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OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenav, ss. The underoigned lm vin 8 ln;en !i;i])'i nted by ttltí Probate Court tor íiid i ountr, Commiasioner tó reoeive, examine, mul ailjusi all claim iind dem -mls ui all perscms ogainai the tstuteot wniiani 8weetnin,late oí h;;í1 cminy deceaaed. heroby til e notice Mint pix m'iinlis irum díte are n!towed,by orderof said Fiobate ouit, lor creditor lo present their claims Hgainst ttie est.ite of üid deceased, nnd Unit ibey wlll in;-et at tlie hu.1 r.'sidence of suid de eas d in the townsbip of lïexter, l'i s:ud rnunl y. on Tliuisday, the lililí day of February, and on Wedimsdav, the llfth day ot Muynext, ut ten o'dock a. m.,o( each of aaid drg, ie ïetL'ive, examine, and ndjust said elaims. i)ated, Novtmbei 5, A. 1).. 1S7U. JAMKS HEID, G Alt HET 1' WAlX, 45 4t CommitiioneTB. Commïssimiers' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ooi '.ts!iicn.iv,ss. The uodersigned bnvinybeeD ippointi'd b tlie Probate Court lor enid Coönty, C'iinmissiomT.s U reeeive. examine and tuljust al) claims nnd demnnds f nll persons agmnst the estuteof -Inini (ieorge Schuierle, luie of utúá oounty, (ieeeased, hereby ffive notice llmt six months Irom líate me nlloired, by order of said Probate Court, toi ereditora to preeeut their cliums Kgainsl tlie eitate 1 stiid deoeaaed, and thnt they will meet :it the Inte residence of futid decensed in ihe township of Northrteld in s;üd oounty. on 'luesdiiy the tliird duy of FebruHry, and on Monduy, tlie third day "1 Abty nt'xt, "t t-n o'c'ock a. m,, of each oi sii'il fluya, to receive. examine and adjust aaid el IÍQM. PuUö, November 3, 1R79. PATHICK S. PUIïTELL, ANTUÜXY BURKË, 45w4 ('nm ml Innen. Efttete of Selden Marvin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J ot VVaslit-naw, ss. Noticc is hereby given, tliut by an orderol tlie Probate Court for the countj of Washtenaw. made on the thiitieth day ot ctuuer, A. Iï.l879,six ntODtbfl t mui tbüt date were allowed for crédito rs tu present tluir claims agttfiial the estáte of öeldtn ftlirvin, late of Bnid comity dtceased, und tliat 11 ereditora ot eaid dccciisuc are requiivd to present their claims to s:iid Probate Court, at tlie l'tobute Otüce i the city oí' Aun Arhor, for exfiinimitioii and allowarce, on or belore the thirtu'th da of April ucxt, and f hattsuch cluims wil) le hetird belortj sald ''ourt, on ir.djiy, the tliirtieth day of Ja uary, and on Friday, the tUIrtietl d;iy of April next, at ten ()'clouk in thu foxen uoti o f ach of huid diiys. Üated, Auu Arbor, October 30, A. T . 1S79. WILLIAM D. H ARRIMAN, 45 w4 Judlie of Probate. Kstate of Thomas Harria. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washteti&w, bb. At :i sesdon of the Probate Cotirt fr the County of Washtenaw, hulden a the Probate Office, in the city of A nu Arbor, 01 Tu4Sdy, tbe twunty.í'itíhth il a y uf OeU)(" in 11" ycaroii'e tlinns:incl Wbt hundrcd :tud seventy-ninc Present, Williatn D. Ilarriinau, Judgeot Probate In the matter f the eatata of Tbomu Harria dcceassd. John Tipiad y, admtnistvator with the will an nexed of suiti est&te iXHOM mto court and repre seiiis tbüt be is now prepsired to reuder bis Üual ;ic count üh hucli iidniinist nitor. Thereupon itia ordered,thatSaturday,the twen ty-s 'Oond day of November next, ut ten u'clock in the torenuon be iweiKued for exumining and tillowint. iuch account, ana that the deviaes, lwtees, anc beira at l;iw of said decea&ed.KUothcrpenonsinter eaitid ín A entAtfl, ure required to itppeur n a aes aion of said Court, then to be bolden ar the Probate Oitice in tlie city ot a un Arbor, in ud county, kb show cautie, if uny therebe. whj Lhi wild ;ic--nun shottld not be allowed : And it is finther ovdered thttt aid adiiiinistvittttr sffTa notice to the penon interested in Miid estáte, of the penilency of 8tii account and the hearing tboreaf, by Cttuning u nop of this order Ui be publwhed in the Ann Abbok t kuuö, i newsptiper pvinted ind ei reu hit ing ii giiid coun'.y, tlireti successive weeka previous to tiaú dn y of heaiing. WILLIAM D. HAIIRIMAX, (A true copy). Judpc of Probate. VVir. G. Doty. Probate RegisUr. Estáte of Costellos - minor. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Wtmhteiiftw, bh. At a pession of the Pro bate t'ourtfor the eounty of Wabhtenaw, holden at the Trobüte Otñcp in ■ ho city of Ann Arbor, 01 Mondny, fcfap twenty tseventh drty of Oktober, in th ypur one thousand eight hundred aud eventy oine. Present, Willium D. Ilnrrlman, Judronf Probate In the matter '-t the estáte of Kobert E. Cohtello aiu.l M;iry Coste) lo, minors. Ün readutf.' and filintr the potition, rtuly Vfiifled of .lolin Costello, puurilinn of said miiiots, prsj Inj tltnt bis acoountt s suoh guardián may be allowed ind al-" rn8onable compnautloB t'nr hi.s BervicA hs such gnurdiün, and Lhnt he be duly discharget as iuch guardián. Therebpon ït ie onlered. tb ut Satnrdiiy, the twen ty-seeond d;iy of November next. at ten o'clock ii tíif toreuoon, be asitrned for the hearing offttti petition, and that the guardián of unid niinorn and all othr iursons intereeted in tfaeir estute are required to anioar at a session of siiu oourt. ihen to Le holden E the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and ;-how cause, if nn; thore be, vruy the pniyer of the petilioner hhouU not be grnnti d : And it is furtber ordered tha aid pttilioncr pive notioe to the persons in tpieted in snitl estáte, oí the pendency of stiu pel i t ion, ftnd the hearins thereof, by caueinp neop of thi8 order to be publiahid in the aun AüborAr gvs, a newspaper priated and circnlated ia owir couniy, three successive weclte previona to eaii diiy o( hearing. WILLIAMD.HAHIilMAN, (A truecopj1.) 7udo of Trobate Wx.G. Dor, Probate Itfglster. rV0 THE FARMEKS OF WASHTENAW! It is a well-known fnct and lim not been denied Hint the lolnloaiiü Ann Arbor railroitil the past luis put in the pocket a oí the farmer of the ciiunty, Hticust three "cents on all of their wheat. Novr three cents on 1 ,5o.i,cü" bnshela i Jí,OOt di.llurs; quite a BATing. Xow w( hay, brinir your whead and pntroniie the mud where jou will flnd your old f'rientls, Tkkadwki.i. & Obomk, rendy tn pay the hlvheat poasible price that can be pa id.- We trust, bv fiiir dcalinj;, we will reieiTe a fair proportionof piitronage. Your trnlv, THEADWELI, & OSBOBNE. Ann Arbor. July 23, Ih79. Uaiate of WilIIam H. Calkin. iTATE OF MICHIGAN", COUNTY IJ of Wruhttnuw.u At o afeuionnf the Probate CourLforth.;Countj of V;iht-nuir, holden at the L'robate OAe, in the City ol Anti Arbor, on Tiiilay, the sf-renteenth day ol October, in the y uut oiie thousutid eiglit hundrod and seveiity-mne. Present. Wüli;im U. Hariira:in. Jii(eot Pr hutu. In the matter of the estuteof Wil.inB H. (Julkin, decfiu-etl. Ob ■(H'linp ;n rtiiniï the potition , duly vtrifled, uf Jumes Titytor and .Inrtimer Freer, T'rayirg thnt :i certnin instimaem duw on tilv in couit, purpcrtiug to ilif laet will and testament of snid deceitsed, nuf be admitted to Pro'uto and thüt ilit.'v iMipniated execnton t-htnof. Tbereupon it ia onlered, thut Munduj . tht sevcoteentli duy ot Novuinb' r next, nt ten o'clock in tht foreneon beiumgx tor the hearinp oí auid petition. und tht the Je ieea, )egitr!es, and hvirn ut luw ol snid deceased, and uil otheï persoiiH intereted in snid feütatt . ;iro required to i-rpear at fteMÍon oí d court, then to be holden at the Probate office in tht city ot vnn Arbor, and ohow cause, ïf-nny tbere bt: why the pnvyer of Llie petHioner hould not be ifranled: And it is turther ordered thut Haid petitiniifi ivp noiice to the persons interesad in snid wtate, of the pendency ol aaid petition, anc' the heaiinf! thereof, by causinfï a copy of this ordei to be published in the Ann Akdiih Aiu;ls, a newsp:ipur printed and circulated in snid connty.three iucceasiveweek prcviotiB to md duy n1 heannp. W1LLIAM D. HARR1MAN, ,'Atruecopy.) Judtfe of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probtite lieister. Estáte of Kunlce Baldwtn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wjiwhleniiw, ss At a Beonion of the Probate Court for the County of Wcinhteuuw, hold n ttt the Probate Office in thf city of Arm Arbor, on Siiturny. tfae eighteentfa day oí Octotwr, in thr year one thouiaitd tiL'lit tiundied and neventy-mne. Present, Williuin 1), HavrÍmni.,.Tu(l(fe ot Pr roate. In the ititiiter of tb estáte ot E'inice Baldwin, dec ased. Norman 1Ï. (.ovirt. extcutor oí' lhe 1 ist ill and twtirment f ínid deceased, roii.t intu court and represent that lm is now pruparü 10 ren der his Anal account as such neeatnr. The reu pon it tsordered.that Tueaday, i he eleven th fia y uí Novouiher nevr, il leu o'clock in the foronoon, te assiined for examining and allowin such accon ni.íi iid tliat the de visees, legatewaud heirsai law rif ala drcea.sod, and all other peraoui interested in lid estáte, are requlred to appear at a seasion of lí1 cüurt, thtiii to be bolden at thé Probate Olfice, in the city of Aun Arhor, In said county, nnd show tausf, Ifany thora be, why the aald account sïiould uot be ullowed : And it is further ordered, thai -;iiii c fcutor gire notice to t)ie purons iutt-reated iti said catate, ol' the pendency ol said account nnd the hearing thereuf. by catMÍDg a copy o this order to be publiahcd in the Ann Aubor Abqdk, a newspHper printed and circulating in said county, two Hticcesaive weeks previous te Mild dar of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAUK1MAN, [A trne copy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. ü. Doty, Probate Register. Kstiii f of i'.linin John K iilm. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY K3 of Wiishteutiw, ss. Notice ishereby jïiven that by an order of the Probate Court for theCounty of Washtpnaw mjtdeonthe twentieth day o) October, A. D. 1S79. sii months froni that date were allowed for crcditors t [irusRnt their claini.sagainst the estáte ui Wiliiam John Knhn, late of said coun ty, deceaBed, and that ill credltors of ïaid deeeascd are requirec. to present ihelr cluttna to siid Probate Court, at tlu Prbatc Otflcein the city of Ann Arhor, for eiamniatiou and allowance, on or before the twentieth day of April next, and that stieh iflaiins will he heard lefore said Court, on ïuesday, r.he nventieth day ot f anuary, and on Tuesday, the w d.iy of April n-xt, at ten o'clouk u the furenoon of eiich oüf Baid davs. Dated, Aun Arlwir, O tolvr 20, A. T. 1S79. WILLIAM D. HABRIMAN, 43w4 Judge of Probate. Estafe of lSenjamin C. Houae. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Wttahtenaw, bb At a session of the Pro büte Court for the Ooanty of Washtenaw, holden at ie Probate O Hice in the city of Ann Arbor, on frulay, the aeventeenth day ot October in the year one thousand elght hu ml red and seveiity-nine. Present, Williain U. Ilurritmui, Judge of Probate. I n the matter of the estáte oí Benjamín C House, liece-ised. Allen ('rittenden, adininistrator of said estáte comes into court and representa lliat he is now preparad to reuder nis final account hb BUC.b admi nistrator. Ttu-rtMiptin f ï nrrpfl, that Tneadny, the eighteentli day of November next, at ten o'clock in the ioreuouii, te nasigneU toi - exiiiuiun K ml rtliowing such nccount, and that the heirH at law of itid deceased. and ui i other personti interest ed in s;iid eatate, re reqnired to appear at & acpsion of ■siiid court, th en to be holden at the Probate Olh'ce, in the city of Ann Arbor, i" said eounty, and show cause, if any there be, why the una nccount should not be allowed. And it ia further ordertd, that said administrntor 'ive notice tolie peiwons intfffsted in snid etate,of ihe pendency of said aocount, and the hearing tneieof bycuinpa copy oJ thi order to be pubnrinted umi circulaHnsf in said eounty, threeauccvfesive weeks previoua to sid tlny ui tieHtriug. WILLIAM D. UAÜK1MAN, (A tmecipy.) lnge ot Probute. Wm. ti. I'oty, Probate Register. Estáte of thurles Warner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COCNTY O of W(MhtenaWj ss. Notice íh hereby civen, hat by an ottler of the Probate Üourt í'or the ooutBv út Washtenaw, raade on t hti twenty-fir-H day of Octnber, A. D. 187'J, f-ix month from tlmt datewe llow! for rrcilitors to present their claim.s a;titist he estáte of Charles Warner, J.ite of aid connty, eceiind, and tlmt all oroditort of said deeeuued re requirfd to present their rlaíms to said Probad' 'ourt, at the Prohate Office lo the city of Ann Artor. for examltiation and allowance. on or bc f o re he twenty-firsl day of A pril next, and that Buch luuns wiU be herd beforu said court, on Wed neslay, the twenty-flrst day of Jnnuary, anti on Wedu'üday, the twenty-first day of Apiil next, at ten A'lock in the toren onn of ejcli of suid days Duted. Ann Arbor, Octuhn 31, 1879. WILLIAM D. HAUIÏIMAN, 45w4 Judge of Probate. Mort gage Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditions of acertain mortgase, exeoued by ('hristian Cook of Wiishtenaw county, Stn'e ot Michigan, to Thomas G. Speer, on the sevpnth d=iy of Februury, A. D. 1H72, aud recorried in the Register office" of Wnshtenaw county. Mjo' ■ i trn n , on the 17lh dayof Febrimry. A. T. 172, in Ltfcflr 47 of morí ga pres, on prtpe 138, which mortga:. was in iheöth dayof Marcli, A. D IS72 signed by said Thomns (i. Speer toGooTpeS.llrush oí the city of Abo Avbor county atoresaid, which Msifrnmeat was ruoorden ou the s une day at S.08 o'clock p. m., in ' iber 3 'f Assignments of Mortgases, ou page :ír,fi. and asnin iissigned by said Cieortre S. ïïrush to RpbeeCA Henriqinis on the 1 th dy of June, A. T). 187,'j, und refionlcd the 4th doy of November, A. 1) 1870, at 10 ÍÍ o'clork a. m., in Lihpr 4 Asslgnmetli of Mortgnfres, on pape 115 by whirh detault the power of sale contained in s.iid raortgai:e hs become operativa ; anithexe is claimed to bedueat the date hereof the 8um of stvcu hundred mvi fxty-ninc; dollars, also au iittorney fee of lliirty-flve dollars should affy proceedlntra be taken to iorecloae this mortgage. And no proceealiiffs t law m in chance ry ha ving been ïnstiinted to rocovor the debt .seoured by said raorigare or any patt theieof Not:e is hereby givn tha' by virtue ot the power ofsule eontttinea in said mort gacte and the atatnte i such case innde and provided, T ehall feil at public aucllon, 1o ibe highest bidder, on Suturday the24th dsty of January next. at two o'clock p. m. of anid djiy. at the south door of tlie Oourt House, in tht city of Ann Arbor, in s;iid county. (thnt being the place of holding the Circuit Courts) the premises described in said mort pago to aat.isl'y the rnount claimed to be due, with the chflrees of sale and a.ttorneya fee provided for in said mort gage, the followjnir deRcribed preniisca towit : The west one ihirdof the west half of the southwest qnarterof section Ihirty-four in town three, south of range tive the 8tate of Michigan, cootaining twenty-seven acres of land. more orless. Dated Oclober fl, 1879. REBECCA HENRTQUE3. JOHM N. GOTT, Aasignee of Mortgagee. Atlorney for Asatyee. lístate of Henry Vinkle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Wfishleníiw su. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtttuuw, holden at the Probate Oth'ce in the city of Aun Arbor, on Mon flay, the twentieth day of Otitober, in the year one thnusnnd eiffht hundred and seventy-nine Present, William D. Harrimnn. Judire of Probate, In the muiter of the estáte oi lleuiy Vinkle, deceased . Ou readinand fllingthc petition, duly veiified, of Morris Thompson, praying thnt n certain instrument noffon fllein this court, purportiufj to be the latt will and testament of said deccasei, mny be admitted to probate, and tliat he may be appointed extcutor theivof. Tlmieupon ït ie orderedtthatMondny, the seventeemb. day 01 N"vcinbcrnext, ut teno'clock in the roreuoou, oe ssiiíiied Lor tb hettiibK nf suid petition, and thftt the deviseus, lenateesund heirsatlaw of aairt decenaed, nnd uil other persons iuterested m eaid óslate, are required to appe:ir at a sesaion of Buid Court, then to be bnldeu t the Probate Ottice in the city of Aijii Arbor, nnd show cause, ii any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner hou ld not be írriiíiíed : And it is lurther ordered thitt atiid petitioner pive notice to the personi intereated in said estáte of the pendency of said petition nnd the hearinir thereof. by cuuttinpr a OOpy oj thlv order to be piiblishoc) in the ANK Aubob AnGus,a newepaper printed nnd civculated in Kiiid county, three suctepsive weeks previous to said day of lieuring. WILLTAM D. HA1UUMAN, f A truecopy.) .ludgeof Probate. Wm. U.Dott. Probate Résister, Etttate of Chnrle E. Burliiigame. STATE OF MICHluAN, COUNTY oí 'iilitenaw, 88. Notice is terebj given, t.hat by un order of tile Probate Court forthe (Jounty of Wiisliti'lmw. marte Otl the tenth dayot Octulier, A. D. 18T9, Bixmonths from thnt dnte nUiíwed foTfreáitorito mesent jtheir clim aguinrt Uie o ate oí Charlea É. Bui-liname, lute of niil counly, deoennpd. and tlmt üll creditora l ku4 deceuued urerequired to present tbt-i' cltiims lo said l'robBteCnurt, ut the Probnte DflBce ín thi oily of Ann Arb'T, for pxnminution and allowunce, on or hefsre the tontli day of April nfxt, nil thnt uch cl.iims will be heHrd beforo id Court, on Satnidiiy, the tenth dny of .Tiiniiary. Hnd m Snlurdu'y, the tentli day of April next, ut ten o'clock in the forertoon of each ot said diiys. Dated, Ann Arhor Octobr 10, A. l. ISTf. W1LL1AM U HARKIMAN, 42t4 Judge of iJrobate. - Price of tickets to Qrant's banquet in Cbicago, $7.


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Ann Arbor Argus