New York All Right For 1880

The fiction of all the ticket, except itt liVnd, in New York, proves the state iii ïmturally Democratie. Robinson'p (Vffat is no credit to the KcpublicHns. iohu Kelly polled about 70,000 votes, til), (HO of which caine from the Demo ciatio party the ollier 10,000 probublj' ironi last year's Ureenh.-ick strength. New York remains true to Ihe party, and provided ita entiro vote can be harmuiiiously concentrated upon our candi Hato for the Prosidency, there need be no fear as to herposition iu 1880. There U no consolation for our opponents oyer f In1 Now York eleoüon as to the coiuiag Iiational content.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus