
- Eiglit iridies of snow feil ia Coldwater Sunday night. - Ad Adrián lady has set out to becouie a first-class violinist. - A headless chicken was on exhibition at Marshall the other day. - A cheese factory at Utica was burned Tuesday night. Loss $5,000. - The union school building in Allnon was damaged f3,000 by tire Weduesday inorning. - One Faircbilds is in jail at Adrián charged w'th larceny, seduction and falso pretenses. - Edwanl Cowgill, one of the proprietors of Aionitor milis, at Lawton, died on Tuesday eveniug. : - F. O. Ward, conductor of the Canuda Southern wasinstantly killed at Monroe, Thursday of lust week. - L. Guggenheim's store in üillsdale, was datnaged by fire and water $1,000 worth, Wednesday afternoon. - Honors were paid in Albion, HuJson, and most of the towns in this vicinity to the late senator Chandler. ■ - Sheriff Mattison arrested fiveconnterftiters near Ionia, with all their apparatus and $65 in coin, Tuesduy night. - Vigorous efforts are being made at Marshall to secure the necessary funds tbr the coutemplated Toledo and Milwaukee railroad route. - For disturbin' the meetin' in Jasper, Charles Baker paid a fine of $5. For duing the sanie thing in Adrián, James Farmer paid a like aniount. - A g&ïig of burglars raided TUissfield, Lenawee Co., Thursday evening of last week. Besides plundering the post office of $30, several stores suffered more or less. - John Shelly, n farm laborer, stands charged with attempting to rape a tenyeais-old &irl, daughter of Jobn Schroder, a farmer of near Orchard Lake, Oakland county. - BattleCreekcitizenshavepetitioned Oor. CrosweU to pardon and release ames Calvin, who four years ago was entenced to ten years' iinprisonment 'or attempted rape. - A strong pressure will be brought to bear upon the governor by the people of Lenawee county, irrespective of party, to have hitn appoint Regent Ryud to the vacant senatorship. - The new liquor law is being put into effect at Hudson. Two persons have been arrested, one for selling liquor on Sunday and the other for selling to an intoxicated person. - W illiam Withiam, the Genesee oounty farmer who shot and killed George Rhinehart, has waived examination, and bis trial is set down for the next term of the county court. - On Monday night of last week the barn, granary and sheds of David Sojier, residing three and one-half miles norlh of Grass Lake wpre burned. Loss $4,000. Insurance $2,200. - An auction of personal farm property, W. H. Mclntyre, of Ann Arbor, auctiuneer, is announced for Thursday next, at 10 A. m., on the farm of Win Flynn of Green Oak, Livingston Co., two miles northeast of Whitmore Lakp. - The Clayton man who marriedafter a bereavemcnt of three months has been UMmMa Dj Morenci iran who exchanged his mourning toggery for wedding flnery in just three wenks. He didn't get a horse-fiddle serenade either. - A 13 years old daughter of Jobn Worthly, of Montrose township, Genesee county, mysteriously disappeared on Saturday and as yet all efforts to discover what has becotue of her have been fruitless. Her mothercomunUed suicide a year ago. - According to the Marshall States man, Rev. M. V. Rork of Athens, formerly of Lnsinir, contemplates arrangmg for a wet-kly circuit, including Albion, Marshall, Battle Creek, and Kalamazoo, preaching one evening every week at each place. -The 100 days in which the Port Huron church was to be rebuilt expired last Sunday, and on the "ro'l cali" about four-fifths of the sum snbsoribed ,o pay for the job was paid in. The ;otal ainount received in the 100 days, Belading donations of material, etc.. wa about $1,500. The ludies of the society expeot to raise f 1 ,000 by the bazaar system soon. The church ia now run on ;he pay-af-yoa-go basis. - Twenty of Lenawee county's 2G supervisors have signed a petition asking Prosecuting fftoruey Underwood notto carry the trial of the men indicted for ;he responsibility of the Adrián grand stand disaster into court. These are tht' same supervisors who in the celebrated Lenawee grain cases signed petition for a change of venue, and then signed contra petitions the next day. It niay ttlso be remembered that the prosecutor who fongbt a railroad company, numberless counsel, and a host of other difflculties successfully in thoso same cases is also leading the inuaic in the present cases. - An interesting criminal casa has jnst come to light. In the township of Milfurd has long resided an old farmer named Jacob Teeples, now 81 years of ge. Some tim since he deeded his farm to his youngest son, reserving to liimself a life lease and at his death the lease to run to his wife for the balance of her natural life. After being in posBession of the property for sotne time the owner soll the farm to his brother George, but unknown to his father aud mothur. The old gentleman found this out and beoame very wrathy. He is feeble with age and can scarcely get about, but a few davs since ho got a neighbor to give him a rido and land him close to the old homestead. With difficulty he made his way to the barn, and after three atteiupts succeeded in apptying a match totbe hay in the barn. He then crawled off to a safo distance and watched the work of destruction. In the barn were some fifteen or twenty tona of hay, a reaper and mower, fauning mili, drill and other valuable propesty, all of which were consumed. His son George, who now holds the farm, oaused a warrant to bo issued chargin the old man with arson. Deputy Stmiiff Lewi went to maKn the arrest, but finding the old man sick in bed with fe ver aud agua, and two phyaicians declaring it unsafe to remove him t present, be left birn in tbs bousa.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus