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Who gains wisdom ? He who is willng to recave instruction trom all uurces. Tuen go to Boh & Abel's and f instruoted in regard 10 the priou of Dry Gouila Estáte of Ilenry yinkle. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 3 ■! Wanhtenaw ss. At a session of the Probate oort tor the (Jounty of Washtouaw, holden at the 'róbate ) tuce m the city ot Aun Arbor, on Mor.ay, the twentieth d:iy oí Oetober, in the jeir oae loufcand eiht hundred and sevmty-Eine Present, WUliarn i). Harriman, Judfre of Prob'rfe, In the matter oí' the eatate ol Henry Vinkle, dee tsed. Om reading and filinp tho petition, duly veiificd, f Morris Thompon, prayiDg tfaftt n ceiiain inairnment tiow 011 fi e in this oourt, purportitig to by th asfiwiUaiKÍ t ■stiiintiii' of s. iid decawd, may b dmittod toptiobate, and tbai he niay be appointed c itor thereof. Tliereupon u ie orcleied, that Monday, thr seveneeu h 'lity fti N'-voniber next, n ten o cioek m Llie neuoon, ne ussiiihed ior the heaimg i stdd petiïon ana that thedevieealegateesaad heirsatlav f said dec-'ased, md ;ill otber persona iuterested i daid '-Btate, :ire reqmred to appe:tr at a sestion f said t.'ourt, then to Le holdeu at the Probate 'rfice ui the city of Am Arbor, md ahow cuuse, aiiy there be, why tbc prayer of the petitioner lüuld not be tfranied : Anti it is iurther ordened mt aaid petitioaer trive notice to the porvonR nteresled in ti.l entateof the pendency ot said Dtition una the hearíntr tbereof, by oausios a ipy ot this order to he pubïished in the Ann Aimnit AucuSjji narwvpuper priated and enen lated in said ouuty, threesuccessivo weeks pruvioua to saidday f hearing. WILLIAM D, HAHRIMAN, ( A true copy.) Jndge ot Probate. Wm. ti.DoTY, Probate Re}?iPter. Bffortffaye Sale. DEFATXLT ÏIAV1XG BEEN MADE in i in' eau tu ons ■ t .1 c rt ain mortgage, exe uud by Ohristlan Uook of Wnshteiiaw county, State t Michigan, to Thomas G. Speer, on the Bovenih yof Febru'iry, A D. 1R72, and Koorden" In H e LegisUr office of Washtenaw county WieMtrm , n day of Febrtmry. A.D 172. in Libi 7 t mnrgages, on pige 138, whlch mortgage was n theStbdMyof Man-h. A.D 1R72 "B-ígneá" by aid Thomas G. 8p er to GeoiffcS. Brnehoi the riiy I Ann Arbor eounty amresaid, wbicli assienmtnt reoorded on thei m 1 dav at 8.08 o'cloeli p. m., 'i iber ;i f Assigaments of Vortyages, nu page fifl and nttain assigufd hy aaid fïeorge K. Brush ta ; hecca lleniiqiu'BODthe 1 th day oi June, A. D. B75, ntid record 1 the 4 h day of Ñovembftr, A l 8 f, at l1'-.. o'clock a. M.,in Liber 4 Asstgnineni f MorlgK8, on pwre 715 b.y whioh detauli ths ■ bti 1 ol ale contaiued in siiii mor' gut: e line beDm operative ; anlthtre la claimed 10 bedueat (]■■ date hereof the buui of f" ven himdrd nn ■ -'vty-iiiiKi dollars, airo an at torne i, fee of thlrtyflfe 'loilr s sbould any i icee tlnfri be tfíkon to foro clos'1 tb is mortffnge. A ml no proceeélntra a1 law or in olia-icerv liavin-T been instiiutcd to recover t hö debí sertired by s;ti'il mortgae or wvy patt ther ui Not 00 i hereby (riven tha by virtue ol the powe o 's:tl ' coitHioed in tald mortgaííe ;iri'i tne Btatute i 1 Buen Dfuse ra "i'1 and providi o, 1 t-b ] peil at publio nuctlo , 'o (ha highfst leider, on Sat urday the '24th dny of January next. at two d'úIocIep. u of wiñ day, at the south door af ( 'ourt Hou f e, in tlu oityol Ann Arhcir, in nid cowty. (thnt beiatr the nloce of bolding the Circuit Conrtsjthe premiaoa ai scrU'cd In satd mortgago to Bütisfy the nnt unit .clftinu'] to be due, with the clinrErea ol Bala mi i at torneya fee provided far in euid morí page, tb Pollowmg described preralsea to wit : Tne woa one thlrd of theweatniilf of tho south west qnarter of B'ction tlarty-t'our in town three, south of range ilvo fte tate of Michigan, containing twenty-seven acres of Ifiiifl. more or Icks. Dated October 22, 187' REBKCCA 1IENRIQÏTE-1, JOHN N. GOTT, AesigncO cf Mortgajee. Attorney for Aft&igwe.


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Ann Arbor Argus