The Elections

Tliere is no eoiisolatiou tor Democrats over the elections beid in various states nnd inunicipalities, on Tuesday, unless H is in the defeat of Tarainany county ticket by the icgluar anti-Tumraany Denocr8cy. John Kelly bas lost what bt Mus niainly figfating for - local spoils - Hia bolt gave the state to Cornell by n pliirality of 35,000, the rernainder of t!. regalar Democratie state ticket liting elected. Butler is boaten by Lung by about 10,000 plurality. Eepublicans have gained in assemblyjnen and senators in New Jtrsey and Cunnecticut, wbere no state officers were voted for. Mississippi elected Demócrata gen(■rally tocounty offices. M-tryland elects a Democratie governor by 20,000 majori'y. Butler, Rep., is elected state treasurer iu Penn., by 50,000 majority. ' 'irginia goes in favor of the debt payen. Nbraska electa a Eep supreme court jsdgo by 15,000 niaj. Minnesota gives Pillsbnry, for governor 10,000 maj. The Greenback vote is light everywhere. The Eepublican candidate for mayor of Brooklyn, Franklin Woodruff, wa6 disloyal to Beecher iu the days of the great trial. Henea Tearful Tommy Hherman, Beeeher's Fidns Achaetes during that terrible ordeal took the stump for the Democratie candidate, and made many stroug charges against Woodruff, who in a speech denouiiced them as not only untrue but without a shadow of truth. Now will Plymouth church pío ceed to try one of its leading members on such charges. If it was an old-fashioned church inmediato notice would be taken, but, Beeeher's congregatiou have becomo so liberal that alleged lying mny not be considered worthy of notice. f Toni Bcott the Pennsylvanin railway king is reported in serious declining health. Tbis being known the report that Grant was to succeed him waB credibly received ia eome qurters, although probably started in the inventive brain of eoine stock-gambler whose aim was to deprecíate the shares of that oornpany on the stock exohange. No class of men understand better than stook-specuiators that it dees not follow f om any rnan's fitness to run a presidential boom that he Í3 fitted to run a railroad. The Kanucks will learn that two can play at the game. Soine time since the Oauudian government prohibited the importation of American cattle owing to an apprehension that pleuro-pneumonia existed on this side of the lakes Indeed transportation over railways was prohibited. A.t a cabinet meeting the ether day it was agreed that there ehould be no further importation of cattle from the dominion. Without the states for a market for her surplus beef this cowmodity can be worth little or aothiüg. If it is pleasant to be an ex-President is it not also pleasant to be a Mrs. ex President. While passing through the assay-office coming from a visit to one of the celebrated Nevada mines, Mra. lirant was presentid with a solid brick of gold and silver four inches long and two and a half wide, beuring the ïnscription, "Souvenir of ihe Consolidated Virginia Mme to Mrg. General U. 8. Graat. " Accordiii!? to ilio prívarring thpory uien inay lead a lite of crime in lts worst phases and express jjeiiitencu upan tho death bed or upon the gallows, be lorgiven by a clergyiaan, and go straight into tho tiijoyiiieiits of the happy future. The young man execuled in Canada on Friday ior the murder of bis father and sister ltft a written oonfugBion in wbich he iirotested penitenoe ftndnhopttl t'or, ealvatlon. Mrs. Iíouusbuiy picad not guilty to the charge of killin; her husband, an Episcopalian olergyuian, in lus sleep. HfeF casa was speedily disposed of at Bridgeport, Con., the other day by a verdict of not guilty. The unfortunate TKDtwau was promplly convuyeil to au insano asylum. Oswego eouuty, N. Y., must bu a poor county, if as is nsseried sho is baukiupted by three trials of Ntithan O. Greentield, oharged with muvderiug hia wife. Thrpo trials having cost the county $40,Q00, and Greenrield, applyiug for a fourth, rep tax payers are Uurmud at the expense.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus