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To Porto-rico

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Camp George H. Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Sunday, July 24.- Th Thirty-flrst is going to Porto Rico. All signs point in that direction. Althougk no direct official announcements have been made, and no deftnite date -has been set for its departure, the actteotf in official circles and the occasion hints thrown out here and there prove almost conclusively that the Thirtyfirst Regiment, Michigan Volunteer Infantry, will soon be on its way to Port Rico. New clothing and ordnanee stores have been issued, target praetice has been discontinued, extra baggage is being packed to be sent homev the sick and those who are considere unable to stand the hardships are being called out by the physicians, and offlcers and men all feel that it is onlr a matter of a íew days e1 er we start. ThT first brigade of the flrst diviso has already gone, the second brigade ia ready to embark at Newport News, the third is under orders to march atanr moment, and as we are the first brigade of the second división it is obvious taat our departure will not be longer delayed than is absolutely necessary t secure transportation. It is probable that our brigade will embark from Newport News, as the government has evldently found üiat the sea voyage is less dangerous tha to wend our way through the many islands of the Gulf. This route will i great measure avoid the choppy se8 and the strong currents and hurncanes of the southern passage, causing less seasickness and leaving the men in bei ter condition to meet tne enemj. ■ Newport News the distance is approt imately 1,650 miles, and as the speed (X all of the transports will be limited bj that of the slowest, it will require flv or six days to make the trip. General Brooke has determined t take along only men of strong and rugged eonstitutions, who will be most apt to wlthstand the hardships of the trip and future work. Accordingly, he has directed that every man who has beea sick for three days or more during the last three weeks shall submit to a phyaical examination. A number of the me have been ill for more than thre days during this period with dysentery an malarial fever, and each company wiïl probably be compelled to leave behinS at ieast half a dozen. These men wiH be well taken care of, of the worst cases being transferred to the L,eiter hospital, others to the hospitals at Fort Thomas, near Covington, Kentucky, while still others will be sent to U government hospital at Fortress Monroe. Those who, on account of prolonged sickness or disability zannot be of further service to the government, will be discharged or furloughed. As soon as the men sent to the hospitals recupérate, they will in all probability be retained as nurses, and will, :hel-efore, not be able to rejoin their conparies. The examinations will b? heü early this week, and it would be jtren-.ature to announce the names of tliose who are to be left behind from Cc. A, but it is safe to say if we leave within a veek an even half dozen wili remain. None of these men are in a serlous cnndition, and all are recovering, tmt they are too weak to undertake the trip this time. Kvery man 3 anxious to ,;o, anJ fl bcys demónstrate their joy in the usi-i forceful ways so well known to the -sti dier. Otherwise, everythiner is quX with Cci. A. Fred Maulbetsch, oí Ai Arbor, has made a flying trip to vis his brother Andrew, and will return tmorrow morningr. FRANK A. WA&NER. The following special to the Detroit Free Press, printed in this mornlnS issue, is reprortuced here: Washington, July 26.- (Special.)- TT to a late hour tonig-ht the war department had received no informatlon comcerning the movements of the Thirtyfirst Michigan regiment, which was Teported In an early morning dispatc"h as having left Chickamauga on its was t Porto Rico. The report stated that 13ie first brigade of Gen. Brooke's secönS división had left for the coast ani should soon embark to join Gen. Mil'es. The department has expected that tuis Michigan regiment would ge to Pwrt Klco ana lt is not surprising uiai nu uiformation has been offlcially received. for the reason that Gen. Brooke TiaS been given full authority to choose the regiments he will take and wouia.only consult the war department ?s to the number of men. The adjutant-general saia tonigWt that it was probable that the Thirtyfirst would b sent to Porto Rico, an# Maj. Hopklns, Gen. Alger's military seferetary, echoed the statement, butpöïnted to the fact that a full month migWt be spent by Gen. Miles in getting troops from Ponce across the islaníl to Sí Jian; henee there was no great hl in gathering other troops at points n er San Juan with a rnmbined Bttacl the littpr nlfirfl in vleTc. Prof. Geo. E. Seymour, of the Louis. Mo.. Hierh School, died Sun July 24. at 1:30 p. m.. aged G4 yeaTs. Funeral Tuesday, 10 a. m. He had come to Ann Arbor to srpenÜ the summer with his family. was net very well -when he came because of over work the past year. It was thouKht rest would be a restorative-, but a ïe-wr days ago he beg-an to run down very rapidly and congestión of the bram caused his death- a very ouiet ani peaceful one, free from suffering anJ pain. Prof. Seymour was professor of mattiematics and history in St. Louis, where he had taught for 20 years. He is ïhe author of a series of books on ariïhmetio and bookkeeping, and he had Ja completed an edition of the works Ise; year. He leaves a widow and two daughtets.


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