
Manchester, Nov. 5. - Mis. Norria returned from Wash Ilgton Müinluy wliere she had buen stuyin; lor buine time. - Dave Bailey ws quite seriously in ured abuut the htad by ialling off a load of hay yesterday. - Henry Kirchofer, formerly clerk in Schmids' store, bas put in a stock of boots aud hoeR, and dry gooda, in the block beton; uscd as a saloon by Kurfoss. - Next Tuesday and Weduesday the Mthodint will hold their annual preacher' meeting at the M. E. church. Th Kv. J. Alabaster is expected to delivar a sermón Tuesday evening. - Our sportsnien are out again on another hunt today. Peck, tho clothier boing captain on one side, and J. H. Kingsley on the other. The side havinthe largHst count enjoys a Bupper at the expunae of the other.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus