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LEGAL NOTICÊS. Keal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY k3 of Washtenaw, as. In the matter oftlie estáte o f JSathan Buszard, clecensed. ísotice is heieby given, tliat in puTBiutncé oí' tn order granted ro the ímderslgned adra infot rat or of the estáte of said deceased, hy the líon. Judge oí Probate íor the county of Washtenaw, on the nïnth diiy of July, A D. 1879, there will be Bold at public endue, to the hií bidder, at the late resldence of said descosed in the townslup of PHtsfleld in fche county of Washtenaw in said Ftate, on Batttiidat, ïiikTwi-myl-'TFTH HAY OF Oí'Tdlilíll. A. 1). ]7'J, ftt ten O'elock in the forcnoou of tliit day (sulgect to ;ül encumbnincea by mortgage or otherwise existing t the time of the death of said decensecl) the following decffribed real estáte, to wit : liepinniD at a poiiit iii the west side of scction nuniber four in thctownphip of Pittsfleld, Ín the townty of Wnshteiiiiw Id Michifran, nineteen chaina and seventy-nine links í'rom tbe noiiLwost corner ot' duid seetion, running t hen ce north eiyhty-seven degrees and flfty ir.inutes east three chaiiis and thirty-six links to a etake one chola and twentyeeven links frem a oherry tree ten iuohefl In diameter wliich beata Bouth eifíhtj-seven deprces wet, thencc soutb two degrees east ñl'tyfour links, t henee south eigbitynine degrees nd ten minutes east six chaina and eiphty-eiirlit links tO ft ítake tliirt-six and a half links from an apple tree Qfteen inchea in diameter wiiich btiiia son tli twenty-eight deyrees wes tlieuce snnih Biïty-eigrht degreea east míe chain and eighty-seven Uoka, tlience south eifrhty-four deprees eas( four chaina and links to the intersectioo of two diiclies thence south eix d éast eleven elains nnd twenty-two links to tlie recoenized ea.-i and wífí qunrter me, thenco wi M on ihe quarter line serènteen chakta and twenty links to the recoiínized qiianer stake. thon06 nortli on the Hfction lint thirteen chains and lifty links to tlie place ot' bégtuninff, nnd containing twenty-one aCTi ; of land moreor lesa Pati'd.Sipt. (i, lü"D. BENJAMIN E. NICHOLS, Administrator. Kslate of gelden Marvin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 0OUNTY of Witi-hteimw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court fur the County of Washtenaw, holden t the Probate OÜice, ui the eity of Aan Arbor, on Tuesday, the tbirtieth dfty Of September, in the year oue thoiiHiind eiL'hf. hundred and seventy-nine. Piesent, Williarn D. ïliirrnniiii, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the enlute of belden Marvin, deceased . On and fiüng the petitloü, ïuly verifïed, of Oonntook F. Hill, pmying bhst he ox some other Hwitable person muy bu apoiuted administrator ol' tlie estáte of &iid deccaud Thei-euponil isordered.thntMoiiduy.tho twentjseventh d;iy of October next, at ten o'clock in the ftB--iued ior the hearinf of unid petátion, and that the heirs ui Jaw of anid den and uil other pefsonsinttTosted in said estáte, ure required to appear ut a scssion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arboi, nnd show cause, if any there be, why the prayQT of the petitioner should not be Kríirited : And it. ia futí her ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interentcd in said estáte oí the pendency of said petition nnd the hetinnfr thereof, by causinir u copy of thia order to be pubÜlird in t)i e Mkiiiiian Ama, a new&papOT prinled tind oii1oulatftd in snid eounty, thrcf succtssivo weeka previous to suid diiy of hearing "WILLIAM U. HAIilïIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge oí Probate. Wm. Ot. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Kdward Gardtnezv OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Wutatenaw, as. Noticc is horeby given, thut by au order OÍ the Probate Court for the county of Wusbtenaw, mude on the second d.ay of October, A. lJ.1879.six months trom thiit date wore alloved for OTeditor to presen 1 their clftfrns against the estáte of Kdwarcl Gardiner, late ol' Baíd eouuty dtrttiifci'ii, and thíit üll creditors of taal deo6Afed ai B n utiired to present their claims to Baid Probate Uovirl, at the Probate Oüicu in tlie city oL Aun Arbori for examination an9 allowanca, en or beftiré thfl ieoond flay of April oext, and that sueh cluims will be liciird belbrtí sail Oourt, OD Ehridajf, the seonud day of January, and on Friday, t-fie secoud day of April next, at ten o'clock iii tho foren oon of each ol eaúl days. Dated.Auu Arbor, Oclobpr2, A. D., 1879. AVIIvLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, llwi Judge of Probate, LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of Jolm Georg-e Schiiierle. STATE OY MICHIGAN, COUNTT oí Wathtenaw, ss. Ata sessie of the Probate Coiut for the Connty of Washteuaw. holden at the Probate Offií íd the city of Aun Arbur, on Thorday, the ninth y oí' October, in the yoar ono thous;md eighi hundred anl .eventy-niue. ProBent, Wil H aro D. Harrirnan, Júdeo!' Probnte. In the matter oí the estáte of John üeorgo Schuierlf, deceased. On readiüg and filinerthe petitíon, duly verified, oí Clwistina Silinierlp.pruying that acertíiin instrument now on íiic in this Cuuit, pwipoitmK to be the 1-ist will and testament of said deceawd, may be admitted to prjbate, and thal Bhe rasy b appointed executrix thereof. Theieupon it is ordered.that Monday, the tbird clay of Ñovemuer next, at ten o'clock in th forenoon, be asined for thebeaiingof pk! petitiou, and thhtthedevisees. legatees,nd heireatlaw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are required to tppeíir at a session of ÊJtid Cour!, tiien to be houlen ut the Probate oífice, in the City of Aun Arbor, and shw caw.e,if aar there be,why the praycr of the petitioner should not be gruDted; And it is further ordered that said potitinner give notice to the persons interested in aaid eptate, of the penrieucy ol said pelition, arul tbe hearinp thereof. by cühsuií? a eopy gí this order to be pulthhed in the Mii;nir;iN Argfs, a neV9paper pnnted and ctrmilated in said connty, three bucceasive "weeka previoua to snid day of heaiing. WILLIAM D. HARTïIMAN", (A true copy.) Ju igre of Probate. William G. Dot y, Probate Register. Kstitte of Axtells- insane tersons. UTATJá OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Wahtenaw. At n srpsion of the Probate ('ourt for the t'ounty of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monclny. tbo Bizth day of October, m tho year one tbonsasd eiuht hundred and seventy-nint. Present, Williimi D.H tiriumn, Judge of Propte. In the matter oí' the estáte oí Samuel Axtelï and Barah Axtell, insane persons. Ou readiatíundíilinfí rhe petition, duly verified.of Frank L. Axtell, guardián piayiiijr thsit he rany b HceoHed to Bell certoui real estáte belonging to sid Imane persona. ïhereupon itis ordered, that Suturday, the first dny oí November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc aasigned for the henringof said ietrtion( and thut tlie nest oí klu oí saitl insane pcrsüns,and all other person j interested iu said cstatt, are teq ui ved to appear at a eeaaion of said Court, then to be holdüu at tlio Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and nhow canse, if any there be, why tha pruyer of tho petitioner sliouhi not be granted: And ït ia turther ordered thut said petitioner give notie to the persous interested in saitl estáte, of the pendeney of suid petiHoo and the heaiinp thereof, by ciuiiiig a C"py of thia order tobO publisbed in theMlCHlOAN Ahgub, a newspaperprimetï and circula tod in tmiil coiinty, three auccesBive week previous to said day of hearing. W1LLIAMD. HARRIMAN, f A true eopy). Judge oí Probate. Wm. Ü. Loty, Probate Register. NIÏISIUF.I-' SAI.I5. A BRAM MILLAGE and JANETTE a Millage va, MUton M.DilIon, as: By virtueof a writ ofexecutioo isued out of anti under thesealof the ïrouil Court for the Coonty of Washtenaw, in chancery, in theabove entitlea cause, to me directedand ddiviTtü. I ilid on the twenty-slxth day of September, A. 1. 1879, levy upon nli the Hftbt, liiii' and interest of Abram MilUtge nd Janette Mlllage in and to the followjng described Real Éstate, to-wit : The eust half af the nocth. rteï of section luraber t.wenly-three, Ín hip four Soatb, Range biz Eaet, bei híj the Township of York, Wafihtenav county, ïlichivan, whioh above described real etiite I shall sell at public vemlue to the highest bidder at the North door of the Court H, in the city of Ann Arbor, in -■aid county, nu the fiftekntii day of kovemki:h, A. 1). 1879, nt l' o'clock in the afteiuotw of sttid day. Paied OetoU-r.'ï, 1879. JOSIAH S. CASE, Sheriff. E. 1). Kinne, Solioitor for Dcfendant. E IV. COOPEH, M. Im Accoucheuj, avñ i GyBaeeologist. öfficrVoruer iain and Bv ion sfreets, Aun Albor,


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Ann Arbor Argus