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Biographical Sketches Of The Members Of Our County Legislature

Biographical Sketches Of The Members Of Our County Legislature image
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Superior.- F. P. Galpin, supervisor of the town of Superior, whs born in liusli, Monroe County, N. Y., in 1825, and is heneo 5Í years of age. With his párenla Mr. G. carne to Michigan in 1832 and located in Superior tukÍTg up '240 acres) of land which cost $6 per acre. Upon this farm increased by two purohaaes to 300 acres Mr. G. was reared and now owns. His education has been very limited hardly that of a commou school, the nearest log school house being two miles distant. The first place of preferiuent filled by Mr. G. was that of township clerk ; then highway oorataissioner ; elected supervisor in 1 H 7 ; J and re-eleoted annually since Air. G. was joined in inatriraony in 1845 to AlrairaPray of Superior who died in 1853, leaving threo children. Mr. G. raarried again with Mary Ruthruff of Superior by whom seven children have been born, three only of the number living. Saline.- E. W. Wal lace, supervisor of Salino was born in Conesius, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. in 1830, and is 48 years of age. Mr. W's parents migrated to this state when he was only six montbs of age, locating in the town of Saline, three miles west of the village on the Chicago turnpike, in the wilderness, his fathertaking up 160 acres of government land for wbich he paid ten shilling8 per acre. It was in this new country, with Iudians, wolves and bears for neighbors tliat Mr. Wallace was reared. What a tran8formation he hag observad! The first office to which Mr. W. was eleoled was that of constable, in 18"(, serving three years ; again elected in 18T1, continuiug tobe re-elected until 1879 when he was prometed to the head of the ticket. In the 23 years, he held the office of deputy BheriiF the most of the tline. He is a member of the corporation board elected last spring. Ilis occupation has been varied, tho best part of hislife devoted to agriculture ; twelve years running n cipressbetween Salino and Ypsilanti. Mr. W. was married in 1853 to Kebecca E. Fellows of Lodi, this founty, froui which union two childreu living have beenfcorn. Salem. - Thomas I). Lañe is a nativo of Víctor, Ontario county, New York bom in 1820, and is therefore 59 yenrs of age, and with his parents came to Michigan in Oct., 1836, the iiimily stopping at (Jreonfield, eight miles west of Detroit during the first winter. Thoinas, then 16 years of age came on to Northfield where he hiied out tor the winter. In 1837 his parents moved into Salem taking up 40 acres of governraent land at ten shülings per acre. Like most of the earlier ettlers Mr. Lane's education was limited to the commou schools, teaching fuurloen winters in Salem, Northfield, Lyon and in foreign states. The fitst pieferment received at t'ne hands of his f ello w citizeu3 was school inspector ten years ; elected suuervisor in 18áO; represeutative in 1858; senator in i, . .r„m;„ ififi: aud supervisor agaiu in 1879. Is a l'aruior of 220 acres. Mr. L. was married in 1857 to Olive Ann Webster of Salem, and two children are hviug to bless the "Witbs rat - Mr. Li. D. Bal), suporvisoi of this town is a native of Seproniat v g uo., iv. ï., and U8hered . fcMW. henoo yesul JathWB rrrs-uoine at two yoars of age, settling in the town thst horiors himas its leading official. In addition to the coniwon school Mr.Ball attended Albion ooilege ia 18Ö5, 6 and 7, and taught in the winter of 1855 and thereafter f'or six suocessive winters, in Hamburg villago and township and in Webster. Mr. Ball began office holding by elecüon of school inspector whioh he held six years; township clerk one year ; elected supervisor in 1874, and re-elected since. His occupation is that of farming, the possessor of 181 acres. Mr. B. was married u 1858 to MaryAnnHuight of Webster, and is childles?. Yokk.- Jesse Warner, chief executive of York wasbornin Phelps, Ontario Co., . Y., in April, 1827, and is 52 years of agu. In May, 1835 tho parents of Mr. Warner set out for a new homo in the then distant West and came to York, locatiug on the farm adjoining that now owned by him. In Mr. W's youth there wero few and widely scattered schools and in tho common he obtained what education he has. ïhe first position of preforment held was that of supervisor elected in 1873 and re-elected in '74, '75 and '76; again in 1879. This is the óuly place of distiuotion he has held, possessing an inherent distaste torun for office. A farmer now and heretofore of 184 acres. Mr. W. was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary E. Kelsey of York in 1853, the union resulting in the birth of three ohildren. Ypsilanti Towïf.-Albert E. Graves supervisor of Ypsilanti town first beheld' the light in the town he representa in whioh he has livcd save two years in 1840, Feb. 28, and is 39 yoars of age'.-Additional to coinmon schools he was a student at Ypsilanti union school two years and a half und two years in the normal school. The first public position held by Mr. G. was that of school director for six years; then assessor of school district six years ; township clerk foor years; elected supervisor in 1879. Mr Graves is a farmer of 80 acres, and was married to Miss Phebe Ann Comstock of Ypsilanti City in 1873, Dec. 23, and is childless. Ypsilanti CiTY.-Hiram Batohelder supervisor of lst, 2d and 3d wards of our sister city is a native of Strafford, Orange Co., Vermont, born in 1827, and is henee nearly 51 years of age. Mr. B's education was limited to the common school. He carne to Michigan in 1850 and settled in the city where his home hassince boen. The fust public position held by him was aldermau of 3d ward eleoted thereto m 1861. In 1863 ho was elected to a supervisorship; re-elected in '64 -G5 'GG 67, retjring untü 1873 when he'was apa,n elected; again in 1870; again in 187. Mr. B's occupation is that of carnage making having been engaged in it the past 18 years. and is superintenfn, A 1 D6W C0InPany recently formed for the purpose of carrying on the business more extensively Was married ir ,1853 to Lucy Ann Smith of Rutlaud, Vt., by whom three children hvinij havo beeu born uuto them. M. Ij. rShutfs n preseuting the 2d district eoinprisiBg liiu llii and ótb ward3 of Ypsihinti, was horn in Qvid, 8 Co., N. Y., in 1814 and is Êhereï'ore 65 years of go. Witli Lis pareuls Jfr. S. OHine to and set t led in the town of Piymouth, Wayne Co. Midi, iu 18;3, ene of the towns flret settlfd west of Detroit. His education wns limited to the common Bchoola. Tlie first place of pr.ittnunt hold by him was road ooiumissioner of Plymouth u the forties; rn-xt that of supervisor elected thereto ia 1875 and re-eleoted in 'To, '77, '78, '70. In early lifo or UUtil he reacfaed !; year Mr. 8. followed igi cultural purMlits, IlKlvilliX tO tlll' Citj' lll'. IlOW I -.11 'tiillly repfeaents in 18&6, and is unw nn insniriiico agent, hfiving ;m offioo for thal blisinead. H nuul mnrClttd In V ■:.,:, t(, Anna Kenyon of Cnnton, "Wiiy.H Uor, who diod thrneyiHUS atf iTWanl, without iaïua. Mr. S. n(rrtin ui n r ried in 1810, with Mfiry A. Vinton of Cantón by wbom seviüi ohildreu havo been horn.


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