California Vineyards

- Tbe yards of California cover 60,000 aeies, with 45,000,000 of grupo vines, valued ut 130,000,000. Three years go the opportuniti(!3 wureotfered to buy viney aids for a song. Iuovery directionpuople wore uprooting vineyards as unpiofituWo. Grapes were $10 a ton, whicb did uot pay. A hundred ioot-hill i'arms ooiild be bought for the cost of teucuig, twenty-iive aares of bearing vineyard going for nothing. Thu ojjportunity EftB-passed. Though. oheap, grapevinüs have now soiue value. And orohards, thon of Ht-tle account, have greatly apvireciated by the introduction of ïruitcu:ing. Grape syrup is now being made, ftud its greateuperiority ovur othürtable syrup wül 8oou win favor. íSmall vineyards can now umkc a better market thau $15 per ton lor grapes at tho wiue presa. - Bodie, Nevad, a town of 8,Q0ü, bas no oburch,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus