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Estáte of Wllllam Myer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY ot Wushtenuw, n. At h sewion ! tl r Probate ( !iu rt for the Grauíy of IVushteu w,holdtTi Probate Office, ntheeilvol Ann Arbnr o?. v.,]m . diy. tin' fifreemh diiy of Ootohtr. in the fear obc thounand eigh t hundred and seveni v-in Present, V ü'i, ra D Hiiiriman. Jdp o Prol.Hte In the m.iit.-r "1 the Mtite oí W'illum Uvera ■ lina tlio pftitlon áüy verifled nf 1 harlesH. Kempf, prayins :,,■ H r rlnin instrn'"'■ w "" ■ i" ihia Court, purporting to l.r the liiol Wllland T. - iMiii.-nt ni imid doeeased mj be admitted lo probate, and thal be ma be uppointcd ■ i i li. i. ..r. peupiin it 8 ordervd, thal Mondajt the lenth November n.xt. it ton o'clock in tlie torcnoon, be wsipned lor the hearinu ol uuJ petition, m.i thal thedeWsees, beirsat law I. and II o'hei penon nti ui iid ntate, are reqoiivi t,, appeur at ii oj mI oonrt, thea to be lu)-!, -n al th Offloe in the city ..1 inn Arbor. and show eauae, If any there I,,., wlij ti;, , of the petitioner hould nol be gmnted: And' 11 i turthei or.lerei' thut said petltionei givi I mtice to the persona nteivsted ui -.n.l f the pt'Ddenoy oi ,,,„ n(j lf„. itiL' tNT„,i. hy cnnsini! n copy of ibis order to lie ■ publlshed in the M „ewspniier i innted and oiroulaled n said oounty, tlmesucMiTe weeks prxviou .,,,,... ,, W1LI.IAM D HARRIMAN, '. ) 'r"e i''PV-) ludse of Probate W m. U. Duty. Probiite Résister. EX. OOOPEB, IH. D., Accoucbeur and :■:.. cologist. Offlce'corueiMain and Huob tttaats, Aon Arl LEGAL NOTICES. Sítete of María Tord. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT Dt Waatlteuiiw . At a -ion of the Probnt Rmrl tor thü Oiumy ot W:islfnaw, holde at the PiobnK Offise in thcpity at Ann Amor, on Mw da.T.tbe Siievntli ny ot September, in the jer ihoiMHndetaht hundred ;mil cvenly-niie. Presen., Williiiin I) Harrimnn. .Iu.!f ot Probare. In the tüatier ol tlie estáte of Slarú Ford decc i-id On redmrnd filintrthe petition.duly verifled.of id.l rai inu tlat he or some other suitable pris.Mi inay !„ ;tppñuted ndministrator of llie otiitf nf .,ij ilLv Mat (1 Tbcreupon ie is odercd, tlint gaturday. tb cightli day nf November uext, ut ten o'cloci in tli forennon. b auign-d foi he hHarin; ot saió peurion.ttnd tlml Ihe hi-ns ut law ot aiiidd. wnstd. d all i tl.,T persoon intereated in s id estmf, required to appeiir at u aeIon nf sniil eourt then olden at the Probate otficein the city nf Ann Arbor, lïtid uhow etrane if y lliere be, -wliy tbe praver of t he pettrioner sliould not beyranfpd: And it ia further ordered tluii ,:ii'l pelitiojiei iv notice i., tl erested in Mild etaii il the pendenoj of S:ud petition und the heriiii; ihereof, bjr cauxint oopy f tliis order tobe published nthc Michigan Anors. n neu-spaper printer! and oiroulated ia aaicl cuunty, thrt-e succes iive wetkspu i I il.iy of henrinp. "ILL1AM D. HAKKIMAN, ( tra copy.i Judg of Probate. Wm. (i. Dutï, Probate Kegister. Real and imitation laces of all kind at Bach & AbelV


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Ann Arbor Argus