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LEGAL NOTICES. Kstate of Axtells- insaiie persons. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. At a seeBion of the Probate C'ourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tïie sixth d;iy of October, in the year one thousand niht hum! red and seventy-nint. Present, William [. IC irriman , Judge of Probate. ]n thi1 mïitter of the estáte of Samuel Axtell and Sarah Axtell, insane persons. On readmfïiindülinf; the petition, duly vpriflrd,of Knink L. Axtell, guurdlan prayinK thatheimty be lioenned to sell eertmn real eBíate belanging to s;üd [nsane persons. Thereupon itis ordered, that Satunlay, the first day of November next, at ten o'clock in the aasignedfortheheiirinfroi saïd petitiot),and that the next of kin oí Baid Ld sane persons, aad all other personj interested in said estáte, are reqinrtd to appear fit a gesaion of aaïd Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Axbor, and fthow oauae, if any there be, wby the prayer of the petition ui snoula not be granted: A1 U ib turther ordered that suid pctiü"'-T glve notiee to the persona Uttmwtea m Baid estáte, ot' the pendency of said petilion and the .heaiiuK tlitüfuf, by eaUAÜtg a c-py of tfiia order I hed in the Mrrmc w AniiT's. i r-verwrpr v-rh ... . . uOi f previuue tOBttlu uuj ui -;.,.. . WILLIAM I). UAHLÏIMAN, f A true copy). e ol Probate. "NYm. G. Uotï, Probate IitiütLi. Nuuice of Wtwtfc&ge Sale. ü Y A MORTÜAGE BEAK1NG DATE -L Oclober lsth, A. D. 1872, and recorded iu be office oí the Register of Deed lor theeomitv of Washteiww, slate ol Michigan, on the 2ist do-y of Octuber, A. 1). 187-', nl nlne o'clock and thirty minute a. ., in liber 49 of mortgagfes, u page W5, Sylvanua vvhipplc luly mottgaged to John A, W-.úUng 'AH thosecertain purés or pareéis of land ]vIngand beinj; in tlie county of Washtenaw añd tate "I Michigan, known and deseribed ns foUuws namcly: The Dortb half ot the norlheaM ouarter "i Bectioü tliirty-ionr, and the south half of the nortbeast qusrter of said sectiou (liirly-t,,ur in townshlp four south of ransre seven aast toeether with the tenemenls, hereditamenta and appartepanoesthereunto belouring." DefSull hss occorrêd in the condlHons of said inortgage, liy wh eli default the power of sale contained in said mortgage haa licuóme operafive. The nmount claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date o) Uu's notlco is two thonsand two hundred and fsrty-three dollars beWde tlie attoraey fue of thirty-áve dolíais provided forinsatdiuortgage. And noauit orprooeetfShayhij; been mstitutedat lawto recover the debt uowitmaining.seuured bysaid mortgage orany part tbereor. Notice is bereby glven that said morteage will be foreclosed by a sale of said Mortgaged lunds and premiaes, whieh sale will be mode at public vendue t the hightsl bidderonthe Fiftffm'ii dayof Decem i:i:k, A. i . is::i, at ten o'clock in the forenoou at the sooth door of (lic Court Ilotiüc ia the city of' Ann Arbor in said county. Dated, September 18, 1870. JOHN A. WATLING, Mortgagee. T. Ninde, Attorney. b Estáte of John George Schuierle. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ oí Washtenaw, ss. At i sesftísn of the Probate Court for the Coimty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Tbiirsday, the ninth duy of October, in the year one thouaand eijflit hundred and eeventy-nine. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate In the matter ot the estáte of John George Schmerlu, deceased. Og readiaaand iilingthe petition, duly verifled, 01 ChristluaSchniérle.prayingUiatacertain instrument now on flie in thiu Cmiil;, purportinR to be the last will and testament of said deceascd, may be admitted to probate, and tliat she ïuay bu appointed executrix thoreof. ly ïhereupon it isordered.tbat Monday, the third day ot Novemuer next, ut ten o'cloek In tlle toreaoon, be assigned for the liearin of suid pelition, and thtthedeviee8,legateeg,and heiraat luw of aiud deeeaaed, and all other persons interestud in saut estáte, are roquired to appear at a session of suid Oourl, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and sluw oause if nny there be, whythe prayer of the petitionor shuuld not be granted; And it is fmther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the poreons Lnterested in said estáte, of the pendency ot said petition, and the hearing thereof, liy causina a copy of this order to be publjsbed in the Michigan Auiuts, a newspaper printed and circulated in suid county three successive weeks previous to said day uf hearing. WILLIAM D. nARRIHAX, (A true eopy.) j„ i„,, 0{ i'rübttte. William G. DoTï.Probate Register. Sherift's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CUUNTY of Waabtenaw, sa, íSidney W. Clarkson vs Joseph Seckinijer. By vlrtueof awrit of fleH facías isaued out of' and under the seal of the oircuitoourt fox theoountj oí Wauhtennw, In the aboye entitled cause, tome directed and dehvered, Ididmitlutwenty-niftth day of March, A. D. W79 levy opon all the rlght, UUe and interest of .Joseph Sectóngei in :ini! to the foilowiug desciiljed real estáte, to wit : All those eortain pieces or parcela of land in the ■ ity ol Ann Arhor, oounty o[ Woabtenaw an.1 tate ol llieliiffun, sánate lo lirown and Fullsr's addition to the villafe (now cltyj of Ann Arbor, dcseribed as follows, viï.: Buing a part of lot one (IJ in bfock mne(9j, deacribed as follows: Cooimencins al tha Bttsterty corner of the Vail House on Broadway thenceat right angles with Broadway aloné the :■ line oí said Vail's lot iixty-slx fsat, thenoe parallel with Wall street until 'it interaecta the nortberly line of land heretofore deeded to Ben. jurnm Bherman, thence alo&g said Une to Malden Lane, thence nortl.erly Malden Lane eighl (S) feet, thence al Hghl angles wlth Malden Lane to chasoutn corner of land heretofore deeded to David (trove, Hu-nee along the westerij line lot tp Broadway, thence along Broadway twentytivef6) feet to the place of besrinning, including whateverlaad there may be between the Vail and (.rovi. luis. Alto that pieoe or parcel of land ltuatea in Brown and Puller'a addltion to the said villam (now city) of Ann Arbor, aocordlng to the recorded plat thereof, tnuwn, bounded and describí 3 aa follows, to wit : ComnjeneiDc on slde of Wall street ono hnndred (100) feet from Broadwaj.thenoe northeaaterly at rieht auglesto Wall strect thirty-foot and one-half t84V) feet tluni-p ensterly parallel with Wall si roei twenty-six reet, thenoe at rigal angles with Wall stteet, toWall 8t.,thenoe northwesterly on Wall street tweuty-six teel totheplaoeofbeginning. Wliich aoove desorib. ed property I ahttll Kil at public venduetothe highest bidder, at the oorth door of tlic Caotl House in theoitjoi Ann Arbór.iu said eountyol'Washteuaw Michigan, on the First 4 y o Novembeb, A. ü. 1879, attwoo'cloek in the afterooon oi tbatday. Duted, Si ptemberl7, 1879. Our department of Ladies' Neckwear cotupri&es an elegant line of Laces in Breton, Duehesse, Pointe, etc, and novelties in Bows, Ties, Jabots, eto, Everytliing aaw aud fashionable. I Baoh & Aüel. LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of William Myeri OTATE ÜV MICHIGAN, COUXTY ,, .f 'tenaw, ss. At a sessionof the Probate Oonrt fonr the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofhoe, n tho city nf Anu Arbor, on Wednesday, tl,,, nilrenlh day of October, in the yeai one thouaand eight hundred and seveñty-nine Present, Wülianj D. Hairiman, JudKoofrohate deïëased. 6 eState f Wllliam M'e's. ahirta4fa# :inilllin 4.he Petition duly verifled of Oharles H. Kempf, praying that n certain instru? ?u?n" OIÍ üie "' this Court' Prportii,g to be the i, h'ml Tf"tfOÍ Baid deceased, mas be eciuttto„Perotate' " tllat he '" be W day ot Ivovember next, at ten o'clock in the tion, and that theieviseee, legateaod heirsatUw of sa,a deceMed, and „llothtr poreon. interested in sad estáte, are required to appo:,r at a session of said oourt, tlien to be holt],"n at the Probate Otüce m the city of A nu Arbor, and show cause, ]f any theie be, why the praver ?t i ,Pe;ÜneV'uuld U1l be grantfd : And H ia furthet orderer1 that said pctitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, iL mÍp" '";ndeil!y üf 3"i'l petition and the hear íírh', i"? ' . ll;,c'"i"i.' ■' copy ot tuis order to be pubiilH-d 111 the MirmGAN Ancas, a newsimpor pnnted and circulmed in said county, thitesuccessive week previ1Us to eoid dav of hearing , . . . W1LLIAM D 'HARRIMAN, WPJ-K v Judie of Probate Wm. ö. Doty. Probate Register. miHJIF AU. A BEAM MILLAGE and JANETTE XXMillage n Miltou M-Dfflon, re: Bv virtueof i the Cirenlt Conrt fortheCountj ot wSito chancery in theaboye entltled cause to'di recttJ and deUvered. I did on ti i ; ' dwofSeptnber A. I). 1879 lèvy ÍSS L1 S Daied October.1 18T9 E..,,8.Udgf,fU.StE-Bh0riffbTSÍa"1:Iíí. LEGAL NOTICES. Estafe of Maria Ford. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ,V Wiwhtenaw. ss. At a session of the Probate Present, VVillmm D.Harriman, Jndge of Probate ce'sed ' thee"t i MÍriaFoíd, di On diM and filing the petition, dulv Tcriaed of Charlea II. Ihchiuond, praying that he or sutue otter -5SSW íJJtóíLjítíasas s: foienoon be,,ss,gned for the hearins of aid petition, rad tlwt the heirs at law oí saidtK.ceased, and all other persons mtereated in S3id etate, re required to ppear at a session of said eoort tien to be holden at the Probate olfice in the nty of Am Arbor, aud „how cause, if aDy there be hy the myer of the petitioner sliould not be LltLnotÜ !.9 ' thUr rdl!r;d 'hat 8nid Prtitioïe" Sri notice tu tho persons interested iu S11id estáte ■ mí tb Veue?'y ' .sai1 Petition and the" "a Duï.1 i,hPn ?IUS"lf? Py ' thlS Ord b publiahcd m the MldnOAK Augus, a newsDaner printed and circulated in said county, th?ee SS" Bive wtL-ka previoua to said day of hearine (At WILLIAMD. HAKiilMAN, .SSi'. Probate ReRMe?? ' - Estufe of Edward Giirdiner. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY wk "sht'"'iw. ss. Noiiee is hereby givM luit by ;... orderof the Probate Court for tLu?.' tyol Wasbtena, mado on the second day of Octob r, A, I). 1879. ix montha froni tbat date itece allowed forcfeáitors to prewnt tlirfrcUinwagaiart theesUte ut Edward Qardmer, Ute of sj LS? dtcewed, and Uutt all creihtors o! mM bwS are reqmred to prewnt their olim8 to said S Court, at the Probate Oüice ia the cUl of Ana Ar! bor, foiexaimnatiouaud allownce, on r tor oud daj of January, and on Friay, thi second Dutcd, Ann Arbor, Oclober 2 A D 1S79 WULIAM 1). HARKI.MÁN, "w Judge of Probate. All wool cashmeres at Bach & Absl'i 20 per cont. oheaper than any other house in the city. The wise and prudent go to Baoh & Abel a for their Silka and Cashmores.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus