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LEGAL NOTICES. Lstate of Maria Ford. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNTY of Washtenaw. bs. At a session of the Probate Coort íor the (Jounty of Washienuw, holden at the Piobute Oítiee ia the city oí' Anu Arbor, on AI011day, the tílteenth duy ot September, in tbe year odp thousand eight hundred and seventy-iune. Present, Williuxn D Harrimnn, -ludge ot Proba tr. In the matter ol the esltite of Maria ford, deeesmkt On vcndinff and filinff the petition, duly verified, of Charles H. lïicliinond.prayinj; tlac hc or eonie otlier suitable peradn roay btj appointed administrator of the t'stiite of said deceased. Therfupon ït is oidered, that Saturday, the eitïlitii duy of November uext, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon, be üssifi''d toi ihe hearini. ot tid ptition.und thnt the heirs at lawoi ceased. and all nther person! intuios ted in .s id estatEt ire retjuired to appettr at u se.-ion of said court then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Aun Arbor, üiid ahow cnnse. if any ihere be, why the praver of the peliüoner aliould not b granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in suid estáte, ot the pendency of said petition and the heariutr thereof, by causiti copy of this order tobe pnblished n the Michioan ÁUGÜ8, n newsp;iper printed and ciiculated in said county, thrre sucetssive wetks previous to said day of lieurinp. WILLIAM D. HA.KKIMAN, (Atrneeopy.) .Tudeof Probate. Wm. (i. Doty, Probate Reister. The People'sPaper The wide-3proad popularity of The Detroit Eveninu News in iiiio.Hte'1 by itt; steady dnily citculation of over 22.000 copies." Thf. Nkws wmo n ver bet t ei Bopplied wit ti teiegraphio ititell&enee or more oom plet e mar k--t pulls hun I.OW. Il ent iy muil t" anv üddrcös ftt ihe rale ot $5 per year, poataiieineluded. The Echofor 1 88O Tuk Echo, the lïest and Clieapest wrekly i ncwspiipcr in t))tl Sta ■, is pnblislnd by the proprwtori of Tut: Kvknino Nxww, Hiid is now enterinu upon ItBMfCoud year. In clubs of iouror mure it eau be had for the smali pumi of 75 cents n yer. Three Months Pree! Suhbcribers for Tuk Kcho for 1880 will have the paper spnt ior the r nminder of this year f ree. All I poatmabtors are ageots, or eubsenbers may addre&s THE EVEMSG SEW, ■Dvtftt, mum, ' LEGAL NOTICES. íBiKJir íjiír. A BEAM MILLAGE and JAJiETTÍ xX.MiÜaf6 vs. Millón M.Dillon. ss: Hy rirtueoí writ of executiou issued outol and undt-r theseat tliR Circuit Court for tlieC'ounty of Washten,1" chaDcery, In the ftbore entitleü cause, tome rectod and delivered. ] did on Ihe twenty-M! riny ni' September, A. 1). 1S79, levy upm allí rlgbt, tllíp and interest of Abram M i II aire n1 Jnnette Mi}laííe in und to the follnwing descrié Real Estáte, to-wit : The east half of the nor weet qtwter ft' section numher t-wenty-tbree, w Township tour Souih. Knnge six Kast, beiní lftl Townsliip of York. "Washtenaw county, Michii whlcbAbOT desciibed nal eslnte I thall sell public TFudueto the liighest bidder at the t"" door of the Court oue, in the city of Aun .ArDM in said county. on the fifteesth jay or ovDJJ bkr, A. D. 1879. at 2 o'clock in the aftemuo" .said d:iy. Duted October 3, 1879. JOSIAH S. CASE, Bhli E. 1). Kixne, Solicitor for Deiendsst. Notice of Mortgage Sale. DY A MOUTGAGE BEAKING DATÍ D Oe'ober 18th, A. D. 1872, and recorded J the office of the Kegistor f Ueedo lor the tountyj Washu-iuiw, state oí Michigan, on the 2it day Oituber, A. 1). 187-, at nine o'clock hjiü Ihirty o lites a. M., iu líber 49 of raorlgafres, on paga S)"lv;mus Wlnpple duly mortgaged lo John A. " ling "All thof e certain piece or pareéis ol land 'Jj ingaad b'-intr in the county of Wslitenw state of Mü'bigan, knowii umi deeñhed as f o ■ 1 c mimely: The north hall' m the northeant l"l oí recIMW tbirly-tour, and the South huif'"1'' nwtheul qmirUT ol said seLiion thirty-four, totrnahip four mth of ranee seveii enst, tugf'" ith tli tenenients. heredituments aD(l appii'J nancesthereiiiito leloui:ilig." Defauli hu occiir"J in the coadltioul ot mortgue,bwhiflli"1 power ot Bale contained in suid morlguge Jj hGi-oine ojierntivp. The nmount claiimd to befl on Siiid nnntHc n the date oi this wotiif '. thc.uaand ln hundred and fortv-three do!ir8',. uidc-s the iittomcy toe oftl.irty flvedolíars lroíj1," 1'orinsiiidniurlgHge. And nosuit orprocluSn' iUK been institlltcd at luw to recover the dblMOi iiiaiiniiK.M cured by suid iiHrt(is?e oroy part tii" of. Notice is herebv givin thut suid DiriL'H(!e'". foreiOosed hy n aule of snid niorlf!H(?l Iiibos premiaos, which snle wil] beninde Ht publii"11"" lothe hiiiliict bidder on the l ihhmii VÁy'crZ,, CKMiiER, A. D. 1879, at ten o'oltk in the foi!1" t tlie souih door of the Court UoutK in thee") Ano Artor in said connt . Dated, Septimlicr 18, 1879. JOHN A. 1VATLING, MortgT NtNDK. Attorufy. EN. UOOPER, IW. D., Acioscli" J . Gycaocologist. Offieofcoinsr M eiü 1 tT tofi itrett, Ann Arbfr,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus