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151 STNESS DIRECTORIO DB. TAÏLIIK, ATTOIÏNKV AT 1,AW, . Chelpea, Mich. j DON LD HCt,EAN, n. O., Physician and Snraemi. Office and residence, 7J llmou street, Aun Arbor. Office houri fraia 8 to 9 a. m and Irom 1 lo a r. M. __ US. -SOIMI1A Vfll,I.ASD,IH.D.,Pliy sician and Surgeon. Office at resideuee, 44 Ann street. 111 altend to all professional ast proruptly, day ;uid nigbt. H. JACKSON, DéBlist. Office core . Mai" iind Washintim treets, over Bach & AiM'l's Btoie, Ann Arbor.Mlcïï. Aneethetica adminIsteted if desired. . i SCJH AKBEBL E, Toeter of the Kanol.y. forle. Piipils attain tlie dtsired skill in piano-pUyiñg by a sysiematic utBe ol mstruoli„i. For terina, applv at resiaenoc, No. 12 We Uberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt attent.ou paid to piano tuuinjr _ . CK1ME1!, FKUBAIIV1' & CORHIN, Attorneys at Law, E. K. FKUEAUFF, Justiee of the Peace. All finesa proinptW aUended to. Office So. 8 Kust Washington street, Kinseyand Soabolt's block. HENEY E. HILL, Attorney at Law, Dealer 11 lïeal lístate and Insuranee Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Block, AÏTN ARBOR. pBEDEUICK KIIAUSE, Will nttemi to all sales, on sliort notice, at reaBonable chiirges. For further particulars c;ill at. the Abous Office. pOODKICH HOUSE, SALINE, MICH. Best Hotel in town. First-class in every respect. A spai'ious süiiiple room. Guesta conveyed to and from Ruilroadfree. A. II. Oooihiioh, Prop'r. TJUBOPEAN HOTEL, Ypsilimti, Mich. New House, First-Cliiss TaWo, Clean BeiJs, Low Prices. W. H. Lewis, Proprietór J. H. NICKELS, DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Hams, Sausagps Lard, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOPTTE NORTHWEST ( OliNEB OF UN1VEKMTY CAMPUS. Orders prouptly fllled. Farmws liaving meats to sell give hiin a cali. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIÏÏGS BAUK ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. Capital paid i" - - - gj' Capital security - - - ÏOO.OOO.OÜ Traasacts a general Banking Business; buys anci sells Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; sellsSight Draftsou all the principal cities of Europe; also, sella Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Londou and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steamships, who8e rates are lower than most other lir-st( hiss Hnes. Tilia Bank, already having a large busi uess, invite mercbants and others to open accounts wtth them withtheassuranceor uioal Hleral dealing consis ent wlth safe banking. In theSaviugs Department interest is paid semi annually, on the lirst days of January and July, 01 all Bums tliat were deposited three months previou. to those days, thus aflording tlie people of this city andeounty a perfectly safe depository for thei fuuds, togetlmr witb a fair return in iuterst for the ame. Money to toan on Ajrproved Seturities. Directos- OhrüitianMact, W. W. Winea, W D.Hsrríman. Daniel Hlecock, R. A. Baal, VS in Deabel, ami Willard B. Bniith. OFFICÜKS : CHEIBTÍAM MACK. W. W. WINE8 President. Vice President CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. EMANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist, B SOUTH MAIN STREET, AM ABBOB, has on hund n well select ed stwk ui PURE DRL'GH, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES Toilet Artiíáes,HwttUer Bracea. Tiusses, &c, wbir he effen ioi sale :il pricts to snit thi limes. Ky PkyaSwoa' PteMaciptaons eie(uHy prepare ut all hours. EBEKIIACII & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Mftio St., Have on hand a lai'ge and well elected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STÜPFS, Artists and Wax ilower Materials, Toilet Articljs, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Special attention paid to the farnlshint? of Pbysicians, CUeinists, Schools, etc, with Philosoplucal and Chemical Appratua, Bohemiiin Chemical (ilassure, Forcelain Ware, Pure Rengents, e(c. Physidana' preseriptioaa tcarefully prepared at ah bourik


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