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Biographical Sketches Of The Members Of Our County Legislature

Biographical Sketches Of The Members Of Our County Legislature image
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Believing the following brief sketches of members of the board of supervisors uow in 8ession will prove an iuteresting feature to the columns of the Aiiaus, we have oolleoted the data at considerable troublo, taking paina to make it correct. Tlio ini'oriiiation ia simply a blief bistory of each, written without bias, aud dut-igned to truut uil alike ircespeotive of poütics. Mfa begin with the towns .Ipinilwlically, iu'.enaing to conclude thu sketches nt'xt week if possible. Anx Aitiifiit Tow.v. - Isaac N. S. Foster, who representa Aun Arbor township was ushered into existenue in Royalton, Niágara Cu., N. Y„ Dec. 10, 1827, Hiid will therefore be 52 yeart of age in December next. Mr. Putter lundod in Detroit, in May, 1830, uud was two diiys in reaching the towu in which bo bas since inado his homo residing ou the samo premises where ho first settlod. His eduoation was limited to one term above that of commou school. The first public positiun held by Mr F. was that of town cleik, elected in 1809 and reelected three Buccessive years; elected coniinissioner of highways three years ; supervisor in 1878 and 1879 without opposition. Mr. Foster was united in marriage Oüt. 10, 1850, to Ahnira Green of Suleiu, this county, and by whoin he has bad two childreu. His occupation is furming, the lucUy possessor of 230 acres. AW AnBOK City. - Mr. OuuraJKrajif of lst and 2d wards, was born in Rotenburg en river Fulda, province of Hesse Cussel, Germany, Jan. ló, 1810, and will be 70 years of age Jan. next. lio carne to America May 26, 18;i(, stopping in New York onc year, and r.ot liking the city set out for the country, arriviug at Aun Arbor, June 12, 1837, ut 37 years of age," and has made Ibis city bis home siuce. The first office held by him was that of Poortnaster iu 1844 - elected as an abolitionist over Thomas Sari. This positiou he held one year ; that of school treasurer one year ; moderator of bcUooIs one year. Elected Supervisor in 1859 aud served to ISGü, when he retired from politics. In 1872 lie was again elected supervisor, and re-elected annually. Mr. K. was educated in mon and private schools. ïs a cabinet maker by trade, serving four years apprenticesbip and paying $150 tor the privilege. Is now a carpenter and joiuer. Mr. K. was ruarried in 1839 to a Germán lady. To an American lady in 1847 witb whom he now Uves, Has had eight ohildren, four boys now living, four girls, all dead. Alonzo A. Gregory, supervisor of 3ñ and -Ith wards of this city fitst saw the üght in Milton, Saratoga. Co., N. Y., in 1811, and at an early age removed with bis parents to Cattaraugus Co., same state, tlien a wilderness. Nccessarily the advantages to acquire an education as he grew to inanhood, were very limited. Mr. G. was honored by his old friends and neighbors by the olection to office of sheriff threo terrus, supervisor, assessor, town clerk, and to the assembly in 1851 and 1852. He came from N. Y. to this city in 1864, wbtire he has since resided, meantime with his brother building the Gregory House. Was eleoted supervisor in 1872. At this time ho was landlord of the above hotel aud henee iueligible to eleotion. After keeping the hotel in 1873, '74, '75, retiring in March, 1876, he was again elected supervisor in April following and re-elected since. Mr. G. held the unexpired term of an aldermanship, selected by the council. Elected uitmber of school board in 1877, the term tor which will expire noxt August. Mr. G. was inarried to Albino A. Reynolds of Ellicottville, N. Y., in 1851, by whoin he has had three children. He has no stated business and raay properly be termed a gentleman of leisure. Benjamin Brown, supervisor of oth and 6th wards of this city, was born in Yarmouth, England in 1818, and, with his parents set out for an adopted home in 1826, landing in N. Y. City. The faniüy went, directly to Greece, Monroe County, N. Y., where a homo was found six years, removing to what was known as Novi, Oaklaud Couuty, Micli., in Out. 1832. During a residence of tuirlynine years in tbat oouuty Mr. Biown conduoted a meroantile buisness in the usual country-store uianner. He carne to Aun Arbor in 1S71, and Las suici' made it a Lome. Ilis eduoationul advantage were lioiited to comiuon school. At 21 he was elected collector of school district ; fourteen years ajustice ; in 1859 sent a representativo to Lansing ; elected supervisor in 1874-5, and re-elected in 1879. Mr. B. muy be classed among the retired gentlemen of tbc city, though the present year assisting county treasurer Fairehüd. He was married to Laura N. Russoll of Marcellus, N. Y., in 1841 by whoru three children were born unto them. Sbe died in 1849. Mr. B again married in 1849 to Xary Sandford of Novi, who died in 1877. Augusta. - Williain Dansingburg, chief officer of Augusta, was born in 184G aud since resided in the town he reprosunts. Bosides enjoying priviliges of cotnniou schools, Mr. D. was a student at normal school of Ypsilanti in 1861 and 2, and graduated from Bryant and Stmtton's Detroit Commercial Collegu in 18G3. The first position held by Lim was that of town clerk in 1871, 2, 3 and 4 ; in 1872 he was elected school moderator continuing in that office through 1873 and 4; elacted treasurer of saino district in 1875, re-elected yearly now holding same. He entera the board among the new members of 1879. By occupatiou a farmer of 200 acres. He was rnarried to Prudie M. Warner of York in 1872 and is the father of oue child. BiiTUOEWATER. - Daniel LeBaron, properly termed l'ather of the board by virtue of bis long service, made his appearanoe in LeKoy, N. Y., in the year 1819, and is consequently 60 years of age. He migrated to York in 1847, residing tbere uutil 1851 wben be became a resident of Bridgewater Bince which it bas been bis homo. Mr. L. held the town trcasurship of York two years; the sanie position in Bridgewaler in 1852 and .'i ; director of schools nina years, electod supervisor iu 1854, and re-elected nnually with the exception of four reais, holding this position during the ong and almost continuoua service of wenty-one years. He has been chairraan of the board twice before the presnt. There isn't a comuiittee special or otherwise upon which he hasn't served; and if experience fits a man for chairman, can it reasonably be said he is not jrepared to fulfill ita duties? Hus ie :used to serTe as Justice after election. Hia avocation is faruiing, owuing 8j acres. Ho was married in 1832 to Jane ''irley of Lelioy, by whoui de had three ubildren. She died in 1873. Mr. L. married agaia in 1S7G, to Martha Gr;iy of Manchester villagu, and have had boni unto thora one ohild. Dexter. - Mr. F. R. Snyder, Supervisor of Dexter, was born in New Lebanon, Colurubi i Co., N. Y., in 1832, and is therefore 47 years of age. With bis puren ts he cauie to Michigan, settling in Clinton, Lenaweo Co., in 18ÜÖ, where lie resided two years. From thero bis parents removed to Sharon where they reiuained six years. In 1843 he becmne a resident of Lyndon ; two years later settling ia Doxtor whero he hts Biiise made a home. The education obtained by Mr. S. above that of comuion school, was secured at the Leoni Wesleyan Seminai y. Mr. Snyder began to Lold public trusts at an early age, commenciug with school inspector which he held two terms, highway comuiissiouer two terms, Justice two terms, and elected supervisor in 1878 over I. N. Coleman. Be-clccted iu 1879. Mr. S. is a lariner the possessor of 200 acres of land, and was united in marriage to Marión Gortou of Waterloo, JackïOti Co., and is the father of seven children. Fkeedom. - Mr. John G. Feldkamp, supervisor of Freedom was born in Westphalia, Prussia, in 1832, and is 47 years of age. Mr. F. was only three years of age when his parents emigrated to tbis country and settlud in the town of which heis now the chicf official: Owing to the death of his fathor, when he was thirteen years of agp, the burden of onring for the fauiily and payment of indebtedness upon the farin feil upon John and his brother Aaron who were deprived of opportunities of securing more than limited educational advantages. John Feldkaiup's first official position was that of supervisor of Freedom in 1863, and re-elected in '64, '65, '08, '67, '68 and '69. Keuring froin place he was again elected in 1879. Mr. P. is a farmer of lí0 acros; was married to Olive Cool of Preedoin in 180j, by whom he bas had ten children. Lodi. - James S ige, supervisor of Lodi, born in Liimerick C unty, Ireland, leit the green isle at the carly ago of six months, bis parents landing at Üuebec, vvhere they stoppcd but a few weeks, removing to Albany, N. Y.; eighteen uionUis utterward they went down the river to thfi metropolis makiug it a home for eight years. In 183 1 the family grated to the tbeu wilderuessBettling in Lodi wliore Mr. Sage remnined to this day. All the educatiou he has beeu able to receive from books was acquired before he was ten years of age. When be reached bia majority he was made constable, serving three yeare. lilected Justiee in 1817 and re-olected ever sinc bolding the position it will be observed overtbirty years successively ; meantime bolJing office of town treasurer one year ; elected tovyn clerk in 1H74, '5 and 'G; supervisor in 1871 '2 and ", and reelected in 1879 without oppoiitlo.i. Mr. S. is the possessor of 322 acres of unincumbered land, He was married in 1848 to Bridget Eagan of Lodi, by whom he had ten cbildren ; ehe died in 1870; in 1871 Mr. Sage again murried MrsT Mary Eagan of Lodi. Lyxdon'. - Thomas Young of Lyndon was usliered into existence' in South County, Ireland, in 1816 and migrated iu 1838 at tbe ae of 22 with his parents who broright with thm seven other children to find a homo in America. Thomas was the eldest of the number. His father purcliHsedva farm in Vermont stopping in the Green Mountaiu state one year only, thence removing to LeRoy, N. Y., whero he lived until 1843 They came to Michigan and located in Battle Creek for oiie year; then went on west to Chicago wliere a home was found until 185ö, which year they moved to Lyn(ion and have lemained. Mr. Y. was educated in the governineut schools of Ireland. The ürst public position he reoeived at the hands of his felluw townsmen was that of supervisor, elected thereto in 1864, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, jumping the interval to 1873 and re elected since. lltfused to serve as justice afterelection ; uieantinie school directorio years. Hie occupaticn in early life was carpenter and joiuer ; iu later lifa a farmer and now tbe owner of 346 acres. Mr. Y. was united in marriage iu 1843 to Elizabeth Kelly of Riga, Monroe County, N. Y., and have now nine children living Lima. - Charles Whitaker, supervisor of Lima, ia a nativd of Benton, Yates Co., N. Y., bom in 1818, Nov. 16, and 6 61 years of age. With his parents he came to this state in Oct. 183(5 settling iu the town which has to this day num bered him among its citizens. Charles struck out for himself at the age of 20, and through the aid of his father purchased the Beal place. Like most of his fellow supervisors Mr. W. did not enjoy the advantages of more than district schools. The first public position held by hiin was town treasurship for one yearonly; then Justice one term ; elected supervisor in 1877 and re-elected auuually by increased uiajorities. He, too, is one of the large farmers 8O liberally represented on the board, who looks out over 313 acres of land. Mr. W. was uiarried to Laura Beach of Litna in 1843, who havo been blessed with six children equal'.y divided sexually. Manchester. - Horatio Burch, supervisor of Manchester opened bis opties originally in Nortli East, Dutchess Co., N. Y., April 19, 1835, and along with his parentsbade farewell to his oldhome arriving iu Manchester township in the year 1840. Besides the comaion school Mr. Bureh atteuded theWesleyan Academy in Leoni, in 1856. Tho first position beid by him was a school directorship on rrauliiug bis majoiity and tvvice re elected ; eleeted school district assessor eightyears; bighway cotumissiom r six ywara ; supervisor in 1872, !}, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Mr. B. is a farmer of 101 acres, and a bachelor. NoiiTHFlELD. - Patrick S. Purtell, supervisor of this town was bom Mareh 17, 1846, in Aun Arbor towuship, and is 33 yeara of age. In addition to coimuon schools, Mr. P. attended the unioii school in this city four teitus. He be gan to receivo honors at thu hands of bis townsmon ns soon as liu leacbed his majority, the first position bciuji that of cbool iuspectur wliiuh lio held four yeiira ; tben township olerk fiva years; eleotod Justice refasing to quulify; supeivisor in 1878 without oppusition ; re elccted in 1879 by 82 tuiijority over öeo. Hi'iiwick, Oreent ick Mr. Purtell is a. votci-iiu teacher uf k:íhio1s having taogbt tbirteen wiuterg, six of vvhich were in ono district in Noi thlii'ld, two io onc ilisirict . iu Webötur, two in oni district n L ili, rcniüiniliT in differmt districtfi. s ii fat uier of 140 icres, and uilli Borch t Mtiiiohester tho buohalorsof thebcaid.


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