The County

- Mrs. A. E. Hewett of Manchester is visiting relativos at Thrue Rivera. - Mrs. Joseph Ottmar of Greenville, Miob., formerly of Manchester isinsane. - Peter Neiaa of Freedom preseuted postmaster Walbridge of Manchester with a 30 pound cabbage head. - N. Bodino of Saline is purchasing live chickens frotu farmers of Ypsilnnti, Manchester and Saline foï New York miiiket. - Patrick Costello has boen awarded tho contract to bui ld a bridge across thu Riiisin river east of Manchester, for f70, and bogan wurk Mouday. - The dwelling of Jasse Saxton, neiir Ypsilanti, which burned lately, was insurefl for fa 000 in the Watertown, N. Y. Agricultural company. - Chas. Kerapf, Tlios. Masón, Wm. nd Martin Burke lately leff NorthfieM 'or Colorado with the view of locating iiere provided the future louks to them dvantageonsly. - Jndge Harriman has appointed Daid G. Roso of Sharon. Truman B. Goodspeed of Superior, and Edward 'readwell of this city, to partition the limberly estáte among the heirs. - At tho annual prenchers' meeting of Adrián district M. E. church to be held Vov. 11 and 12, in Manchester, Kev, no. AlabaRter, pastor of the Aun Albor hurch, will give a sermón on the eveníg of the first day. - On Wednesday next at 10 A. tl., in ownship of Aun Arbor, auctioneerChas. tnylfin will uffer for salo to thf1 highest )idiier, the personal farm property of lie late Chas. E. Burlingame, at his late esidence. - A bed of bog iron ore hns been disoverod on the farm of G. D. Wiard, two nd onp-half miles east and one luile outh of Ypsilanti. The ore yields about orty per cent., and ís being shipped to Dtroit fumare. - The State Board of Education havo ecided not to place the telescope in the ,ower of the new Normal School building at Ypsilan'i but to build a smal I observatory similar to the practico obstr vatory now in use by the studentsat I he University. - In reply to thi propositan of studenti soing to Ypsilanti to board, as a nieans of revenge to Ann Arbor because the authorities are deterniined they shall behava themselves, the Commercial says: "Ypsilanti has no wish to be made the asyluni for rowdies." - Register of Deed Manly. supervisor Warner and James Doyle of York, J. D. Olontt of Augusta, and Egbert Hurper otLodi, luft thecounty Wedncsday to be absent until the middle of December in the northpast portion of Ogemaw Couuty i a pursnit of deer. - Sheriff Case escorted two insane womeri to Pontiao on Wednesday. A few weeks ago tho hnsband of Mrs. Christina Bind' r procured the release of his wife, believing she had recovered, but upon returnintr to her home in NorthfiVld, her old insane freaks broke out anew. The other, Elizabeth Cone has been an ininate of the poorhouse. - Miss Ann Elizi Young, whose sole duim to recognition as a lecturer is in the fact that the was the nineteemh bigum ;v, of ik lat, D-;„u„... "v„..„s is announced to speak at Dexter on Tuesday evening next. With a weak Toice, and poor deljyery she is without merit, unless it is in the recital of an adulterous intercourae with the dead prophet, which may be pleasing to some people. - J. G. Weidmeyer is a rich old farmer who Uves about four miles south of Chelsen, and who has been in the habit of keeping bad company. One day last wetk he went home from this place in a state of inebriation and knockert one of his sons down. Ilis wife interfered and he also went for her, but the boys told the old man to stop. or they would lick bini. Not liUing to be talked to thusly by his boys, the old man drew a knife and swore he would kill the whole faniily. His eldest son, Albert, now can) to tha rescue and gav his daddy one of the worst (hnishuiys he has had since his boyhood school days. Good for hi in. -
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus