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The wUU'-spreud popularity oí' The Detroit Evenlng News is rtttcstod by ft steady daily circulation of over 22.000 copies. Tbk N kvs was ii'ivec bet t ei napplied with telegraphic iuteUiyence or more cúmplete maf ket n porta toan iiow. Tt a ut iy mail to ;my addrtsa ut the rato oí $9 por year, poetage iüduded. The Echofor 1 88O Thf. Echo, tïio lïest and Cheapost wcelily newspaper in the Sta. e, is published by tho pro prietors of Thb EvkniO Newb, uut] ig now entering upan ifa deeond year. In clubs of fourtr more it can be liad for the sniaU suin oí 7ö cents tt year. Tlixee IVlonthw Free! Sub&ciïbers inrTiii; Eoiio ior 1680 will have the Juan r si Q1 for tbe ivmiünüer of' tuis pOfltmasters aro agenta, or Buhseribers may a - THE E VEN 1 KG NEïVSf Detroit, .Yïicli, ANNÜAL IBEETISG. The nnnual meeting of the fï Forméis' Fire Insurance i'ompuny of WnshteuHW Cftunty -ill 1q held at the school house, opposite thu Garmnii Luth, Churcli in tliu towuship of Pcío( !i fclus first Aloiiday of Decomboi next, it 10 p'olock A. Hï., lor the purpoáO of (.'leöiipv uificrs, atu! for the trniisactión ül sueh other businees as maylegal]■ eome before snid meeting. A general a'tendanne is requeatéd, DatedjOctoberSl, 1879. WM. F. BUSS, Seor ïlïortgage S;i Ie. "pj EFAULT OF PaYMBNT HAVING M-J been made of n ceitaiu ruortgnge made hy Au-just Koppaud pMiiline b-Opp i.; -w t.. Aiomw Clark, dated Mfareh 20, A. D. I87G, aud recört tlio Regíate of Deods otiloe tor Wnshteuaw eounly, Mit-lnuii, on the 28d day of Muri'h A. I). I87(i, at öj i o'clock p. M., in Uber 54 of mortgagto on page 90, and on whien mortg.igo there now reinaim due and owing the eum of Uiroo humired and seventytwo una ib-1 0 dollars, the turtber aum ofthive hïiudred dollars of principal witb thin resf tliereun ai'-cruing frciu March '0 A i). 87íí, at Ees per cent, heraaiter tu b icome due tice -rdiag Lo theterma of aid morigjiye, aud no proceetiiiiL'a at !;uv or equit3 biivinjí "been taken for the ooïlectioti ttieicof: Is thej foie.hereby given by vi I tii!' power and pro visto na ín s;tr.l moTtgge eon-i nat] for i Le pu rjiOáfi oí realizi i ment of tbemouies nowiv aforesaiddu ■ ou said morfcgace, toguther with the inteiest to acerue thtteon it ten per oent., and costa i:id ühtinfes of forechisurc, includint? an attorney foe spocified ín said mortyage, 3 Bh al), os the Twentt povkth day OF JakuabY, A.D. 18 0, ut 12 oVIot-k m., i at public, vendue to tho h%hesl bidder at the front door ol tle Court House iu the city of Aun Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, suoject to the re.■■ [jrinaip;il, and ioteieat unaoorued, n due, all 1 out cw tain tract or parcel of' lnd being and lyuig in the township of Bridgewaterj county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, fcnown and boiinded as followö, tu wil : Oommencing uu tlie middle of the highway in the quarter section iiue ' ii ■ . ■■!! nuïiibiT t went y in township numbör four soutJa of range number four eaet tm enty two chaina and twenty-two links soutli troca the quartef pust in north li e of bhó seoti m number twenty; öotith along saidqoarter linp stxteen roda a ad six liakd lo n stake ; the nee northeaaterly twentf-three roda aud flve and oue-lialf Unks to a stake; thence north to center of mili road slxteen roda and six links; tlitnce eouthwestwardly along the center uf mili road to tlio place ut' begin ninü, coniaiuing thi-c ■ M .- ',ï l.ünl !■■■ ( Kr riiuiio moru or less. E.B. Wood, Attorney for Mortgagee. lístate of Nancy Wlieeleo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ouurt for the Cuuuty of Waehten.iw, l iuu... to Ajrbur, nn d;iy, the t v ■ one thous.iii'l eii'li Preseal , WlJJiaui IJ. J [nrriiatro, ín the mul :_-y W-ieefer, dl;T'sïlV m - - rnranss, "4VMir'nB i qow pfepai : Lo rundel hè anal account as such administrator, Thereuppn ii (3 ordered.thatSaturday thetwenty-second day of November uext, al ten o'olickin ilie loreuoou, bc assignöi for exaraining awïallowIng such account, and tlmi the devisees, 1 and lieirs at law ut sald deoeased, and :ül ,ult.r iis interested in said estáte, are requlred to appear at u sessioD of said Court, thcu to bc lulden :u the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbtr iu Byid oounty, and show cause M aoy thero ba.why the saul account should not bc allowed : And it is rurther ordcrcd thatsald administrator give lotice to the persons iaterested in said estáte, of the pendcncy of said account and the hearing theretf by rausing a copy of thia order to bc published ra the Ah AltBOK Abous, a newspsper printed a culattngln said county, threesuccessive urcvious tosaid day of hearing ,. . WILLIAM D. HAERIMiM, (w ,ue f opy-) „ JudSe ot' Prooate. Wm. (j. Uaxi-, Probate Kegister Estáte of Kogcr W. Walkor. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of YVashtenav, ss. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden m the ProbateOffiee n the city of Am, Albor, on 'iuesday, the twunty-eighth day of Oetober, ín tli one thousand eight hundred and I Present, Willumi D. Hamuian, Judgeof FKöate In the matter of the éstate of Eocer W WAkè? deceased. f ' '""Ktr .„ï" T' Walker, .ulministotrix 'of a;lid es:;,le comeslnto court and representa that she is iow mSratri hei' account as suclu.dThereuponitiaordered.that Tuesday, the twoityflfth day of November next, at ten 'o'clock h the foreaooo, be a$slgned for exanünineand alluvinL' sucb account, an,l tbat tbeheirs at lavv of saiii d? ceased, and all otber persons lnterested in sai 1 e tato are reiniired to appear at a session of said court, theu to be holden at the Probate Oiücu in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and ihow ':""-,, " ?"-v ther be, wli y the said account should pot be allowed : And it is further ordsVed tiiat said admlniatratrix giye notice to the pi ,,, said estáte, of the pendencv of said account and the hearing tbereof, y cauSiñK a co, y " this order to be publiahed n the Ann AbbobAb otra a Dowspaper printed and cireulating in aid of hearin 8oc0688lTe wuoks Previous to saidday , . . , WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, w I'? ??Py-) Jul0 of Proliate. WM. G. Dott, Probate Register. lístate of Tilomas Harria. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, w. At a sesaion of the Projate Court the (,unty of Washtenaw, holdoT L the Probate Office, „ th, city of Ann' Arbor'on I uetóay, the twenty-eighth day of October, ín iho yearonethonsandeighi huudred andsevent! Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of p, (l-r'A'se'i "KUU'r "'' thi L'Stlltt' uf Tho'"''s llariis; o Tiplady, administrator wüh the wilHrenexedofattid estáte, , „ mto oonr ai,c7re7Í-o"entsthatheisnowpreparedto reudor bis üual account assuch admiKistrator, Thereupon it ia ordered, that Saturday. the twenty-8foond day of Novembeí next, at ten „clock iTtí he forenoon, beMisroed tot examining and aUowhíS lopount, and that tho devis ws, iSatoei TÏÏ3 atlawofsaiddeceabed, all othorpIrSs Vter ested ín said tat, rp reqnired to nppear ?t ,' seí on oí uid Coutt, then 'to be holdena ttTe Probate üfflce in the city of Aun Arbor, in said oounty and show cause, if any tbewbe.why the sai,i ,,,,íí .hould not be aUowed : And lt turtwí ordered tbat .id adminútrator give nodce to the Dersrani interestedinaid estáte, of (he pcndoucy of si?d account aad the hearine'thereof, by caSeac of this order t.o bo published in tho Axn"aeor AitGUb, a newspaper prlnted ana circulatiiffr "n (Atruocopy,'. W1LMAM DJufAN, wM. q,i)f?proD&te Regfag" ot Estáte of Costellos- minors OTATE 'OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY i . ,i wf tenaw, es. At a session of the Prn bate Court for the countv of Wa.h !,„,, ),,, ,I' atthe ProbaWOffleiii iheoityof A,m A'rlxr on Mond, y, the (wenty duy Of OctoU r in tm year one thouBaná eight hudrud und scvouty! Present, Willinm D. Unrrlman, Jiidceof Probt rl hereupon t ia ordered, that Piitnrd.iy the (wen tnNted in aid estáte, oí the pendoSfí o, ?k '"; PetiUon. snd the hearing tl.ereof. l.y c ,2R , ,"' í of thia order to be published in the Lsfi? ora, new.pper prioted nnd oiroulatod Tn ,V; ... WILLIAH D. HAKRIMAN nro THE FABMEItS OF WASHTENAWI Itisa well-known factand has not been denieí thntthe roledoand Ann Arbor raflroart the past ytar hm put in tlie pockets oí the liirmcrs of the oounty, ut leaal three cents on 11 of tlirir wlieat. Now tbre cents on l.sou.OOObuBhela l 45,000 dollars; quite 11 saving. Now we say, brinff Tuur ■■'"'■ PBtfonizotlie r,B,d whcre yoa ill tind 5"our Wi'ndB, Tekadwell ,v Osbohnb, rendj tn imy the hiahest ponsible price that can be Vs e trost, by fWir dealing, we wil] receive .i fuir proportiou ui pal ronuiu-. Yours t fuly, TREADWELL Sc OSBOENE. Ann Arbor, July 2S, I!?::). tíntete of Willlttm H. Culhin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Wushttnnw, su Ai a sesaionof tlie Probate for th Cuuntj of Waahteuaw, holdun ai thi ■ Office, in the City n Ain Arbor, on . the sf-venteenth day ol Oetober, in the ne thousatu] eight hundUed ünd berenty-nine. ! '■■ i itTriDitin, .Tui ,;...! r b -'... In the multar uf the estille oí Wil.iuin H. (Jiiljiii, decenbed. - ílü rca-lin and fllincp the netition . duly véTifled, ul Jauiea .t- i f-..n r?. - ■ h n „. a certiiin in truní nt now on lile inüiU oourt, puiporting t" bu the ii-t ii!l aud testament ot Wiid adinilted tu Probate íiud thl il;y tnay be nppointed executorB thereof. Thereupdn it ís ordered, that Mond.iy, tbe sctcbtecstb day ol NovamlkT next, nt ten o'clock in tht ( :issigi:dLorthe)iearingoi soid petilion, mul that the iiv iseea, légateos, umi hLárs at luw of n3 il sed, and all othei persons inlerested in lid eatatt , ure i'equired to nr'ptnrataBesaion of auid oourt, il.fii to be holden at the Probate ulKce iu the city oí a 11 n Ar hor, and !iu,v eause, if ony theve 'm' why the pruyer of che petitionfli should not be grunted: Aud it is lujtlier ordereü that said petittoneigivp notiee to the persons interested in smd estáte, of tbe pendency ot said petilion. aiii th hearing thereox, by cansing a oopy of this (irdei to !,■ publiahed in the Amn Aiaim: Asotis, a newípapur printed and cireulated in iaid oonnty , tliree succesture weeks previoua to suid day ot hearing. WILLIAJI D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.j Judse of Probate. Wm. O. üoty, Probate Eealster. Kstafe of Kuiiice Baldwin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJXTY o f YVashlennw, 88. At a sesslon of the Probate Cuurt tor the County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city oL Aan Arbor, on Stiturday.the eigh'tëenth d)iy of the year one thou.-and eiL'ht hundied und. süvenly-iii;nj. Pru-nt. VV'ilünm ï. Tifrf„, f TT.t... TH tne mal ter or the esUtte of Euumv Bulav m, deceiiïted. Norman ïï. Covert, ex eutor of f Ue laat wilï juk] tt'stuiiK'iit nf said leceaspd, comea into eoiivt Had representa that b.e is now prepared to rendor lis liiuil uccouni as such executor. Thereupoa i f isordcred, tbat Tuesday, tbeelerestli day of NoTeinberïiexi, ui ten o'clock in the foren oofi, Miei! for cxaniintng and allowing snch ac cuunt.aiHl tluii thedovisecs, legateesand helrsfti law of said deceaed, and all o( her persons Interested in saíd estáte, are required t nppear at a ses Ion of buU conrt, then to be hoWen at the Probate OflSce, in the city of Ann Avhor, ie .said county, and sbow cause, ií'any there Ik:, why tne saicl account should noi bc allowed : And il. is fttrther orered, tnat taid ejecutor give notioe to the persons inte in said estáte, of the pendency oi said account and the hearing thereof. by cauising :i copy Oi thla order to bepnolished in the Ann Ahisou Aeous, b oevspaper iM'iuted tiud circulating in said county, two successive ft'eeks previous to said day of lit-ar"?. truoc.u.v.1 OÍmamhWman W.M. (I. ÜOTY, Probate Register. Est;ito of AVJlliaiu John Kahn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY el' Wa.shtouaw, bs. Notlce Ishereby giren that by an order oJ the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the twtntieth day of Ootober, . l. 179 sijc murnhs from that date ir e re allo wed Cor creditors to presen i their clftims agaÍDst theestate qJ VVilliam John Knhti, late of said couaty( deoeased, and that all creditors of said dei uiïed t present thcír claitna to süd Probate Court, at the Probate Office In the city of Ann Arexamina tioo and atlowance, on or before the tweñtiéfh day of April next, and tbat such elaima wíl] be board before said Court, on Tuesdny, the t won tl tli day of January, and on Tuesday, tlie tv itlifih day of April next, at ten o'clock in tho i oí' cacb oí' snid days. Dated, Aun Albor, October 20, A. T. 1879. "WILLIAM D. HAERTMAN, 43w4 Judííe oí' Probate. Estáte of Benjamin C. House. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ,of Waslitenaw, bs. At a session of the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in Du; city of Aun Arbor, on Friday,the Beventeenth day of Ootober in t hu y car oiie thoudiind eight uúudred and Beventy-nïne. Preeeat, Wil Ham D. Harriinan, Judge of Probate. li. the matterof the estáte of Benjamin C. House, deceased. Allen Crittonden, administrator of said estáte comea into court un-.l representa that he is dow prepared bo render hia final account as auoh administrator. Thereupon it is ovdered, that Tuostlay, the eighte-iith day of November next, at ten o'cloek iu the assig-ned for exuraining and aïlowing bucIï account, and thtit the heirs at luw of said deceased, and all other persons intere.sted in said eüt:ite, are required to appear at h. session of Biiid cuiivi, tiien to be holden at the Probate and how'HÍfí? ul,A"" Aor'il' said county, said account shouM not be allowedT" And It in fm-ther ordeied, that snid administrator give potice tothe yeisons jnterested m siiid estáte of ■ ■■ of saiá acconnt, nd the h. lüiJied ia tliu A.nn jVküoh Akub, a in ■■■ ing in aniel cotinly-, tftree 8uccesöive weeks previuuu to s=iid day "of hearing. Estáte of Charles Warner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ oí Washtenaw, bs. Notice is hereby giren tñat by m order of the Probate Court lor the ty of Washtenaw, made on Uiatfwenty-flrej ilav of Ootuber, A. I). 187, six months from thal dato we. e allowed lor creditors topresent their claims against the estáte ui Charles Warner, late of aaid oiunty, d, amlthat all croditore of said deoeased are required to present their claims to said Prolrale Court, u! the l'rolmte Office in Ihe cily óf Ann -rbor. for examination and allowance on or before Ilietwenty-ürstdaypf Aprü next, and ihm euoh claims will be heard before saideourt, on day, the twenty-Hrat d,iy of Junuary, and on Wedii;I:,y,tlie twenty-iirst day of next, at ten ü'clock ia the foreooon of eiich of said days Dated, Ann Arlior, October 21, 1879 WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAK, w Judge of Probate. Bfortgage Sale. D,EFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE inthcconditionsnf acertain mortcap exacn ted by Christian Couk of Washtenaw cmmtV.State oí Michigan, to Thomas G. Speet, od the. seventh dayofFebruary.A. D. 1872, and r, corded n the Registers office olHaslitmaw r.ramy, Michigan, on the 17th day ot Febreary, A. . 1872, in Liber 47 of morigages, on page 138, which mort"ae was ra the 8th day of March A. D. 1872 assTgned by said Thomas . Speer to Geoige S. Brush of the city 01 Ann Arbor.county aforesaid. which assiirnment was reoorded on the same day at S.08 o'clock r m in Liber 8 of Assigmnents of Mortgagee, on paee 86t and again assiffned by said George S Brush to Rebecca Henriques on the l'.'th day of June -V I) 1875, iind recorded the 4th day of November a' d' 1875, at 10)á o'clock a. M.,in Liber Í Asslgoment of Mortgages, on page 715, by wblah dotault the power ol sale contalned in said mortgage htus bc come operativo ; and there is clainiod to bedue-it the date hereof the suTn of stven hundred and sixty-iiiuc dollars, also an attorney fee ofthirty-flve dollars should my proceedings be taken t o toréelos,. thi mortgoge. And no proceedings at law or in chancery liaving been mstituted to recover the debt secmed by said mortgage or any part thereof Notioe is hereby iriven that by virtue ot the power ot sale contained in eaid mortgage and the statute in such caw mado and provided, I shall sWl at public i. to the higheBt bidder.on Satnrday the 24th day of Janiuiry nt-xt, at two o'clock P. m. of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, m said eounty. (that bein" the place of hoiaintr the Circuit, Oonrtslthe premies deseribed in sald mortgage tosatisfythe amount clalmed to be du,., witli the charges of sale and atfee proviaedfor in said mortiraie the fol towaig deeertbed premisos, to-wit : The west one thlrdof the west half of the Southwest qu.utirof scctiou thirty-foar in town throe, sotilh ,,f ranee flve cast, in the state of Michigan, containing twenty-seven acres of land, more or leas Dated Oetober 22, 187'). JOHN N COTT EEIiECCA HENRIQUE3, JOHN N. OOIT, Assigneo of Mortgagee _ Attorney for Aseignee. Estáte of TIeiiry Vinkle OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ oí Wushtouiw sa. At n session of tlio Probate pÍÍkÍÍÍ8 ;o"!iy "f aahtenaw, holden atthi Probate Office in the cityof Aun Arbor, ou liraday, the tw ntietb day „í Ootober, in thè year óne thousand eight liuudred and seveuty-nine Present, WiUiam D. lUmrmm, Judge of Probate, ce i'e 1 of the e8tate ot HeniT Vinkle, dcOn iLvuli,,,, and flling the petition, duly veiiflea, ot Morris I hompion. praying that a eeitiiu i,,stn,ment now (.11 filo in tliis court, purporting to bu the last wUUod teatatoent of aai5 deoeaaed .„vi,. of said deceaaed, and aU otlier person intereted oopy oi thia order to publtahed tatheANH A h.,u AuotB,a new.paper printed and tíroulated in "a d of hearing BU006T weeki previona to said duy ,,,„„, WILLIAM D. HAKU1MAN, üpil Probate RegiatSe 0Í Estáte of Charlea !;. BmUngame OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY KJ oí Waañtenaw, H. Noticeia horebv siven lint M hartes . Bar ngame, late of said eoanty uíh claim, vl d'Vy Ot, f' 'ril uext. ""i tht Datcd, Ana Arbor, October 10 A I) 1879 ,,„. , W1LUAM D. HAKKIMÁN, 1 Judge of Probate. sssssa8


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus