flnancial manager for live vears Mr. Bailey was at one time a half owner of Barnum's circus, anl sold out to James Bailey, the present proprietor. Dr Wheeler who delivered the commencement address yesterday. was prominently identified in the revival nf the OlvmDic games in Gieece. He is an enthusiast over sport?. Jn nis address yesterday he said: "The An&loSaxon race- the race that loves football- is the one that is goirg to rule the world." Deputy Waukenhut has earned a reward of $50 for capturing an escaped convict from the St. Cloud, Minn., prison. The fellow has been wanted since Jan. 1 and was in prison for roobing a man of $180. Mr. Waukenhut recognized the man on the street, looked him up where he was stopping and arrested him. Dr. Starr G. Church, of Marshall, '90 Phar.. '92 Medie, was in the city Sunday evening with a friend to cali on his old class mate, Dr. Theo Klingnunn. Dr. Church was looking very well ar.d smilingly denies in toto that he has any intentions of becominc a benedict. He says his friends are very previous in their insinuations. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Alexander Capron, Ann Arbor, and Esther R. Darling, Ypsiianti. Edward Verlinder, Ypsilanti, and Mary P. Mette, Detroit. Abener Crump and Mrs. Fannie White, both of Ann Arbor. William George Widdecomb, Detroit, and Emily L. Orcutt, Ypsilanti. Sumner McCallum, Saline, and Mabel Snauble. The University flag pole permits the stars and stripes to float at the height of 155 f eet above the level of the see around the campus. The flag slaff js for 60 feet oL iron, and fltúdents find no fun notehing it with their pames. If Blanco will take the troible to look in this direetion, he can see the flag as it floats.- Adrián Pre:s. The Detroit Legal Co. News has been incorporated. Guy B. Thompson, Sylvanus W. Curtís and Ambrose E,gge are the incorporators. The capital stock is $2,500. The two first named gentlemen are well known in Ann Arbor, Mr. Thompson being a son of Col. B. M. Thompson, of .he law department and Mr. Curtís was at one time one ol the proprietors of the Argus. Of the four Ann Arbor boys in the fight at Santiago, Don A. Stark is the only one who was unfortunate enougn to be hit by a Spanish shot. His ngharm was torn off and his hip injured. lïe was formerly a barber in the employ of J. A. Shetterley and is the son of Mrs. Mary G. Stark, who resides m the Unity block. He enlis'.id at Is and Lake with Co. L, Thirty-Third Michigan Volunteers. Selby A. Moran has furnisred the following special bail for $3,000 on the case against him by William Judson: G. Frank Allmendinger, Carlos HM, Paris Banfield, E. E. Calkins, C. H. Cady and Noah Cheever. This guarantees that Mr. Moran will pay any judgment secured against him that the bondsmen will deliver him over to the custody of the sheriff on a body execution in case of a judgment. Stamp collectors will be pltased to know that the postoffice has received a supply of the special "Orr.aha Expositicn" postage stamps. They are similar in shape to the Columbian stamps and have scènes peculiar to the western prairie states on the different denominations. The denominations are one, two four, live, eight and ten cents each, so that persons wishing a set of unused stamps are öbliged to plank down 0 cents. The judgment of $925 has been paid in the William Bell vs. Charles Rinehard dog biting case. The plaintiff is a resident of Ypsilanti and has a grist of cases to fight to a finish. The repertoire includes replevins, certerari, etc. The paid judgment places hlm in a position so that they can be carried on with very little embarrassment, and as he has the reputation of being a great law case fighted there iü fun and remuneration ahead for the lawyers. I John McCloy, son of James McCloy, of this city, who is a member of the Thlrty-first Michigan regiment now at Chickamauga park, -rites home that recent issues of "the Herald went f rom one company to another and the whole regiment cheered Judson.- Wyandotte Herald The cheering mentioned above was done when the boys read of the recent convention. There are consequently three héroes whom the soldier boys cheer- Dewey, Sampson and Judson. People will remember the celebratecl Tv'm. Bell VS. Charles Rinehart case tried in the March term of the Circuit It waa an action brought for injuries received by a bite and the plaintiff received a judgment íor $46 whioh under the statute is doubled to $930. The defendant asked for 90 days in which to stay proeeedings and file a bilí of exceptions, was granted The plaintiff has discovered that the 1 time cannot be extended beyond 80 ; days in any case, and yesterday Willium Bell made a levy on pretty nearly everything in sight. The defendant is as hot as the weather, and more legal trouble is anticipated. Four oars of grooved iron rails have been received ty the Klectric Railway Co. for their new equipment on Mam st.