Geo. T. Lewis & Menzies Co.

BEST 18 CHEAPEST TH0U6H IT MAY COST A LITTLE MORE! LEWIS' CONDENSED XLbakinc W1 POWDER J i Mafte ftoi Reflnefl G-rape Cream of Tartar. &5. WH Keoommeiuled by Uio Bronklyti (N. Y;l Bnfird of Health, and by the flrst chemists in the Unittjd States. rm We wiU pay $1000.00 f any ALUM 'or otlier ifË KV" adulteran on fóund in th'ts l'owder. & LEWISFLAVÖRINC EXTRACTS THE BEST AlfP STRONGEST MADE. fe? H HANLFCTUftED BY THK tMB PHiLADELPHlA, PA.
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