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MlT.AN Oot. 10. - Mr. David Jennings and Spencer Cao are in partnership in meat maiket here. - Charles Sleverhasmen at worklayiiii;- tone for the foundation of his new brick houso. - A party of eight from Edwards Counly, Illinois, relativesof Mr. Wiilain Lee, were visiting in tho townstiip ot Milan last week. - A party of smvyors stopped ov r Sunday at Milan, who are suivoying a railrond from Adrián to Detroit; the road will run not snutli of Milan village. - Byron Hobbs who went to the Grand Traverse región a short time ago, has purohased 4'l acrrs of land there and is intending to move his faraily and suttle npon tho land this fall. - The Milán briok and tile C). are sellinga large quaritity of brick md tile this fítll; ihe tile are of excellent quality and the Lrick prpsent n fine appearanoc when laid in u wall, and being pressed have a vt! y smooth surface and are perfectly squars with f uil edges. - Mr. A. Hard y has moved bid faini'y into the building lütely occupied 1 y David Kouyon and which Mr. Hardy lately purchased of Mr. Georee Clark. Mr. Hardy is filling the store with a t'ull stock of goods, and will make the location a inore lively place than it has been the past year. - Through the kindness of neighbors a logging bee was given to Mr. Charles Goodrich who lives west of John Plunket's, on Oct. 4th, and on the 9th another bee was uifide to plow, and put into wheat G acres, the amount logged at the Former bee. 16 teams were at the plowmg bee and did a good job for Mr. Goodrich. - Mrs. Eliza O'Riley wife of Mr. John 3'Riley with wLom she lately parted and ldest daughter of Mr. Jobn Surrige of the towuship of Milan, started for [daho Territory on the 14th inst. to join ier two brothers Mr. James and Thomas Surrige, who reside in that country. - Tbe journey will be a long one for a ady to mate unaccorapaniedby friends; the route will be by the Pacific Eailroad to "San Francisco, Cal., thenoe by steamer to Portland, Oregon, also by stearuer up theColumbian riverto Walla Walln, thonce by stage to her destination, Mount Idaho, in Idaho Territory. Mrs. O'Riley intends making Idaho her homo in the future. Mooretille, Oct. 20 - Died : Oot. 3, infant son of Mr. Fish. - Mr. Cooper of Pittsburg addressed the pcople here on temperaace last Sundny evening. - Bí-liold ! Unto the house of one Amos, vbosf surnarne ia Mclntyre, was born a son Oct. 14. - Wheat is getting an enormous growth; farmi'rs have commenced pasturing it and mowing is being talked of. - Sorae thief in atteuipting to stenl a npw single harness from the barn of S. J. lsy made a sad mistake and g(t an old ono by misfcike. - A young man by tho name of Will Terry, living noar Kalatuazoo, met with a. serious accident here while out huutins; list Siinday. Mr. T. was hunting with a donble-barreled gun, and had fired one shot and wounded a squirrel aiid in attemptlng to strike it with the butt of the gun tho olher barrel was dischargcd, the shot taking effect in thfi arm above the elbow and tearing away several inches of the tlesh and bone. Dr. Bi'ssac of Milan was called and dressed the wound and hopes aro entertüined for his recovery without amputation. MOOREVILLE, Oot. 22. - Dr. Oakley and fauiily aro away on a visit to Mouroe I believe. - Mrs. Ed non Uornie his been very sick of fever, but is recovering. -F. Butler's little boy Freddie whose leg wns crushed by a threshing machine running over it so badly, ia so he can walk again. Student. Milan, Oct. 21. - Tbe Leonard Fruit Co. have put a eider mili in their tactory. - C. M. Blackmer has the walls of his new brick house completed, and the roof on. - üur former townsman, Charles Gauntlett of Ann Arbor, was heru on the 2Oth. - Mrs. (Jeorgo Edwards who bas had the typboid fever tor six weeks is recovering f rom it. - Mr. A. Cooper from Toledo gave a soí7nd lecture hero on the eveuing of Oct. 21st., to a good audieiiue. - Mr. William Hanson has moved from E. Milán to Milau village, and occuyies the house belonging to Miss Palmer. - Edward McMuüen and Peter Han6ou have put up a eider mili on the l-rcmises of Mr. McMullen on section 4 in Milan. - Mrs. E A. Densmore hfsexchanged her property in Milan for a farm two milt s suuth of the village, with Edward Henderson. - A ' pound" social was held at the church liere on the evening of Oct. 14th for the benefit of the Milan Reform Club. Over 11 was received and put into the treasury of tho society. Thf packages were sold to the highest bidder and ereated considerable amuseujent for the audience. - A temperance lecture wns delivered at Ihe church here on Oct. löth by Mr. Alex. Cooper from Toledo. Mr. Cooper di-nics euiphatioalry tha statemeuts circiilüti d. that Mr. Jerome Murray lias I roken his pledge ; he says the stateluentu were mude by persuns who rere envtousoi' the popularity of Mr. Murraj ts a teiuperanue leoturer, andaré utterly falte. - SYm Ayres who keeps alivrry stablo let a youiig iuhii have a horse and bugiiy to go 10 Ann Arbor one dny Ltst vreet but by soino meunt leurniug that the m;ui intended to go to Clielsea. to visit soiue i'nends, got uut u warraut for lus arrest, and set deputy Slieiiff Joteph Gauntlett for him, and had bimbrought to Milan. The suit wasadjourned until soiue day the present week, when it wili I beascertamed whicti of the partiet to üe '■"■■ -srill como out aboatl.


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Ann Arbor Argus