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■ui .iilttAM CtiNÏUAL KULKO.V I. MAY 25, 1879. OOINQ WEST. T. Á 'M-. .. - i ï LJ i A. M. A. M r.. p. M. P.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 5 55: 3 55 8 10 g 3c G. T. Junction, I 15 10 UO 6 10 4 10 8 25 10 ld VVayn e Junction 7 52 10 28 6 42 4 86 8 57 10 42 Vpsiianti, 8 20 10 45 V 05! 4 55 9 22 11 01 Geddes, 8 30 7 20 AnnArbor, 8 40 11 00 7 35 5 20! 9 38 11 L0 Delhi, s 68 r 46 i Dexter, 9 04 7 56 5 37 I 9 59 Chelgea, D 22 8 11! 5 50 1U 15 GrussLake, 9 50' 8 35 c 10 10 a8 i M A.M Jackson, 110 2012 15 9 00 6 30 11 15 12 46 Albion, 1104 12 50 7 3611 59 1 2(1 Marshall, 11 50 1 SO -' o 8 03 12 26 1 40 BattleCreek, 12 19 ÍM.?! 8 32 2 "ó 2 02 Galesburg, , 12 52 9 05 1 20 A.M. Kalamazoo, 't III 2 37 5 00 9 2i 1 38 2 43 Lawton, 1 53 i 5 33 ,2 13 Decutur, 2 10 ; 5 50 2 81 Dowagiac, ' 2 35 6 12 2 57 Niles, 3 05 4 07 6 55 ' 3 30 4 15 Buchanan, 3 19 1 7 07 3 45 Three üaks , 3 49 7 32 ! New Buffalo, 4 03 4 57: 7 45 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30 5 20 8 10 4 55 5 30 Lake, 5 13 6 02 8 53 5 45 6 19 Kenaington, 6 00 6 501 9 0 6 40 7 10 ChicagOjjirrive, ! 6 50 7 40l 10 80! 7 30; 8 00 SOIHB EAST. J_ _l_ jM l_ _ _! I A.M. A. M. p. M. P.M. p. M dhicngo, leave, ! 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 10 Kensiugton, j 7 50 9 50 4 50 6 05 10 (10 Lake, 8 38 10 30 5 42 6 50 10 43 Michigan City, 9 2i 11 l: 6 35 7 40 11 -jo NewBuffalo, a 47 11 30; 6 55 11 5.) Three Oaks, 10 02 7 08 ! . A M Buchanan, '10 32 7 35 ' ; Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 or 9 00 ! 12 48 Dowagiac, 11 13 S 33 1 1 10 Decatur, 11 39 8 57 1 40 Lawton, 11 57 1 ' 9 15 a. M.: ' 1 57 KnlamaZoo, 12 33 140 9 50 6 60 10 28 2 28 Galeaburg, 1 12 53 . 7 o Battle Creek, ; 1 28 2 15 M ■ 7 40 11 10 3 18 w Marshall, 2 25 3 00 a , 8 08 11 37 3 40 'a.m. ; Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35 11 59 4 12 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 7 15 í) 30 12 50 5 00 Grasa Lake, 4 10 7 38 9 50 0 25 Chelsea, 4 40 8 02 10 0Ï ' 5 50 Dexter, 5 00 ' 8 16 10 19 6 05 Dlhi, 6 10 8 25 1 Ann Arbor, 6 20 5 10! 8 45:10 35, 2 05 6 25 Geddes, 5 80 8 50 Ypsilanti. 5 37 5 24 9 00: 10 43; 2 20 6 41 Wnyne.Tunc, 6 01 5 45 9 23 11 08 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, ! 6 33: 6 15; 9 55 j 1 1 35 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48i 6 30il0 10.11 50 3 35 8 fl Sundays excepted. ISaturday and Hunday exepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwobth. G. P. & T. Ast., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Raitroad. Taking effect Sunday Marob 23, 1879. (;OIN(i N'OItTH. ' OOINCi SOÜTH. HTx7T7ip.TExp: " Kip. Kxp. HTx A. 51 A.M. l. M. A.M. P.M. P. M. i; ..(I ld 4(1 6 00 TOT.KDO 9 29 2 50; 9 25 6 53.11142 6 02 North Toledo 9 27 2 48 9 22 7 07 10 50' 6 11 Detroit Junction 9 19 2 3S 'Jol 7Ï0 1088 6 20 Hawthorn 9 11 2 31! 8 47 7 83Ü10B. 628 Samarla 903 223! 830 7 42 11 IJ 6 34 Seola ; 8 58 2 18 8 19 7.W1118 t ü Lulu 8 49 2 10 8 02 8 OS 1123 6 47 Monroe.Tunction 842 2 05 7 51 8 361182; 6 57 Dunde gSfi 155 7 32 8 46 1137. 7 OS: Maeon 8 30 150 7 21 8 58 11 42 7 10 Azalia 8 24! 1 44 7 10 9 25 1154 7 23 Nora 8 11! 1 32 (37 9 38 12 00, 729 Urania 8 051 136 6 55 9 .V-' 12 00 7 36 Milán 7 I 20 6 IS 10 13 12 15: 7 46 Ypsilanti June. 7 48 1 10 5 54 10 4 12 28: 8 00 ANN AKHOK 7 35l2 58 5 S0 The 7.35 a. m. expresü south maki s cloac coniicctions at Monroe Junction for Atinan and Monro aud tor poiuts on tlie Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbus & Toledo nd the Wabash. The (2.88 p. ni. expresa south connects at Toledo with thr ;i o'chjck train east on the reilnsylvania Koad thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbus "time- 7 minutes taster than Ann Arbor time. JLl. ASHLEY. Jr., Superintendent. DETROIT, HILLSDALÏrFAN D HUUTHWI08TKKN RA1LEOAD. To take eflect May 25, 18;!). OO1NO WKHT. ÜOIVIi EART. TtlO N8. Mail. Kxp. IIATIOK8. Kxp. -M hl Vpwlanti 8:2o' 7:10 y' p' M Tuledo Juno.. 8:45 7:30 Bunkers 6:0(1 2:25 Saline. . . 9:25 7:50 Hillsdale 5:30 2:3?. lirklRewnter .. 9:47 8:12 Manchester.. :30 4:11 Vunehoster. 10:28 8:87 Bridgewater 9:('(' 4:.':o v. M. Hitline 9:50 4 47 Hillsdale 1:00 10:25 Toledo June. 10:10 4:67 B.inkew 1:10 10:35 Ypnilantl.... 10:35 5:15 Train run by Uhiettgo timnW. F. JPAKKBE, 6v pi]anti. T TSIH Si SJ!:AHIII.I m Bakery, Crocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constüiitly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, Kor Wholesale and Kitail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI IFILOTTZR., J. M. Swift & Co's Best White Wheat Flour, ISye Flour, Bucltwlieat, Flonr, C'orn ral, i'ei'd, iV-c, A-c, dtn At wholes;ilc and retail. A general stock ol' GEOCERIES AND VISIONS constantly on band, which will be spkl on as reusonable tenns as at any other house in the lity. Cash paid for Butter, Egga, and Country Produce generally. - Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY SEA11OLT. Ann Aruor, Jnn. 1, 1879. J!TN A. lÜIRANCR ÜOBIPANT. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $ 6, 792, 649. 98. Losaes Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includ'g Re-Insurance Eeserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 86Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Ke-Insurance and Capital Stock, ffi 1.735. 09a 86. V. 3IACK, Ai?cut, Au Arhor. Now Come to Time! I do unt mean wool time uor harvest time, I say quicktime! The time is now up that 1 wan to liavo niv pay and I must have it immedlately. My creditora '.-ture me irt tlie face as thougfc they were groing tkrough me body and breeches ; they scare me fearfully and I muat appease their wrath by payiog them. Nowluaktilí good men that owe me to come right upanddoit. It i for our mutual beneíit that these accounts be closed up; I don t say some future time, I mean this present time. There Ís a elass oí eustomers that I wisli to get rid of;'ts those lousy rascáis that compel me to pay their debta after síg-ning their notes toaccoramoda te tliem. Such me íiave lived too long in this world. I ouly wish I had the power to remove them to the lower regíons. I would clean thein out about as fast ab I could throw potatoes out of a wagon with a scoop shovel. ín. iKK.uts. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1, 1879. 36m2 Priees of Lime Reduced ! Keil) Islniiil Linie, 25 cis. per Ilonroe l.iim-, 25 cents per bushel. IVIucoll linie, 23 cents per bushel. FOR SALE. Calcined Piaster, Water Lime, ('emeut, PlasterIng Huir, nnd Land Piaster, at my Lime-Kiln near Central Depot. lOtf JACOB VOLLAND. D. D, MALLORY & CO. Packers of the Celebratetl DIAMOND BRAND OF l'RESH OYSTERS. Canned FRIJITS and Vegetables. WholoiaU Dealera in FOKEIQN & DOME8TIC FBOrlS. 08 Jcfforson Ave., DETKOIT. iSgg9t .A. LECTtTBE dÜö! To Young Men. JtuJ j'ithlished, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six an's. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure oi Seminal Weaknessfor Spetmator rboeainduoed by Self-Abuee, In voluntar y EbqIhsions, Ixnpotency, Nervauu Debility, and Iinpedimonts to Marriage ffeneriilly; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits: .Mental and Physioal Incupacity, Ac- By UOBERT J. CüLVKRWELL, M. D.t author of the "Groen Book," Ac. The world-renowned nut hor, in this admirable Lecturw, clearly provea from his own experienoe that, the awiul ooDsequencoe of Solf-Abuae muy be etlc'ctu'.illy removed without medicine, and without dangerous ittrgical oporations, bouÍM, i nstr uniente ring, or cordiali ; puintingouta mode of cnre at n ■ earfcaia and cifectual. by which every sullerer, ni matter what his condition may be, may curo himself fheaply, privat'lv, ind radically. Xhis Lecture will jirove ü boon to thousanda and fhousands. Sent, iindei se:il, iti a plain envelopo, to finy addreffs, on recetpt of six cents, or two [toatago Btamps. Address the Pubiishers, THE rULVEHWELL MEDICAL CO-, 41 Aim St., New York; Post Office Box, 45SC. (SuccessortoJ. N. Gatland) ONLY PRACTICAL r iÜI and Masquerade JV IN MICHIGANQfl r Manufacturer and B Dealer in Theatrical Goods and VTardrobes. Personal attention given to the production of AMATEUR FLATS AND MASQUERADES. Orders by mail or telegraph will reccivc prompt kttention. 180 Oriiwold Street, DETEOIT, Mich. Stearns' DruL Store 81W00DWARD AVENUE, DETROIT. We keep n stock the iargest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof ín America. Bé5 Visltors are cordially Invited to vlslt our Store wheil in Detroit. PHYSICIANS, SliKGKONS, STUDKNTS, anrt3IEAI.I.KS are invited to examine our large and roraplete assortniTit of Surgical Instruments and all kindred 'goo&s before mafeing thoir selec tage to obtain their supplies of us. FKEDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAlt KARNED ! NEW GOODS ! And príceB LOWEK THAN EVER. 1 have pnrclianed ïn New York, for cash, and I ara nnw daily receiving oue of the Intrest and most select stocks of GrocerieB in Washtenaw (Jouiity, cousibtintf of a full and well select ed LINE CF TEAS, AU of the new erop - ncluding Gnnpawdert, Imperials, Yoniig II ysoiis, lljsuns, Japans, Oolongs, ForinosuK, Conouü, Som-líoiijí, and Twaukaya, Together with a full line of COFFEES, consiatïng of the following biands: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAK ACAIBO, L AGUAY UE.8ANTOS and RIO, both roasted and ground; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYi? UPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinor in the line cf Pure 8picee,Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice assortment of Ladie' and Gentlemen'H Underwear Cali and examine Goode and Prioes and we will insure satiafactionEDWAKD DUFFY. " Maynard's Block, ' cor. Main and Aun streetH Ann Arbor, Mich. S9Highest cash pi ice paid fo: all farm irüducts."?ÈS BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH 'WIITDOW CLASS AU Sizc. 26 and '28 Eaat Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. A NEW GROCERY ATWEA81 HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, compiiaing1 everytliing in the line at bot t om price - and purchased exclusively for oasb, F rom a long experience in the trale, retail an Wholesale, he believen lie eau cll gootis as cheap a the ch va pest. CALL AND SEE H1S PEICES All (Joods Warrauted First-Clnss. Farras produce wauted for which the luches cash price will be paid. 1 Eemember the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. GKAY'S 8PKCIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK.Tho Great En_ TRAPE JgARKBefore TakingLounK.rAfter Takiug. TTnivorul Lassitude, Puin in the Back, Dimm-Hs o Vision, l'rcmalurr Old A#v, imi rnany other tlim'jts ea tliat lead to lnsanity, Consumption and a Pre matnre Grave. j8" Full particTilars iii our pamphlets, wUcfa wt Jesire to sepd free by mail to tvery one. The Sppcitic Medloine is sold by alt Druggista a $1 per packago, or six pnckafres "tor $5, or will be sent by mail on recpipt of the money -y addresainp TfiK ÜRAY MEDICINE CO., No 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mich. ifSPoUl in Ann Arbor by all Drugfista, and b druggits every where ■ . WILLIAK BEID, iHT"? tj ■ÍnImtSÜitH ' lii" 'ate flrni ot líeiíl Hifi Jij I JJ'A A Jil Hills. Succeasor to said Örra 1 PpJffippiMBMPMyWB in l,l and Leml Business.) d CL m m 9 BCl il hoIsa'e & wn -ï-rin IH J nLBkl FRKNCH AMERiLAN I BR Rl 1 I Ribbod and Rough PIntr for 1 _L-- [LjLI_JMJgflc 1 &7 LijihtB, Cut anti EnamUT Tl a r! -JR M ztf 01 1 el Glass, Silver Plwted i UbSüSfa I S'sh Bars, Prench aart GerI avw?3 ! Ili;in I'Uoklng Olass IMatei, ILJ! .TLLJ'.JtlI Iad and 011, Colora, Puttv L. ------ . jj p0int8[ etCi 12 ft 14 Congress St. East, Detroit, Miel:. ToNervouH SufTerers- The Great Ktnopean liemody - Ir. J. lï. Simplón' Speciflc Medicine. It la a Misitive cure for "pernmtoirhea, Stmina] Weaknesfl, linpoteucy, aud all diseapes rtsuUing fi'Oin Self-Abuaf , ju ■7QBK, Mental Anxiety. aftek. _t Losa of Sleinoiy, fc, o-, K ';v Palnfl ifl Bnílk ír V-i'1 i 3 Sitie and dUeat-.T. te yv-4) that leul to 711 Y : 4?i stimption, insanity LL&} k& )P jPH T ' The Speeiac S1 0& '■ s cine U bcini? u-i dSP1' ■■ with wonderlul socceaii. Pamplileti sent tree to uil, Wnte tor Ibem and get full p.irtieulaiü. Prioe.Speciüc, S1.00 pui pack age, or six packageg tor $5 .ou. Addreu all urdêrs Ui J. B. SIMIVON MBDÍ0INKCO.. Nos. 104 ainl 10fi Main Btreet, BnflWo, N.Y, F(W sale in Ann Arbor by Kberbach & Son, unp by all druggiata everywhere, STOTZCE. The undersigned has purchascd the interest of Goeree H. U'iuslow in the frame and picture bui ness, No. 80 Kast Huron Street, a ml wili continue tlio business at the same ptace, glving prompt utbention to all orders for frames, etc. A Sne stock of Cbroraos, EngraTiogï, aud Photogrnpbv on hand mid fof wie ebeap. All debta due the late limi of Winslow A McMil lan are parable to the undcrsigoed, anü riij contracted during bis con neet ion whb xhv flrm will le puid by him. Anu Arbor. (K-t. 14, 1873. 1710if 1. kcMILLAN. Abstracts of Titles. All parties who are deairous of asflertaming the condition of the litle to thir lande, or parties wijf, wish lo loan monay on reitl pstuie will do wellto c;Ul at the Uegiüler'a office aud coneult a Compared Set of Abstract Booka. Said books are ?o tar advaDced that the Register can furntah 011 short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of tiny parcel of and in Wushtenaw Couuty tu shown by the origina) recokds C. H. MANÍA'. KègUter. 3Z)O2ST"T FAIL 'l'o try the Mi Mail UEFOKE YOU IÏUY. It is Simply WonderM IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHÜH'S Hardware Store. I SELL ALI. GRADES OP TOBACCOS & CIGARS At Wholesale and Itetaif. IKY IV1Y UVE CENT C1GAR3'. I KEEF CLEAIT BATEC TTTBS And the 1IEST Toiiorlal Artista In the city. Bíy Short Imir cuttiup done with Clark 9 patent Clippers. It euts the hair mueh nicer tlian with shí'üra. No. B North Main Street, Ann Arbor. G. C. SCHUTT. GET YOUE PlíüPEETY 1NSUEED BY H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICH. The oldest ageney in the city. Established a quarter oí a ceutury ago. liepreseiiting ths following iirst clasa comDiiniet' Homo Insurance Co. of N. Y., Asseis over $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Aascts OTer 53,000,000 Niágara Fre lus. Co., N. V., Assets $1,442,400 öirard oi Th., Assets over 81,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets 4700,000 -OS" Rates low. Losses liberally adjusted aud prouiplly paid. C. H. MIIXEX. JACOB HALLER &. SON, WÁTGHÉSr GLOCKS, Jewelry, Speetacles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, nsriisr asboe, avricK. #g Special attetitioD given to repairmg watches docks, anl jewfhy. M EZTEAOT iSarsaparillal ■iíacsnowledged to be th tett and moltl ■ reliable preimration now prepared foi I ILIVER COMPLAINTJ And for Purifying the Blosd. C I ■Tbis prepura'Io i compounded witb. greatB care, írom the bet selected ■Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yellovl Dock, Stillingia Dandelion, Wild Cherry, and other Valuable Eemediea. Prepared only Ty WW. JOHN8TO2T & COM Chemist & Druggists, ■161 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mioli'l Puld by all Drugglst.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus