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LEGAL NOT1CES. Kstate of Selden Marvin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CUUNTy' of '■'' ion of tlie Probato Court tor the Countj cf Washtenaw, holden nt tlie ■ - 'VV .■ -- ■ i aeadíiy, thethirl ber, in the vearouo thonpand en'l.t hundi-crl u;id scvenly-nine ' Pieaent, William !) Hnrrimun.Judtie of Probnte Ín theinattcroitiieeatiite oi Seldeu Marrin, deOn readiugand fllingthe petitlon, duly verified, of Gomalock 1'. HUÍ, prayiDg that he or sorne other Bintable person muy be ip,ointed admiuistrutor of tlie estáte of sai Thereuponifisordered.tbatMonday.the twentyseventh dny oí Oí . f tf n o'elock in the loreuoon, be aasigned fot the hearing oí Huid petition, and that the heira at Jaw of said decensed, and all other person interested in said estáte nre requned to appear at a seasion of said courl, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office ín tlie city of Ami Arbor. and show ctiuse. if nny there he, wliy the prayerof tlie rctitioneiBhould not bet;rnnted : And ít i íutthcr ordered that said petltionet pive notice to the persons intererteri in saicl estáte ot tl:e pendeney of unid petition and the hearine thereof , by causine o eopy of this order to be published in tlie MichisahAroüb, u newspapeT printed and cirODlated in s.ud oount y, tlireo succíssive weeks previous to said day of hearing-. WILLIAM 1). nAKRIMAN, (A trtie copy.) J,,dge oí Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Kstate of John George Schnierle. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washlenaw, ss. At a sessi n of tbe Probate Couit for the Oounty of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Oifice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursdayf the ninth day of Oetober, in the year one thoussnd eirht hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D. Harriman.JudfreofTrobate. In the matter ot the estáte of John Geuree Schnierle, decensed. On rending and ti!inr the petilion, duly verificd, ofCliristinSchnierle,prayingtlHtt a certiiin instrument now on fiie in thia Couit, puipoitini? to be the Ust will and testament of said deceast-d, may he adiniticd to piábate, and tlial she may be appointed ezecutriz thereof. Thereupon it isiirdcred.that Jfonday, the third day of Novemper next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assigned for the beuring of said petition, and that thedesees, l6gBtee8,asd ben? atlair of saiiTdeceased, and all other persons intereslcd in Min state, are rtquired to appear at a session of said Coui-1, then to be holden at the Probate offire, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionor should not be {rranted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give nofice to thp persons interested in &:iid eetate, of the pendency ot Maid petitlon, umi the hearin? thereof hy causini? a copy of thia nrderto be published in the Michioin Ar,, newpaper printed and circulatc-d in euid county, three succetásive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAJI D. HARRIMAX, ( A trut copy.) Ju iRe of Probate. William O. Dott, Probate Register. SHERIFF SALE. BRAM MILLA.GE and JANETTE xlMiilape vs. Millón M.Dillon, ss: By vlrtueof a wrir ofexec ia ie. ii Issued out of and underthesea) of the Circuit Court for theCounty of Washtoiaw, in ery, in the above entitled cause, to uie directed and delirered. 1 uï.l on the twenty-sixth dayof September, A. 1). T'J, levy i)"n all Ihe right, tille ana Interest of Abram Millai Janette Mlllage in and fco tlie following deschbed tate, tciwit : ïho cast balf of the norïhwest quarter of cii-m number twenty-three, in Township fonr South, Bnnge siz East, bein)? the Townsliip of York, Waahtenaw county, Michiean whlch nbove dewribed real estatuí 8hU sell at public vendue to the faighest bidder at the Noith door of the Court ouse, in the city of Ann Arbor In saM county. on the f]kii:i.xtii day oi xovniBKR, -. D. 1879. at 2 o'clock in the uftcrnuon of said day. Dated octobcr3, 1ST9. JOSIAH S. (ASE, Sheriff. E. D. Kissr, Solicito! íor Defendaut. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY ' of Waabtenaw, a. In the matter of the estáte oí' íi!h ni Buzzari Ñotlce ís hfrchy thal in purpUHDce ofan order grantéd tindernigned ■ ,■ i BUte ol snid de■ i y tbe Hon ' itdge ol Pro tate for th Sy ol Wushtenaw. on fche nin'h duy of Juiy, A í IH79, there will In wild t pulilio vendue, tQthe lie I est biddPi . ni I '"■■■ Ia1 ■ residí ■ ■ In the town ; . .,■ y of Wash■ mi Sa'í Dltl ay, tui; 1 . i fAl í I. l-7:t. ;tl feu ■ ■ mi oí tli t dav remhject to : i i til the ira ■ ol i lio út wiii.r 1' seril c ipmI esfflte, t wíl : )'■ . ím n ; nt a poiut . le ül Reotion number fimr ín thi I Pittsfl ld in the Lounty of WtmbUnaw in ni ntiipteen chainí y-nine links ruin the noi tbwest cornc i 1 ttfty min. ist threii chaina nnd thntv-six links to ;i take one ehnin and tweMymven linka Ir m a horry tree ti'n luches in diameter which beun m tv, t i hel eouth two -;i-t fi tv four lip.];-;, tbence Bouth . ighty-eiirh link lo a rtke tbirfj-tx nnd a lul! niks in.m an ipple tree :. south sixly-i oncohain iud ■ neven llnlt, tliem ' lyJour deBfty-fout liiik ti the in ou jI' twc di suutn six di cl.dDfl and twenty-two linka to tuë ecoaniied easl ondwefi qnHrter line, theno n the quarter line Mnrrnlceii chaina aiil twenty nk to reo gnized quar er ataku, thene north i the a rüoii ],„. thirtpen ohnlniand iriy links to il' plnce ut ttóginnÍDf, and conUimuy twonty-eue crea ot land more o' lesa. Dated, Sept. I BENJAMIN E. NTCHOLS, Administrator.


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