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rro THE FAKMER3 OF WASHTENAW! Tt is ;i weil-knowu fact and haa not been fenied hnt the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroid the past y tav luis j.ut in the iwcketa of the farmers of the rouuty, ut icn-t on hII of (htiT wlieat. Now three cents oa I.ÍOü.íOO bashela Et 4,000 doiI ite n Bftvmg. Now v.r ;-;iy. brínsT ybtir whet mtiH the iovd wïii re jou niïl 'finrt your oíd ni ii. 1., Tbkadwkll & Ohboqkk, ready tn pay th hihest posible prioe thal ciin i p we ■ usl . bj fni r !■ al ing, we will recuiv a fair proportion of pal ronage. Yours truly, XKEAÜWELL & O SB O BK E. Ann Arbor. July _;, lh'9. LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of Edward Gsrdiaer. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ ot Washtenaw, es. Notice is licrehy i.---j, thal by an order of the Proíiiile L'nurt for t'ho cotinty of VVaahtemiv, made on the serond day of Oetoöer, A. I. 1879, üix niontbs trom that dato we e illowert for creditoi e to present the ir claims againat theostttte of Edward (arrtiner, lute of naid r.mity o, and thftt 11 ereditors of s:iirl docrwed r claims to -iiñ Proïiate 1 '■int . at lie Plobate Office in the city of Ain Arbor, for exAminalioii and nllowarce, on or brlme nd daj oj April neit.and that such claims will be heard belore s;i'l '"oiirt. on Friday, Ihe si-cond day of J;i nary, and nn Krklay, Ihe secoiid diiy of April nixt. ut ten o'clock in tlin forenoon of eacii of kihI dayfi. Dated, Ann Arbor, October 2 A. P 1879 WILUAM 1). H ARRIMAN, ilwi Judïe of Probate. Xoticc of Martgage Sale. BY AilORTGAGEBEAUINGDATE Oc'ober isth, A. l). 1872, and recorded in ■ '.:c of the Repistei ! Deed for the coiinty ol Washtenuw, sfate ol ■ on tlir-jut day of Oetotwr, A. U. Ib7i, ;it iiiiü' o' doek nnd thirty minutes a. .m., in Liber 40 ui' ■ Sylvanus W hippie fluly n John A. V;it1 thofBcertain piecPBor pareéis oi land ly.■i li'.iiiij in the county of W.-iif Mlcliigan, !ct;ovn nn! depcril nnrth half oí (he tion tlurty-lour, and south half of tb' norlb ast qunrter nr, in township foufsouth of raiiire neven east, tog ther ['■.'■■ te nero en 1 lito I rimi i, in the condUioDS ■■ ge, hy wh u-h defnulf ■ ontfüned in said r on 'ii I ■ is i wó nd twn hundred and fortT-three dollai he ttnrney tee of thin r ave dollars jmvidfd forinsal . And nosui1 of pro ;eeding havug beeo rcTthedebtnowit-jjüjft-n-'jM'J,- sid V foreclosed by a s :i p remises, which sale wil) be rande it public '. to the hiffhest bidderon tlie I-iftsi kth da y - t, A. D. 1879, al (i n o'clock in the fon i ;it the south door of t!u Court House iu tbc i A nn n ■ r in - , :■! couni y. Duted, 6eptenftber IS, 1879, Jou N A. WATLING, Mortraaw. T. Nisdk; Attoroey. Sheriff'! Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COTJNTY kj of Washtenaw, as. SMney W Clarkson vs. Josepb BeckiDtter. liy virtueof awrit of fierl facías lsbu r] out of and nnder í lio seal of tlie circuit cuurt tor the countv of Washtennw, in he above entitled cause, tome dirccted and delirered, 1 did on the twenty-ninth dy of March, A. I. 1879, levy opon all the richt, litle and interest of .1" i ph Seckineer in and to the followiDg describid real ertate, to wit ; All those certain pieces or p;uoi-JN ofland in the city "t Aun Arbor eounty oí Washtenaw and state of Micbiirau, sitúate in Brown and f'uller's adóMtion to t ti e villuge fnow cityj of Arm Arbor, described as lollows, Tiz.l Being a part of lot onc (1J in bloek nine (9j, described as follows: Commenclng ut tlie ly corner of the Vail House on Bruadway, tbence at right anifk-s wlth Broadway alone the eastBrly lino of said Vall's lot siity-slx feet thoncc; i with Wall street nntil 'it intersects the nortberly line of land hi-retorcre decded lo Benjamin SliLTinan, thc-nce afong said lino to Maiden Lane, tbence nortberly along Muiden Lane eighi (Hl feet, tbence at right nngles nith Maiden Lane to thesouth corner of land heretofure dteded to David GroTe, t henee alontí the westerly line of said Grove lot lo Broadway, thenre ulong 'Eroadway twentyBveCiS) feet to the place of beginning including whaieverland theremay bebetween the Vail and (rrovelot. Also thot pieee or parcel of land situated ui Brown and Fuller'e addltion to the Baid village (now cityi of Anii Arbor, necordlng lo the recorded plat thereof, known, bonnded and di'scribed as folluws, to wit : Commenciiifr on the easterly Hide ot Wall street one hnndred (100) feet from Brondira), tlunoe nortbeaiterly at right anglesto "h street tbirty-our and one-half f:;i".) feet. tbence easterly piirallel tth Wall street twenty-six feet, tlunce ut right angles wlth Wall strei-t, toWall St , tnence northwesterly on Wall streel twenty-sli feet to tbe place of beginntng. Wbich above d esc r i bed property I sball sel] ut public venduetothe hlghesl bidderj at the th door of the Courl House, in tb. -vit y of Ann Albor, in said oonnty of Washtenaw Michigan, on the Fikst dat o Novembkb, a. D. 1870, at two o'cloek in the afteruoonot thatdav. Dutod, (September 17, 1879, JOSTAH 8. CASE, Sheriff. A. E. Hewktt, Plaintill's Attorney. Estáte of Edwsrd l"acey. OTATE OF .MICHIGAN, COTJNTY kj of Waabtonaw.M. Notice is hereby giren. that by an order of the Probate Courl lor the C'oiinty of Washtnnaw, made on the th.t day of Ocio'ber. A. D. 1S7Í). six mouths froiu ttiat date were allowed tor ere litors to present their clniuis againsi the estate of Ëdward Paoey, late of said eouüty, dcceased, and that all creditonof said deceaséd are 1 tn 4rogenl thelr claims to said Probate Court, at tiie Probaié Office in the city of Aun Arhor, for ezamination atul allovance, on c bofore the Brut day of April next. and iliat i claims will hu heard liefore said Court on Filay, the second day of Jannary, and on Thursday, the firat day ot April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofeach of snld days. Dated, Ann Arhor, Octohei 1," A. D. isyo WILLIAM 1). HABRIMAN, "■■ Jud.-e of Probate. Estáte of Charles E. Burlingame. OTATE OF MICHÍUAN, COUXTY O "f H'uerjtenaw, m. Notioea hereby givi-n, 'lia bv m order of the Probate Courl lor the Uountyo Wislitelliiv.. uu the h-ntli díiy ol October, A D. 1879, six months frum that date wrro nü.iweii for areaiton to hieseni tbi iclmrns 8(tins1 the os ■:ii. al Churleg E. Uurlingame, late ot unid connty deceased. .ind that. il creditors of snid decena arenqnired lo ]jre-i-nt theii claims to i-hkI Pro lurt, t the Probnte office in the oityoi nn A.rbor, for exiimination and n'iowuncp on ui hetm the lenth day oí April oext, and tbnt in wil) be heard beforp aaid Court, on Satnrday, tlie tenth dny f January, and on alorday, the tenth day of April uet, at ten u'clock ii. the forenoon of e:ich oi suid rtay. Duted, Ann Arhor üctolwr 10. a.I) is;d W1LL1AM D UAlüilMAN, :-''v' JudiU' ot I róbate. Estáte nf AxteHs-insane persone. ■ OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY k3 ot' Watthtehaw. Ál :i Bfvsion of the J'iolmte uurt for flie ' ounty oi Wasbtenuw, holden at the Probate Uffice in themtvol Ar u Arbor. on MonShj. ihe sixth daj ot Octobir in iht yem oai th'HiPHud t-ilit hundred una seventy-nint. Present, Willium L). Fi .rnman, Jndge of l'rnbate. 1 ntbv matter uftbt-estHti oi bumuel Axtiil umi Sarun Axtflt, indine peí i OormdlllltHndtUiugtbi pt-utuin. duly verifiid of Frank L. Axtell.Kuardian praylmi thal hemay l.e liofii-t-d to sell owtaiQ re;.) estáte belonging t. Ills-Hli' ]■ Thireupon it Is nrinu], tbat Saturday, the first diiy oi Nc.v.'miI). r next, at ten o'cluck in thi Qoon,beasiL'nedfi)i the hearing o üi! pention,and 'hut the iii'xt of kin ot said insiim au otber peraonj internted in Bind est uta, ure requiri-d ti, appear :it a m s.-i. n 'ii eaid Conrt, then to bï hoiden it t) Probate othce in tlie city i , Arbor. and -how oauae, if any tbere be, wtiy tb. pmyerof the petitioner ahould not ie granti d: And 11 is tortherordered that smíi] petitioner pve notie peraora interetted in said pítate oi the pnndeocy of aid petition nnd tbe beaiiiw llierci.f. by cnnii,K u c pj of lliis order to be pnbliahed in theMlCHlOAN Abgus anewspHuerpriuieJ al culated in 6iiid oounty, thnc BUüceabive nb previoua to suid dny of hearioff. WI1.LIAMD. HARRIMAN, fAtru-ioai.


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