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- Martin Warner of Ypsilanti has stiawberry bed in bloom. - Messrs. Dr. O wou and Van Eipi liave retarned to Ypsilanti f'roin th E isebud aenoy. - Addison Childs of Ypsilanti ha gone to Lansing to bo au engineor in tbe capítol building. - An Univorsalist social will be helt at the rrsidcnce of James Hatuion ii Macuñ, Lienawee Co., on Friday after noon, Oüt. 31. - JucobBinderof Northfield returnec from Pontiac on Tuosliiy whither hf went to obtain bis wife whohas been an in mate of tliR insane asylnm. - Harria Ball, A. R. Bal, John Dixon El Ball, Síiiuuel Reese, Tilomas Birket and Dr Howall leftDexter on Saturlaj iu search of deer roaming in the wojds to the north of us. - Elizabeth Cono, aged about 45, an ininate of the county houso for a fow weeks, was adjudgeil insana upon an fzamination by the county physioian Dr. O'Toole and comtuitted to Pontiac iisylum by order of Judge Harriman. - Irs. Joseph Newell of N. Y. state carne to visit her son, Wm, 11. Newel', residing near Dexter. Just beforo dark of the day (Tuesday of last week) she feil down a pair of stairs receiving serious injuries upon her head and chest. - Charles F. Dieterle a. young man ot about 20 years of age, working by the moutii in Bi idi.'e water and Freedoiu, becoming insane upon religious matter, was cominitted to the Pontiac insane asylum on Mondny by Julge Harriman and removed there the day i'ollowing by Sheriff Case. - Mr. D W. Palmer of Bádgevvater, a gentleman standing high in the estimation of nis neigh'iois and townsuien 8 well as those elsewhere wbo know hira, is becoming so deaf that business is transicted by hini with diffiuulty.- Tl'is growing infirmity will eompel a discontinuance of publio business by one who bus fir many years held un important pl.'icf! n business circles of southein Wíiüh i naw. - Om Sunday, Oktober 2öth,there will De a Suiíday School Institute at the Q iptist church, in Dexter, pifcuded by a meeting on Siturday evening, witl) liscussion of iippropriate topics. Messrs. EUvards Cooper of East Milán ; C. M Ffllows of M inchestfr ; Humphrcys of Stline; Bird of Unadilla ; and Depow )t Cliclsea, and others will particípale ; nul llr. E lmiinds, Statu Missionary has H't'n invited. - The will of the late Henry Vinkle f Déxter has provisión as follows : ADOunt of the mitire estáte, includiiif; claims araiii"t the three eider sous, abnnt $10 000. Tiifse claims, about $10,000, ire all vaoitted. O the bilance of th ■siate Mrs. Vmkle rcceives her rtowry, $10,000; ench of the three younger chillien $1,000, to offset the claims Tftnated as above, and tlm balance, $17,000, ia to in cqually divideJ between tuo six chilIren. - It is not only bpcmiso Bro. Blnf.ser f tlif yj iin'hc-tcr litt is the handuni'st editor in Washtenaw Cuunty hat he is obligfd to take tip so much viluablti space io eaoh sbub of bis papei i) tbank his friendsfor Vouquets, apples )i)tatoi'S, etc, k-tc , bal for his goodness ot' heart, a trait her'etofore unnoticed by hu ABOU8. His foreman so loves hiin hat, trum his place in Sharon hepluukt-d hirteen varieties ot apples, and laid hirii uil upon the editor's table. We lopo to learn in due time uil the good [milities of our editorial brother. Huw hunkful we are he has no wicked purtier. - Mrs Ann L , wife of Mr. N. B Covert of Ann Arbur tovvn died on Tlmrslay of last week. Twenty years ago a ancer was disco vered apon tbe breastof Mis. 0., trom wliich little or no puin viis feit until four years afterward. For ixtiien years she has suft'. 'red as few )ersi)iis raroly snff-r. B.:side3 the orij;nal, three additional c-moers carne within the pust few rears, three forming n toont' and located upon one breast, the ourth upon the opposite. Unconsciona iptirly ail the time tor nmny daysbefore eath came to her relief, she lived a life f intense pain almost beyon 1 human udurance. Her ago was 56 years and uionths. - Gabriel Ilouoh of Sharon, carne to own one day last week, with a load of wheat, tor wbiob ho received $G7 He irove home, changed his clothes. leaving lis pocket liouk and uioncy in his pnts locket, and went out into the field wlere ntt family were al work husking corn, enving the house open and alune. - Jpou ruturning he f'oiiud tlrat some one met entered tha house and taken tbe noney of thepoc:ket-book,returning the iiupty bouk i.o ihepooket, and departed. le has no suspicions of any oue, as he lid not see any one about the preiuist'M. lis newspajiers were also taken, bul were afti-rwards found upon the ide.-


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Ann Arbor Argus