Death Of Gen. Hooker

Major Gen. Hooker, familiarly known to the army by the chitracteristiu nont de gueri'e of "Fighting Joe," died sud denly yesterday ut Garden City, L. L, itjred 65 years. He was hom at Htdley, Musa , Nov. 13, 1814; after gradnatinq at West Point, entertxi the army in 1837; sjrved in the Seminóle war and on western garrison duty ; rerveil in the Mexioan war on stuft' duty; and in 1847 was ap pninted H8sistant adjutant general. In 1853 he resigned and went to faruiintï in California, and when the rebellion broke out was uppointed brigadier aeueral, and served in the defences of Washington until he wüs given a división. H8 chiet' biittl?s were the siegeof Yorktuwn, Williainsbiug, Fir O:iks, Frnzier's Farm and Malvern Hill, Hl'tcr which hu was made nnijor fjeneral Hecoinraaniled a división at the second battle of Miiiiüssap, greatly distiniruished himeelf at South Monntaiu, nnd was severely wounded at Antietam. ïletlien wnsappointed a brigadier in the regular army, and had the eommand oí' the center giiind división of the army of the Potoiniu! at Fredricksburg. He succecded Biirnside in the chiet ooniinand of the PotomaO in January, 1863, and met the dis istroti3 d-ifnat at Ci me iliorsville in M-iv, at the hands of a irreatlv inferior liiidy of febela. A disnuto wiih llallccli led to bis relief, and he wa tran ferred to the army of the Cumberland.-- He distinguished hniself ut Look out Mountaiu, Misiiouary Ridtfe, RinfrxoM, and fouylit his corps in evtry battle on the great irwrch to the sea. Ii whs retired in 1868, with the lull rank of lUHJot-geiieral. -
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