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- Baker & Portor, íuiniture dealers of Ltnsing, f.iil for $8,000. - Wheat re-ichert eleven shülings per bushul iu i'untiac litst week. - Clov. Cros welt is able to ride out ocoasioiiiilly and triinsact a little business. - Froin 20.000 to 25.000 barrels of applcs wül be shipped tbis aeasou from Quiiicy. - Wbeat ia Kaliiiuazoo County is fronj tight'en inche8 to two ieet high and full of insects. - Up to Haturclay sixteen duaths occurred, Albert Cheever beiug the last, from the Adrinn deadfall. - Franc. s Murphy will descend upon B ittlo Cieek soon, and try to uwake teiuperance lethargy there. - James Cook ot Raiun is threatened with loss of an arin froni a sliglit wouad in tho left hand by a foik tine. - Hall vs. Hall is an Albion divorce caso wherein defendant claims he marriud coinplainant under compulsión. - John Parker of Kalamazuo, U. S Maishall fur western district of -Michigan, was recently stricken with apoplexy. - Otlicer Lamb of Htllsdale, while looking for an escaped prisoner found a hief and a stolen hoiseand buggy. He took 'eni in. - Mrs. Bayliss, wife of the recreant absquatulated Rev. Bnyliss, late of Maple Itiver and Coruuna, has been given a $70 donation visit by her friends. - Milan Perkina drove over a condemned bridge near Hudson, and went down himself, team, wagon and steam thresher. P. was injured, horses escaped, engine smashed. - " Wben you kill one Chinaman two others coaie to take his place," is an old Sin Francisco saying. The killing ot the Adrián heathen at the deadfall has resulted in two more coming to take his old stand and do was hing. - M. H. Ray, the Coldwater dealer who failed and whose establishment is in possession of the sheriff via attachmen 'f was ruined by the late warm weathei decaying apples and poultry, the specialties in which he largely dealt. - What a fine thing it is to publish a villago paper, in which it is necessary to clironicle the arrival of babies, standing of boys and girls in school, puff new subscribets, publish the letter list. for nothing, and take pay for subscription in apples, butter, cordwood, etc? - Mrs. Beu8on, ot Paterson, N. J., who was visiting at Jaines Benhams four miles north of Eoyal Oak, was out riding Thursday eveuing of last weeV, aml the horses taking fright, Mrs. Benson was thrown from the buggy and so se veiely injuied. that she died at noon Saturday. - Wm. Biightal, the Kalamazoo clerk who triedlo run five miles in 33 minutes, failed. The weather was hot and murky, but. for all that the young man got over his five miles in 36:25. He made bis first mile in 6:06, the second in 6:46, the third in 7:10, the fourth ín 7:40, and the last in 8:43- which is certainly a good amateur record! - One of the parties through whose orders the late railway accident hap pened " has engagect one of the leading lawyers of the city to defend him in case, as a result of the investigation, he' nhould be brought before the courts.' As tuis was in advance of the verdict of the coroner's jury it would appear that he had it pretty well eettled in his own inind that the law meaut to go for him.


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Ann Arbor Argus