
You will find black and colored silks it oíd pnces at Bjtch & Abel's. You ought to see Bach & Abel's fancy ribbons - they are too handsome to wear. The trimming thatladies are inquiring for now are Pukin stripe satina. Bach & Abel have all colora. It is wonderful how the Hdies rush to Baoh & Abel's for new goods. Wil I - I l I i AU wool ca9hmeres at Büch & Abel's, 20 per cent. cheaper thaa auy other house iu the city. The wise and prudent aro to Baoh L Abel' for their Silks and CanhiHeres. Real and imitation laces of all kind at Biich Sc Abel's. ANINUAL ÜIKETISG. Theíinnual meeting of the Germán Farmers' B'ire [nsurance ('ompany of Washteunw County will be held ut the school house opposite the Germ-m l.utli Church in the towoship of Scio, on the flrtt Mundiy of December nest, at 10 o'clock A. Mu, tor the purpoae of eleciing otÖcit, and for the trausaction of such other husinosa as nñy legally como bcfure aaid meeting. A general attend aoce m requeated, Dated, October 31, 1879. WM. F. ] USS, Srretary. Real Kstate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY of Winhienttw, tB. In the matter of' the entalr of S miuel Axtel! and Sarah Axtell, inane persons Notice is het'eby given, that in pureu ince of nn order grantiü to the untierixned gu rdian of said insane perms, by the Hon. .rudi?e oí Probate for the county of Washlenaw, on the first day of Ntivftin her. A D. 1879. there will be sold ut public vrnrhic. to tlio hiijliest bidder, at the east fiout door of the Court Ilouae in the city of Ann Arbor, in tlie couuty of VVashtenaw in SHld tate, on Satcïiïay, TII1 Twentieiii lï of Dkckmbkr, A. I). 1S79, at twi o'cloclt in the alternoou of that day (subject to all encumbrance by murtgHtfO or oiherwise exiatiiif; ut the time of the sale) all the riftlit. tille and Qlai aal of riaid instile persona in the foll iwin deorihe real estáte, lo wit: Lot tiumlier forty-tbrea anti ihe north one-iourlh of lot number forty-two, in ■irnith's artdition to the city of Ann Arhor; albo a certain triangular piece of land fituated in the said Sinltli'sadditioii aforesaid, bondd went by lots forty-three (43) and fony-four (44), nurtbwieH'rly by lot fitty 50), sonth by lani dfoded to Elij:ih II. 1'Hrli.T (not includins any land heretofore deeded by lt. S. Siuitb), the iforesaid lots beinut in Smlth'a addltion to Ann Arbor city, in Washtenaw county, Michigan. Tíoc lt, 1879. t KANK L. AX.ÏlA.l, Guardlaa.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus