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HIIL'S O PEK A ILO US V. C. J. Whitkky. - Lesaee and Manager. FOR ONE NIGIIT ONLY, Tï, Oct. 23d. Engagement of tlie Peerless Smibrctta, RñATTIE VICKERS Supported by the popular Cumcdian and Miinic, CUABLËS KOGKHS, aüd Gayler's Manpareil Oemedy Co. Who will appnr In an enlirely new anrt ; eomodiettu, writrpn expreusly iur tlitni by Ciiarlee (rayler, Esq., eiitiiled STAI5, OB I'ASTIi ANI) DIAMOND. The play aboundin with sparklfnf; wit und humor win 6e prodoted wlth new aftaery and cosmm s. rendffrert by o well Mlected couipany ofcomi-(li;uis, aud will cali f"t the cnlirn repertoire .i dnnoes. sona and Bpecialttes. wbicb hnve earnod for MÍU8 Vuiki'is the uiiqiiiiliHcd adiiiH-iitlun of tho ifaw World, and skunped her ns tlie Aimee of Aiut'iica. Admisión 3."i, 50 and 75 cents. Eoserved seats without extra oharge. Box. slicet noiv open at Watta' Jeuelry .Slor. Estáte of WJlMam Myers. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Washtenaw, ss. Al. a ssion of tlie frobate Cnnrtfoi the Cirauty of Waahteuttw, holden ai the Probate Otnc, In the city of Ann Arbor, orí Wedraaduy, me fift.eenth of Ootober, in the yeal oae thouaundeight lmndnd and seventy-uine. Present, Wil'k. i I. líai riman, Jndpcol Frótate ïntfcemattei of the estáte of WUItam Myers, Jpceiised. On r.-ii-"lÍ7ie añil flling the petilion rluly yerinc il 01 Cburlea H. Keropf, prnying that ; oertoin iústrument nam on Hl e in this Court, purporting to be the 1 i-it Wil) and Testoment of 8id cleceased, mtty !■ adtnitted to probate, and that lic niay Lö appuiuted extcutor thercof . Thureupouit sordered, that Honday, the tonth day ot November nest, at ter; o'elock in Ehe assigned fdrlhe hèaiïns m sina pee lion.und that thedevteeef", leflateesand heiraat l;iw of said decessed, and all otber persons interested in said estáte, uc reqoired to appeor at asessionof Baid sourt, theu to be holdrn it the Probate Office in the city of Ann Albor, and show cause, if BOy thoiebe, why the prayer of ihe pelitioncr should uot bo granted : Anci it is iurtlier ordsred tht aia pctitioner give notice to tlie persons interested in siud estáte, uf the pendency of s;iid petitie. u and the hearing thereof , by causinu' :i copy of this order to be uublished B the MickioaH Akoüs, a newspaper urinted and civculated in aid oounty, thrtesuoceaaive weeks previnus to saiil day of luaving. W1LLIAM U HARRIMAN, f A true oopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Uoty. Probate Register, AT THE FRANKLM HOUSE. Th is House has Just been refarntahed and refltted in the most moaern style. Tnivelinp and Business Men stopping in the city, giveua a cali and we will give yon as neatlv r iurnisheï room m c;ui bc t'ound in the State, and everythini? else to corrcspond. at. very reasonable rsten. Öiva ua a cali and be convinced. lt is the most centrally looated Hotel in Detroit, only one block from Woodward and Jcflerson avenues. JIONTGOJIEIIY & PEOPLES, 42 w2 Proprietors. SCOVILL'S BlOODiLIVER SYRUP, a peerless remedy for Scrofula, White Swellings, Cancèr, Erysipelas, Gout, Clironic Sores, Svpliilis, Tumors, Carbnncles, Salt Rhcnm, Malaria, Hilious Complaints, and all diseases indicating1 ar. Iinpure Condition of the Blood. This Grand Remedy is a compound of vegetable extracts, the chief of which are SARSAPAKILLA and STILLINGIA. The cures effected by SCOVILL'S I5LOOI AN LIVER SYRÜP are absolute and their record is undisilifiired by failure. For sale by all Drnggists. MEE! LiVER PILIS. The hú G&thartic Vegetóle Regulator. They redi f y torpídlty of the IAver. They ffive tona lo the Stomach. Tliey act, without yripiny, upon the botvels. They Remove bile, frotn the blooif. They purify, regúlate, inviy orate tho body. They cure all biltotis complaint. ROKERS' WORM SYRBP lnstantly dentroys WGBMS and ia rccommended by physlclans as tho best WOR2I MEDICINE lu use. BAKERS P1IH PAHáCEA for JllJlJY and BEJiST. For External and Intcrnal Use. The greatest Pain Beiiover of the Age. tW For salo by rM Uruiteistn. JOHN F. BEKRÏi ClillUX & CO., SOLÉ TEOPRIKTORS, 24 C'oIIfbc Place, New York.


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Ann Arbor Argus