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All wool uatiliinereB t Iiaob fe Abd's, 20 per cent. cheuper thua any otbl-r bouse iu tbe city. Ftatfite oí CïiaHes E. lïurlhiiiaine. OTATE OF NtlCHlUAN, COÜNTY )O of Washtemiw-, :;. Nottee is hereby {jiven, ilmt ï,y in ouler of the Probate Courl lorihe Uountyof Waahtenuw, marie on the tenth dny ol Ootobor, A. }'. i 79, six moni lis frwra thü1 date tttltiwed for ereditorsto Mfscni th ireïtiime aguinat the wtatf of Chartca E. Buiiingame, tute ot paid county, doceusetl, and that Ril öreditova of 8iid deccied aiereqaired (o present tbt-ir clfiima to said ProbateCuuxt, at thü Probate otíice in the city of Jjan Arbur, for exnmination and nUowance, on or boi'ore the lenth day of April next, and that suoholaima wül be heard before said Comí, on Saturday, tho tenth dny of Jánuary, and on Baturday, the tenth dav of April next, ut ten o'elonk in the forenoon of each oí aiiid day 8. D.ited, Ann Ari.or. OctolfV 10, A. D. 1879. W1LL1AMD HARUIMAK, 42w4 Judpre of Probaie. Bátate i' Miiriu Ford. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Woshtenuw. ss. Ata session of the Piobitte Court tor the Oounty of Washtenaw, hoWen at the Piubule ÜÜice in the city of Ann Ar Dor, on Monliay, the Üfteeoth day of Beptember, in the year Li maand i'i-lit hundied and m-vomí y-inne. tnt, Wil lia dj I Harriman. Judge oí Probate. In th matter oi ihu estitte of Maria Fod, deOn teadingnnd rtlinfr thepctition,duly verified,of Charles H.ftlehiïKmd.praying tbaE he or some otfacr guitable prson may be appolnted administrator of the estáte of said cf i Theroupon ït is oidered, that Saturday, the eihtli day of November next, iit ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of snid pptition.and that the heirs at law of saiddeceased, aud all other persons interested in siid estáte, ars retiuired to appear at. a session of said court then to be liuldeu at the Probate oftice in the city of Ann Arbor, aud show, if any thero be, why the ornver of tbe ptiiioner should not be granted : And itifl further ordered that eald petitioner pive notice to the persoos intereateel in said estáte, ot the pendencj' of said petition and the hearing thereot', by caueinff a copy of this order tobe pubUshed in tlie Michigan Ai;gus, n ncwsp.'iper 1 and cireulated in said eounty, three sucoeasi■e weeks pievioua to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKK1MAN, ( A true eopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G.Doïy, Probate Register. JSL. ■WIHIEILj.JEÑr, (Successorto J. N. Gatland) ONLY PRACTICAl, BPBM1 TI1EATRICAL 0 S H an( Masquerade [o s rx" üim:e:í k -a IN MICHIGAN. x4jo Wm Manufacturar and '.e;.'.;-. =a Dealer in Theatrical Goods and Wardrobes. Personal attent ion given to the production of AMATETJK PLAYS AND MASQUEEADES. Orders by mail or tclcgraph will receive prompt attention. 120 Griswold Street, DETEOIT, Mich. The People's Paper, Tbc wide-spreal popularity of The Detroit Eventng News is nf tcsfeil by ltastefbdy daily cireulution of over ■22.00(1 copies. The Nrnvs was never bettersupplied witli telegraphio ntelliaenee or mure complete marken port s Iban now. Il i nt by mail t any iidrirosb it the inte of tS por year, postage incluik-u. The Echofor í 88O Tuk Echo, the lïest auU Clieiipcst weekly newïpaperlD the Btaie,ig published by the ivprietoie of Thk EvkMIWQ News, apd is now enterinf; upon ïts second year. Tn nlnbs of four or more it can be had for tbe small suiu of 76 cents a year; Tliree IVIontlis Free! Subsorib-jrsforTnn Eo 10 for 1880 will have the paper sen tor the r.-n .in l:r of tliis ynarfree. All i po8tinaste:-3 are ageatt, o.' subsoriicra miy iit'dress THE KVEN!(Ï NEW?, Detroit, Ilicli. dfa To Young Mea. Jast pttHttkcd, in a Sealed Enveïope. Price six cents. A Lccture 011 the Nature, Truatinent, and Radical cure of Bemin al Weivktiess, or Spermatorilm i.indueod by Self-Abuse, Involuntsiry Eniisslons, Imputency, Nervous Dobility, and ImpediiiivDts io M arriase genetally; Consumption, EpiLeusy.aud Kits: MeutaJ and Phyeïcal IncapacJty, &c- By tioiujrr J. i t LVKRWELL, M. D., auihor uf Ihe "(irücn Book," ác Tlit'. world-rcuowiied author, in tbis admirable Levture, cïearly provea frota his own experience Liiat the awiul conaequeooca of Self-Abuse inny ba ■ ally removed without medicine, aad without. dangeroussurgical operations, bougies, Inatronienta rings, or corcliale ; ]ointinf: uut a modo of cure at certain and eiree tu al, by wbich evcry suiferer, muiter wlmt bis ■oivluion nuty bc, niay cure binisolí rhe;iply, privateiv, and raatcally. -ecir Tífia üecture wili i)rove a bouu to tlioiihunda and thousands. öeiit, under seal, in aplain envelope, to any addrera, on recetfri of si x ooaia, oor two pustage stampa, Addreea the Publishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann SI., New Vork ; l'ust ütlico Box, 4586. rpo THE" FAEMEKS OF WASHTENAW! Il [ga well-known fnct and h;is not been denii 1 ; li ut the Toledo and Ann Arbor rallro&d the pást v. -ir lias jmt in the poekcts ol' the funnrrs of tho i lunty, tit least three cents on uil of their wheafc tïow three cents on l,60ü,COO bushela is 4i,000 dollars-; (iate a aaviog. Now we y, yoar whent i)l pütronize the rood where yeu will ttntl your old friends, '1'kk mhvhi.i. iV Oíbobnk, ready tn pay the hhfhest powiible pricö that can be t;i i'l . - We trust, by fair dealiag, wc reujiv a tair proportiüBOf pati i Yours trulv, TUEADWELL & 0SI30ENE. Ann Arbor, July 23, 1 h 7 9. Ifistate of AVilliam John Kuhn. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUSTY O ot Washteinw, sa At b abastan oí ti P.'obate forth ('(untj of Washteüttw, holdtn at the Probate odice, in the City oí Ann Aibr, n SuturduJ, the tweu tiet h juy ot September, iti tinf entone fehouaaod eight hu ad red and wyenty-'Oine. Present, YViUiam D. üavrimun, Judt-ut Pro ule. In the raat ler of LUe estute of WiUiam John Kuhn, decea&ed. Onreactingand flliogthe petition , duly Yenüed, of Fröderick CL Kuhn, praying that a oertain Initrumeni on töo in thla oourt, purpert ing to tw the Last will and testament of said deo may be admittedto Probata.aüd thuL lie muy be Lppointed exeeutor thretif. TliereupP it aonlered, thatMondav,tht twenlietli day ot Ootobtr next, uL teu o'clook in tht forenoonbeaaaigcd for thehi arinfrof s;iid petsüon, una that th deviseea, legatees, and tuüra ftt law oi aaid daoeasedi and uil uthei persons interosted in auid estáte, are requiredtoappearat a Reasion of said thento be holden af the l'i-obate office in the oïty ot Ann Arbor, and sliow Ciiue. (fTauy thure be, why the prayer of the petitioner should ooi be granted: And it ia iurther ordorfd that said petitionjíi'givfi notice to the paraona Lutarestud in said stilte, of the pendency of &aid petitton, and the hearing thereoi, by oausing a oopyof ihis oxdei to bepiiWished in the Michigan AbguS, anewBpaparpcintod imd ciraulated in aid coanty,threc uucceseiveweeka pieviouö to said day oi hearing. WILLIA.M 1). HABRIMAN, {Atrucr.opy.j Judgo of I'robate. Wh. Q. Doxï, I'robate Koulstcr. LEGAL N0T1CES. Sherift's Sale. UTATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Wmditepftw, 9. sidney W. Clark.n va. epli Srckiniri-r. l'.y virtueol uwrit of tierimeifta swt out of und under ti.1 sea! oí' Un: circuí I couvt br the county of VVaahtenaw, in above antitled Eiue, lo me 'directed nd dehvered, I (lid n th; vciity-ninth (!iy of Man-h, A. I). Ih7!, U'Vy upan I I (be rtgbt, Utle and íiitereM oí Jobeph Seckimzer I 1 and lo t iv lo Urwiug deoci ibed reul ectute. tu wll : II those certain pieces ot paictïs of tand in the tv of Aim Ari'or. eounty ot Wnahteuaw and state ' Mieliigan,3ittmte in Brown and fuller'a addition o ti;e villuge fnow rit y; oí Aiki Árbor, áescribed lis iilíiws, viz: Ih ing a part of lot ono fij iu block ídc(9j, describedftsfoílows: Coüimenoing at the isterly corner of the Vuil House 00 Broadway, tence at right anglea with liioadway slong the asterly line of aid Vail's lot sixty-six feet, 1 henee taralltil vitb Wntl street until it intersecta the ïortlierly line of land heretofore 3eeded to lïonamln áhemian, tbeace along eaid ttae to Maiden jano, tbence nortberly along Muiden Laoe eighi S) i'eet, thence ut riebt angles with Muiden ï.ane fo ae south corner of land heretofore dveded to David rrove, tlience alonji tbe westerly line of said Grove ot to Broadway, trence alongBroadway twenty7e ('251 feet to the place of oeglncing, inelading Antever land tbere may bebetweeq the Vail and ïrovc iois. Also tlial piece 01 parcel ol land aituted in Browo and Pulieras addition to bbesaid vilage (now cltyjof Ann Avbor, setord-tng to the reordod plat tbereof, knuwn, bonnded and dfseribed s followa, to wit : Coinineñefog on the ekstcrly siau of Wall street one hnndred O''1) ' frora Brondwaj, thence northeaaterly at right ansies to Wall street thlrty-ioar and pne-halt t34] Eeet. tbenee eaeterly parallel with Wall stroet tweniy-six feet, theiice at rigbt anglea with Wall Bfcreet, to Wall St , thence northvesteriy on Wll street tweety-six feet to the place of beginning. Which abov descrlbedproperty I shall sell at public vendueto the highest bidder, at tbe north door of the Court liouse, in thecity of Ann Arbor, iu said county of Washtenaw Michigan, on the First DA Y oï" Xovkmbkh, A. D. 1879, at twn o'oloch 111 the afternoon ot thatday. Datod, September 17, 187. Í08IAH S. CASE, Sheriff. A.E. IIewett, Plaintifl'a Attorney. Kstate of Edward Pacey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wasbtenaw, ss. Nottee is bereby given,Lhat y au order of the Probate Court for the County of Waslitenaw, made on the" fiist day of Odober, . D. 1879, air uaonths from that date were allowed br e red i tora to present their cluiijis againsi the 68ate of Edwara Pacey, late of said county, döceased, and tliat all cróditorsof said deceased are 'equired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for examina! ion and aliowance, on or cjJ'uic the lirst day of April nrxt, md that claims wil] be heard iielbre said Court on Fiiday, thesecond day of January, and on Tbura day, the first day of April next, at ten o'clock in the foren oon of eacli of said daya. Datcd, Anu Arbor, October 1, A. D. 1879. WILLIAM D. 1IAU1Í1MAX, 40w-4 Judge of Probate. Notice of Mortgage Sale. BY A MOKTGAGE BEA1UNG DATE Ocloher 18th, A. D. 1872, and reeorded in the office of the Register of Deéda for the coiinty of Waahtenaw, state of Michigan, on the 21st day of Oelober, A. 1. 1872, ;t ninü o'olock anii tliirty minuta a. m., ia liber 49 of mortgages, on pure SOS, Sylvaüua W hippie duly mortgaged to Julm A. Wntling "All thosa certain pieoes or pn it--ls ol land lyingand being m the county of Waahteoaw aud slate of Michigan, known and dcscrihed as follows, iiiimoly. The northhalf of tho noilheast quarter of section thirty-lour, nd the south half of the northeast quarter of said aeetion thirty-four, in townslüi four south of range seven east, togsther wlth the tenementa, heredltamants and nppurtenaneesthereunto helonfiing." UefauHlins occurred in the conditions of said mortgage, bywn lei def a nlt the power of sale eontained in said mortgttjío has beeome operative. Tlie amount clainied to be duc on siiid mortsage at the date ol this notice is two thousnnd two hundred and forty-thirr dollars, uesidos the attornoy fee of thirty-ilve dollars pvovided for in süid mortgnge. And no snit orproceeuinghavi ii" been instit uted at law torecover Ihedebt nnw i cmaming.secured bysniil mortgage orany partthttreof. Notice is Uereby given thaisaid mortsjagewlll be foreclosed by a suíe of said mortgaged lands und premisfs, which sale will be made ut. public vendue tn the liighest bidderonthe Fifteist ay Oï Dkcembbb,A.D. 1879, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, at the south door of the Court liouse in the city of A nu Arhnr In suid county. Dated, September 18, 1879. JOHN A. WATLING, Mortgagee. T. Nindk, Attorney. Estáte of Francés i:iiza Fanlkner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ÏO of Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Oourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden it the Probate Olfice in the city of' Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-third day of 8e!ptember in the year one thousand eight huudred aud seveutyniue. Present, William D.Harrlman, Judite of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francés Eliza KaulkiH'i1, deceased. Franklin D. Cummings, administrator of said estate comea Into court and representa that he is uow pre pa red ío reuder Iñs final account as sue.h administratOT Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesdny, the twenty-lirst day of Oetober next, at ten oclock in the íorenoon, be assigned for examining1 and allowing such account, and tuut the heira at law of aaid deceased, and all o t her persons interest cd iu said efltate, are required to tippen i at a seesitm of : said court, then to be holden at the ï'robate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, j aud Bhow cause, if any there be, why the ! said Hccomit sliould not he ullowed. And'it is further ordoied, that said administrator pive notice tothe peiRons interested in Raid estáte oi the petidency of&aid account, and the hearing j thereof bycausinga copy oí this order to be pubjisbed in the Micïhgan Arous, á aefWïper printt'd and cireulating in said county, thre ; 0M8ÍT6 weeka previona to Bnid day of hearing. I WILLIAM D. HARHIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge oí Probate. Wm. G. 1'otï, Probate Register. Batata of Charle Warner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí VVashtenaw ss. At il session of the Probate Court for tlie Itaunty o f Washlenuw, holden at the ! Probate Office in the eity of Aun Arhor, on Wed, the tv.-nty-fonrth day oi' Eteptember, in the yearone thnusand eijjbt lmndredand seventy-nine. Present, WiUiam IJ. llari-iman, Judee of Probate, In the matter of the estáte ol Charlea VVaroar, deoeased . On readinpr and fllinir the petition. duly venfled, of William Wnrner, praying that a rlain iaslrument now om íile ti this cour!, purporting to be the last will and testameui ui' said deceasen, inay be vdmitti'd to probate, and that Willlam Warner and Frcderiek Warner inay be appoiuted esecutota tilt reut'. Tlicreupon it is orrlered, that Mmidny, the tweutiethday ol Octobemext, nx ten o'clock in the lorenoon, oe assisrned lor the beanng of suid petition, and that the deviaeos, legateea and heiraat luw of said deoeased, and all other persons interested m said estáte, are required to ftppear at a nesMon of mid Court, then to be holdeu ut the I'mbate Olüceinthe city of Al.n Arbor, nnd how Oauee, if any thtre be, why the prajer of the petitioner hould not be sranted : And it ia lurtber ordered that said petition Bi' ei notice to the persona interesled in said eatateoi the peudeucy ot said petition and the hearing thereof, by enuiHBK a copyoi this order to be pul.lishi-d in the M ichkían AEons,a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day ofheanng. WILLIAM D. nA„EIMAN, ( A true oopy.) .Tudgo of Probate. Wm. U. Doiy, Probate Eegister, Estáte of Mavlndii M. Colaran. STATE OP MICIIIüAN, COÜNTY of Wahtenw, u. Notice tehereby elven that byanorder oí the Probate Con rt fot the County oí Washteoaw, made on the nineteenth day oí September, A. D. 176, six miinths Inmi tbal date were alloved fot credltora 1" present tbeir claims aginst te estáte ol Hartada M. Colman, late of safa coan ■ ised, ;nd that all oredrtora of sald d sed ■lired to present thelr olaimfl i" i( Probate Cottrt, at the Probate OfBceta tbe eíty of Aun Arbor, for i-xuiniiuitiuu and allowanee, on or hcfore the ninetwoth day ofMaroh neit, ui.l i lint aneb rhiirns will be hèard before s;id CJourt, n Kri(!:vy, tlie nineteenth day of Deoember.and on Frlday, the oineteentb day oí March n-xt, ut ton o'clock in the forenoon of eiioh of sáid áaya. Uateil Auu Arbor. September 19, A. D. 1879. WILLIAM D. HAUHIMAN, üOwi Judge ul X'tubate.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus