Real Estate Transfers
S. H. Gay to Frank L. Andrus. Milan village lot. Consideration $55. Ertmuu.i Clancy to E. and W.H.CUncy. 80 acres iu Northfiuld. Coni-ideration $2,00!). Albert Blaess to Gonfrey Bisseneer. 10S acres in Ann Arbor towughip. Deed Kiven to correct erroueous description Considerntion 1. Mary F. Allen to Ira M. Allen. Ypsilanti city lot. Congidertttinn $350 James McXally to 8. and A. Gutbrip 10 orein Sylvan. dinsideratiou $1000 AirahamCulvertoWard Conklin. 28 acres in Superior. Consideration $1000 Julia Boylo to R,,8a A. Boyle. Ypsi Unti city lot. Corisideration fl. Wra H. Ran.Jall to Joseph F. Weber Ann Arhor city pruperty. Cousideration $3öOO. J Henry Ford to ttirmon Allen ïllape lot in Mooreviüe. Conideratioii -Y125. John C. Mead to Mariah Mear! Ann Arhor city property. CuUBicWation pbOO. QUIT-CLAIM. Betspy Blake to Thomas Blake. Vn diyided one-half of pareels of land in tin s city m eonsidersüoD of love aud affeotion. Leonhard Gruner, Tnistep, to Mary A íiscber. Lu,, Is jn Ann Arbor city town and in NorthHeld, one-fifth undivid.-d interest therein. Cousideratiou 11625. Unleora McBoogal to Jamea Hognn. Interest acquired by foreclonure of moitggp upon 114 ncres in Bridgewater said mortgage mdo by the MUlers Consideratinn $ö,)3.15.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
S. H. Gay
Frank L. Andrus
Edmund Clancy
W. H. Clancy
Albert Blaess
Godfrey Bissenger
Mary F. Allen
Ira M. Allen
James McNally
S. Guthrie
A. Guthrie
Abraham Culver
Ward Conklin
Julia Boyle
Rosa A. Boyle
William H. Randall
Joseph F. Weber
J. Henry Ford
Harmon Allen
John C. Mead
Mariah Mead
Betsey Blake
Thomas Blake
Leonhard Gruner
Mary A. Fischer
Malcom McDougal
James Hogan