The Peanut State

Norfolk is the tirst pean ut port in the worlj. The peannt individual zed is a small potato, md irre ittihly suggests the rügged and wistful siuall boy, bat where it originates it isa gigmitiü industry. Norfolk reeeives tho eutire erop of Virginia, which is la ger nd superior to the (jrowths of TenntiSdea and North Caro lina. The erop liegins in Sptenibor ind lasts throuh t hf yiir. ïhe erop this yer reached 9()t),00() busliels. Two large f.ietorics for sorting and uleaning peanuts supply employinciit to hnndreds of hHüds. The Hvernse priue per bushei is atont $1, iind ibe totnl iuooiue t NorfoU for the mnunut shu haudled last year was $(00,0110.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus